Title: LCD Analysis with JAS and ROOT
1(No Transcript)
- News from Simulation Workshop III_at_ ANL
- Detector Simulation
- Hit Digitization
- Event Reconstruction
- Event Analysis
- JAS3 Visualization
- org.lcsim reconstruction code
- Necessary RD and next steps.
3Simulation Workshop III _at_ ANL
- Four days (June 2-5) of talks, meetings and
tutorials. - two dozen participants.
- Several projects/ideas spawned then were reported
on at this workshop. - http//www.hep.anl.gov/lcsw/
- Another fruitful meeting, group is slowly
achieving critical mass. - Will be discussing when and where to hold SimIV
4Greetings from Simulation Workshop III !
5Detector Simulation
- Geant4 now default production engine.
- Strong support from SLAC Geant4 team.
- xml file format used for Geant4 input. For
flexibility and ease of construction, using
simplified geometries, e.g. cylindrical barrels
and disks. - Maintain some standard geometries, others
easily generated by users or upon request. - lcdg4 (NICADD) writes sio files.
- lcs (SLAC) writes lcio files.
6Updated Geometries
- Can define n-sided detectors.
- user-defined slicing of stave modules
- Developing new xml schema for geometries.
- Arbitrary slicing of subdetector staves.
- e.g. SiD Si/W EMcal.
- Could also use for hybrid Si/Sci.
8Hit Digitization
- Calorimeter information quantized at Geant4
stage. Digitization package being designed. - Tracker information requires post-processing.
- Enables studies of detector strip, pixel sizes,
charge sharing, electronic noise, etc. - Provides more realistic simulation of effects of
backgrounds and noise - Nearby hits merged
- Hit-specific measurement uncertainties.
- Ghosts.
9CCD Digitization (N. Sinev)
- VXD hits from simulated events, finds charge
deposited in each pixel, adds electronics noise
and digitizes signal. - Finds CCD clusters, splitting if necessary.
- Coordinates of found centers are used to replace
tracker hits in the simulated events. Further
event processing (track finding, fitting, and so
on) proceeds the same way as it was before. - Can set CCD parameters (like thickness, depleted
layer depth, epitaxial layer thickness and so
on), electronics parameters (noise, ADC
conversion scale, pixel and cluster thresholds),
processing parameters (like cluster center
calculation method). - hep.lcd.mc.CcdSim
10TPC Digitization D. Peterson
Create hits, with time and pulse height,
centered on the average position in the cell
Wave Form to simulate time ( Z) response
Gaussian charge spreading on the pads
Threshold crossings found in this procedure
replace the original pad signals.
11Si ?strip
- Digitization package reported on at ALCPG04 in
January. - Several efforts devoted to tiling studies of
subdetectors (see tracking session summary). - Allows occupancies to be studied as functions of
strip lengths, orientation, charge sharing, and
ghosting due to stereo strip associations.
12Tiling Forward Disks
13Event Reconstruction Tracking
- Quite a bit of effort being devoted to developing
and improving track finding - Forward Tracking code implemented.
- VXD standalone tracking developed (N. Sinev)
- works even in presence of full backgrounds!
- Barrel track finding for SiD being developed
- inside-out (S. Wagner)
- outside-in (E. von Toerne, D. Onoprienko)
- TPC tracking being worked on (D. Peterson)
14Event Analysis
- Aim is to demonstrate full Particle Flow
reconstruction. - ReconstructedParticle concept and example
implementation introduced at Cornell. - Several groups now working on various aspects
- Quite a few talks at this workshop.
- Finishing up ?-finding high priority.
- Refine track-cluster association.
- Forward tracking code released.
- Muon-finding software being actively worked on.
15Calorimeter Tracking Clustering
- Muons (including MIP tracking in cal)
- C. Milstene
- EM MIP stubs
- W. Mader
- Photons
- G. Wilson, U. Nauenberg et al.
- K0S Finder
- E. von Toerne, D. Onoprienko
- digital vs hadronic HCal clustering analyses
16Calorimeter Assisted Tracking K0S
17Shower reconstruction by track extrapolation
Mip reconstruction Extrapolate track through
CAL layer-by-layer Search for Interaction
Layer - Clean region for photons
(ECAL) Shower reconstruction Define tubes
for shower in ECAL, HCAL after IL Optimize,
iterating tubes in E,HCAL separately (E/p test)
18Total Energy Sum Tracks Photons Neutrals
- 2 Gaussian fit
- mean 83 GeV
- ? 7.8 GeV
- Poor hadron shower reconstruction with tubes
more sophisticated approach - mean 87 GeV
- 4.7 GeV
- Good hadron shower reconstruction
After tuning, very similar results
Z?hadrons _at_91GeV cms
19Particle Flow
- Development has been quite rapid in last 6
months. - Many of the pieces are close to being released.
- Plugin architecture of reconstruction has allowed
groups to island hop around missing
functionality. - use MC info until missing package is supplied.
Java, C, Fortran
Java, C, Fortran Geant3, Geant4
Java, C, Fortran
21LCIO Producers Clients
- LCIO simulated detector response
- European Mokka package.
- American lcs package.
- Interest expressed by Asian simulation group.
- lelaps
- TPC hardware groups actively using.
- Cal TB groups using/planning to use.
- JAS3 and org.lcsim analysis packages.
- European Brahms reconstruction.
22LCIO plugin for JAS3
- Works with any LCIO file
- Diagnostic tools allow to step through and view
23LCIO plugin for JAS3
24WIRED3 with LCIO Plugin
25LCIOPlugin with WIRED4
26org.lcsim Goals
- Retain core functionality from hep.lcd package
- Full suite of reconstruction and analysis tools
available to all LCIO users - Update to use LCIO for IO and as basis for
simulation, raw data and reconstruction event
formats. - Update/simplify framework using experience from
hep.lcd - Internationalization
- Try to make package independent of detector,
geometry assumptions so can work with any
detector - Read properties of detectors at runtime
- Update to Java 1.4 (or 1.5)
- Many improvements since hep.lcd framework was
created. - Ability to run standalone or in JAS3
- Revitalize work on reconstruction algorithms
27org.lcsim Status
- Physics Utilities - done
- stdhep reader
- 3, 4-vector utilities
- diagnostic generator
- Jet finder, event shape utilities
- Org.lcsim package Phase I
- Conditions framework done
- Ability to read detector constants from zip
file - To define new detector just create new zip file
and place on web - File is read and cached locally
- Driver framework done
- Fast MC done
- IO Framework working, needs final LCIO 1.2
- Event Display interface in progress
28International Cooperation I
- ACFA simulation group intends to add lcio output
to Jupiter. - Have nice description of BDS elements.
- Obvious benefits in working together on this!
Looking forward to ACFA workshop in Taipei. Hope
to be able to actively participate, perhaps
arrange simulation mini-workshop.
29International Cooperation II
- Active collaboration with European colleagues in
development of LCIO and new event data model. - Brahms continues to be main reconstruction
package and framework for reconstruction. - LCIO compliant, but strong desire to move away
from FORTRAN to newer OO environment. - Variety of Particle Flow algorithms being
developed by several groups, but no coherent
program to date.
30Necessary RD
- Many of the tools necessary for characterizing
detector designs exist - fast and flexible detector response simulation
- signal background samples and merging code
- detector digitization, hit merging close
- track and calorimeter cluster reconstruction
- various parts of Particle Flow reconstruction
exist - Need more people to use and develop!
- Significant progress during the last 7 months.
- GEANT4 established as default
- LCIO reco event model done being adopted by
more groups. - Much progress in tracker detector digitization.
- Track finding strategies being actively
developed. - The developer/user community is growing there
is progress in developing reconstruction
algorithms, especially Particle Flow.
32Summary -
- Most of the reconstruction progress uses older
hep.lcd software sio input. - Need to transition to org.lcsim and lcio!
- Moving to lcio and org.lcsim promises payoff in
terms of more functionality international
collaboration, but requires upfront investment in
transitioning code. - Still need more people to USE the code to
undertake physics and detector studies. - We have not yet begun to analyze!
- Need feedback from physics and detector groups on
their requirements. - What detector capabilities do we need to
benchmark? - What changes are needed for the canonical
detector(s)? - What do we need to deliver (and when) for you to
accomplish your goals for LCWS?
34to Reality
From Hits
35Whats the reality here?
- LCIO http//lcio.desy.de
- hep.lcd http//www-sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/jas/Do
cumentation/lcd/ - Tutorials
- http//jas.freehep.org/jas3/Tutorial/index.html
- http//www-sldnt.slac.stanford.edu/snowmass/Welcom
e.html - JAS3 http//jas.freehep.org/jas3
- WIRED http//wired.freehep.org/
- HepRep http//heprep.freehep.org/
- Discussion Forums
- http//forum.linearcollider.org