Title: Introduction to Information Retrieval IR
1Introduction to Information Retrieval (IR)
- Mark Craven
- craven_at_cs.wisc.edu
- craven_at_biostat.wisc.edu
- 5730 Medical Sciences Center
2Documents and Corpora
- document a passage of free text or hypertext
- Usenet posting
- Web page
- newswire story
- MEDLINE abstract
- journal article
- corpus (pl. corpora) a collection of documents
- Reuters stories from 1999
- the Web
3The Ad-Hoc Retrieval Problem
- given
- a document collection (corpus)
- an arbitrary query
- do
- return a list of relevant documents
- this is the problem addressed by Web search
4Typical IR System
inverted index
5The Index and Inverse Index
- index a relation mapping each document to the
set of keywords it is about
- where do these come from?
6Inverted Index
7A Simple Boolean Query
- to answer query hungry AND zebra, get
intersection of documents pointed to by hungry
and documents pointed to by zebra
8Other Things to Consider
- How wan we search on phrases?
- Should we treat these queries differently?
- a hungry zebra
- the hungry zebra
- hungry as a zebra
- If we query on laugh zebra should we return
documents containing the following? - laughing zebra
- laughable zebra
- Boolean queries are too coarse - return too many
or too few relevant documents.
9Handling Phrases
- store position information in the inverted index
- to answer query hungry zebra, look for
documents having hungry at position i and
zebra at position i 1
10Handling Phrases
- but this is a primitive notion of phrase
- we might want zebras that are hungry to be
considered a match to the phrase hungry zebra - this requires doing sentence analysis
determining parts of speech for words, etc.
11Stop Words
- Should we treat these queries differently?
- a hungry zebra
- the hungry zebra
- hungry as a zebra
- Some systems employ a list of stop words (a.k.a.
function words) that are probably not informative
for most searches. - a, an, the, that, this, of, by, with, to
- stop words in a query are ignored
- but might be handled differently in phrases
12Stop Words
a able about above according accordingly across ac
tually after afterwards again against all allow al
lows almost alone along already also although alwa
ys am among amongst
an and another any anybody anyhow anyone anything
anyway anyways anywhere apart appear appreciate ap
propriate are around as aside ask asking associate
d at available away
awfully b be became because become becomes becomin
g been before beforehand behind being believe belo
w beside besides best better between beyond both b
rief but by ...
13A Special Purpose Stop List
Bos taurus Botrytis cinerea C. elegans Chicken Goa
t Gorilla Guinea pig Hamster Human Mouse Pig Rat S
unknown gene cDNA DNA clone BAC PAC cosmid clone g
enomic sequence potentially degraded
- If we query on laugh zebra should we return
documents containing the following? - laughing zebra
- laughable zebra
- Some systems perform stemming on words
truncating related words to a common stem. - laugh laugh-
- laughs laugh-
- laughing laugh-
- laughed laugh-
- the Lovins stemmer
- 260 suffix patterns
- iterative longest match procedure
- the Porter stemmer
- about 60 patterns grouped into sets
- apply patterns in each set before moving to next
- May be helpful
- reduces vocabulary 10-50
- may increase recall
- May not be helpful
- for some queries, the sense of a word is
important - stemming algorithms are heuristic may conflate
semantically different words (e.g. gall
and gallery) - As with stop words, might want to handle stemming
differently in phrases
17The Vector Space Model
- Boolean queries are too coarse - return too many
or too few relevant documents. - Most IR systems are based on the vector space
18The Vector Space Model
- documents/queries represented by vectors in a
high-dimensional space - each dimension corresponds to a word in the
vocabulary - most relevant documents are those whose vectors
are closest to query vector
19Vector Similarity
- one way to determine vector similarity is the
cosine measure
- if the vectors are normalized, we can simply take
their dot product
20Determining Word Weights
- lots of heuristics
- one well established one is TFIDF (term
frequency, inverse document frequency) weighting - numerator includes , number of
occurrences of word in document - denominator includes , total number of
occurrences of in corpus
21TFIDF One Form
(N total number of words in the corpus)
22The Probability Ranking Principle
- most IR systems are based on the premise that
ranking documents in order of decreasing
probability is the right thing to do - assumes documents are independent
- does wrong thing with duplicates
- doesnt promote diversity in returned documents