Title: Technology Tuesday Webcast Series:
1Technology Tuesday Webcast Series
Want To Go Blogging?
- March 9, 2004
- Presenter Lori Bowen Ayre
- LBAyre_at_galecia.com
- What are Blogs and Bloggers?
- Blogging and Libraries
- Planning Your Library Blog
- Best Practices
- Reading Blogs and RSS Feeds
- Where to Learn More
Residents of Planet Blogistan or Web Logs
4In The BeginningAll Blogs Were Personal
- chronological lists of links to stuff that
interests the author (blogger), interspersed with
information, editorializing and personal asides - often impassioned and sometimes sloppy they
frequently surprise and just as frequently lose
focus - -Rosenberg (1999)
5Today, Web Logs Are
- also a tool to do what we've always done
collect, categorize, and make information
accessible. After all, adding a blog to your
library's site is free and easy. It is also a
quick way for you and your staff to communicate
information to your public and, if you choose, to
provide a forum for your public to join the
-Blake Carver (2003)
6Library Organizational Blogs
- news about the library or community
- new arrivals books, VCRs, CDs, DVDs
- list of upcoming events
- staff picks for the week
- most circulated/requested books
- new in the childrens department
- teen book club
7Blogging and Libraries
8How Public Blogs Benefit the Library
- website can be a destination for library and
community news - can be responsive to patron feedback
- can quickly respond to current events
- can allow for interaction between patrons and
library using comments - more involvement with website by multiple staff
9Escondido Public Library
10Library Provides Online BookClubFor Kids
11Librarys Genealogy Blog Enriching Lives with
Ancestral Ties
- http//www2.sls.lib.il.us/mt/enriching/
12Redwood City Liblog
13Planning Your Library Blog
14Components of a Blog
- sequential entries
- most recent on top
- updated frequently
- informal feeling
- clear theme or purpose
- available for syndication
15Marin County Free Library Blog
16Blog Planning Steps
- define purpose of blog
- set expectations
- who will post entries?
- are comments from public allowed?
- if so, what is policy on deleting posts?
- how often will blog be updated?
- define style and accessibility guidelines
- define how posts will be archived
- consider getting help with set-up
- easier to blog than set up a blog
17Purpose of Blog
- who is it for
- the community
- your patrons
- other librarians
- what kind of information can visitors count on
finding - acquisitions news
- readers advisories
- news about events at the library / in the
community / in the library world - book reviews
- opinions and editorials
18Expectations of Bloggers
- decide who will be the authors
- define topics/events for each author
- schedule how often does each person posts
- provide guidelines for length of posts
- decide if links will launch in same window or new
one -- make sure authors know how to do it - if using images, make sure authors know how to
19Expectations of Public
- provide mission statement
- purpose
- theme
- frequency of updates
- can public provide feedback?
- comments
- email
20Archiving Blog Entries
- old entries always available by date
- can also be available by topic
- define topic categories before starting
- should relate to mission
- limit number of topics to 10 or less
Tame the Web Libraries and Technology Archive
Source http//homepage.mac.com/mstephens7/B143020
21Choosing the Right Technology
- can you answer yes to following questions?
- we have a server that can be used for our blog
- we have a person who can download and configure
blogging software - we have a person who can integrate our existing
website with new blogging page so blog page has
the same look and feel and we have links between
home page and blog page - if you can, you can install blogging software
- if you cannot, you should use a hosted service
22Blogging Software
- Movable Type
- http//www.movabletype.org/
- desktop blogging software
- free for non-commercial use
- MT provides installation services too
- Typepad
- http//www.typepad.com/site/features/
- desktop blogging software - inexpensive but not
free - Pmachine
- http//www.pmachine.com/
- content management software or available as
hosted service - iBlog
- http//www.lifli.com/Products/iBlog/main.htm
- desktop software for Max OS X
23Hosted Blog Services
- Blogger.com
- http//www.blogger.com/
- yourname.blogger.com or you can host blog on your
own domain - Blogspot.com
- http//www.blogger.com/blogspot-admin/
- yourname.blogspot.com
- http//www.tblog.com/
- yourname.tblog.com
- Xanga
- http//www.xanga.com/
- xanga.com/you
- for more see http//www.lights.com/weblogs/hostin
24Advantages Disadvantages of Hosted Service
- advantages
- no setup
- anyone with login can contribute
- great way to try it out
- disadvantages
- templates are restrictive
- URL not on your domain (usually)
- free services are limited
25Best Practices
26Each blog entry should.
- be signed by author
- optional visitors can post comments
Source http//www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/
27Most Recent Entries are Always At Top of Page
Source http//www.lessig.org/blog/
28Archived Entries Available by Date and Topic
Source http//www.workingfaster.com/sitelines/
29Frequent Postings
- blogs should be updated 2 or 3 times per week
- the more frequent the updates, the more likely
people are to return
30Available for RSS Readers
- an RSS reader (or news aggregator) is software
that allows user to collect all new blog entries
(RSS feeds) in one place rather than visiting
each web log sequentially - a blog is syndicated when it can be read by RSS
- formats that can be read by RSS readers are
- RSS 1.0
- RSS 2.0
- the blogging software usually makes syndicating
very easy to do
31Reading Blogs
- Staying in the loop with RSS Feeds and Blogrolls
32Benefits of Reading Blogs
- increase awareness of library issues
- networking opportunities
- venting
- weblogs have become an outlet for the average
librarian to connect with others around the
world, exchange ideas, and belong to a group. - Steven M. Cohens November 9, 2003 Library Stuff
post entitled The New Breed of Library Weblogs
33Steven M. Cohen on RSS feeds
- In order to keep current, like many librarians I
had all of the web sites that I visited daily
bookmarked (about 50) in my browser at work and I
would painstakingly visit each site throughout
the day . - Now, I get almost all of the content I want from
all of these sites delivered to one place as soon
as the site is updated, saving precious time. - The most amazing part is that I am notified when
any of the sites I subscribe to are updated
within minutes. And I didn't have to be an
experienced techie to set-it-up.
34Subscribing to an RSS Feed
- copy the link
- paste in subscribe box of your RSS Reader
35A Peek at an RSS Feeder Bloglines
- definition (noun) The section of a weblog that
lists the sites that the blogger reads on a
regular basis. This is usually located on the
side of a blogger's frontpage, or on a separate
page linked off of the frontpage.
Source http//www.microcontentnews.com/resources/
- benefits
- great way to share RSS feeds
- the new bookmarks or favorites
37How to Learn More
38Online Course The Beginners Guide to Weblogs
and RSS
- Steven Cohen online course via Learning Times
- 4-week course - live online session once per week
- sessions April 6, April 13, April 20, and April
27, 2004 from 200 pm to 300 pm EDT (GMT -4) - 150
- http//www.learningtimes.com/rss115.shtm
39Good Books on Blogging
- Essential Blogging by Powers, Doctorow, Dornfest,
et al. OReilly Associates, 2002. 29.95
http//www.oreilly.com/catalog/essblogging/ - We Blog Publishing Online with Web Logs by
Bausch, Haughey Hourihan. John Wiley Sons,
2002. 29.95.