Title: Gilroy Hawks Wrestling
1- Gilroy Hawks Wrestling
- Presents Our 3rd Annual
- Casino Night
- Saturday, August 29, 2009
Gilroy Hawks Wrestling program is a youth
program thatteaches kids form ages 4 to 18 years
old. Our kids are very dedicated to improving
their wrestling techniques and train year long.
Part of their training includes attending
wrestling camps across the country. Some compete
in tournaments all over the United States and
have become State and National Champions. The
Gilroy Hawks program is having a fundraiser to
raise money to help these kids pay for
tournaments and wrestling camps. We are hosting
a Casino Night Fundraiser on Saturday, August
29th 2009. We are asking local businesses for
their support by either sponsoring a table (which
is paying for the cost of one table to run for
the evening 250) or by donating prizes.
Anything your business can fibe is much
appreciated. If your business would like to
donate to our Casino Night Fundraiser or if you
have any questions please contact Jennifer Varela
at (408) 846-1963 or (408)422-9382. Thank you
for your time and consideration. Coach Greg
Varela Gilroy Hawks Wrestling Casino
Night and Texas Holdem Tournament will be held
on Saturday, August 29th at 530pm at 18980
Monterey Highway in Morgan Hill. If you are
interested in purchasing tickets to attend pleas
contact Jennifer Varela (408) 422-9382 Gilroy
Hawks Wrestling Ph. (408) 422-9391 Fax (408)