Title: The Wonderful
1The Wonderful World of Weather!
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4These lessons are designed to reinforce the State
Science Standards.
Heat causes materials to increase in temperature
and feel warmer, or change state. (III C2)k-4
The atmosphere has physical properties that are
measurable and predictable.(VI A4)
5These activities will address the following
Hazelwood Objectives for fifth grade
Identify the properties of air
State or demonstrate that air presses in all
State that air moves from an area of high
pressure to an area of low pressure
6Can you take the pressure?
The AIR PRESSURE that is!
7Where would each of these places fit on a Venn
Diagram featuring high and low pressure?
Scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef
Titanic Wreck
Sea Level
Mount Everest
Death Valley, CA
Eye of a tornado
High pressure
Low pressure
8Titanic Wreck
Mount Everest
Sea Level
Scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef
Eye of a tornado
Death Valley, CA
High pressure
Low pressure