Title: Sacramento Municipal Utility District: Transmission To Renewable Renewables
1Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Transmission To Renewable Renewables
- Elaine Sison-Lebrilla, P.E.
- Advanced, Renewable Distributed Generation
Technologies -
- Geothermal Resource Council Annual Meeting
- Reno, NV-October 6, 2008
- Sacramento Municipal Utility District
- RPS Renewable Energy Supply
- 2007 Portfolio
- Wind, Water, Solar, and Biomass
- Transmission Activities
- Publicly Owned (Sixth Largest in U.S.)
- Serves 1.4 Million (Sacramento County and parts
of Placer), 590,000 customers - 12 Supply Goal in 2006 23 in 2011
- Surpassed 2006 Goal of 12 by 1 Challenged to
Meet 2011 Goal - 33 by 2020?
4Renewable Energy Supply
- Two Programs RPS Greenergy
- SMUD Owns Renewables Signs PPAs
- Released 4 Request for Offers
- Current solicitation, proposals due Oct 21st
- Accept unsolicited proposals, willing to consider
innovative ownership options
5Renewable Energy Supply
62007 Renewable Energy Mix
PV lt1
Small Hydro 6
Geothermal 21
Biomass 47
Wind 25
- Solano Wind Facility (Rio Vista)
- 102 MW today
- Land Purchase another 125-130 MW
8(No Transcript)
9SMUDs PV Portfolio
- Consistent Leadership for 25 years
- Utility designed, owned operated to incentives
- Currently 1,100 installations 10 MW AC
- 1023 Residential
- 114 Commercial
- 18 Utility Scale
- 35 Misc. Others
Multi-Fuel with 7.5 MW from Digester Gas
11Dairy Biogas to Energy
SMUD is working with two local dairies to capture
methane from cow manure to generate electricity
12Acquiring Renewable Energy
- Barriers
- Transmission Constraints
- Declining Availability of Renewable Projects
- Increasing prices for Renewable
13Elverta-OBanion Line
- Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)
- Sacramento Area Voltage Support (SAVS) Project
- Increases transmission reliability
- Increases import capacity
- Late 2010 or early 2011
14Elverta-OBanion Line
Distances are approximations
15TANC Transmission Program
- Transmission Agency of Northern California
includes SMUD and other N. CA POUs - Access to Renewables in Northeast CA, Nevada and
Pacific Northwest through increased transmission
16Wind Opportunities
Fredonyer Peak Lassen County SMUD 150
MW, possibly more
17Geothermal Potential
Greater Reno lt 650 MW Dixie Corridor lt 500
MW Medicine Lake lt 200 MW Surprise Valley lt 40 MW
Source GeothermEX Study Funded by CEC PIER
18Northern California Regional Integration of
- Funded by CEC PIER
- Develops Multi-Utility transmission planning
scenarios with portfolio of Renewables to supply
demand to 2020 - CEC, CPUC, CAISO, PGE, WAPA, TANC, and SMUD
- Provides insight to transmission interactions and
implications with more renewable generation
19Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative (RETI)
- Identify competitive renewable energy zones
(CREZs) - Identify transmission projects needed for CA RE
Goals - Facilitate transmission generation siting and
permitting - Result in transmission recommendations that
supports future energy policy
20Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative
- Structure
- Steering Committee (CEC,CPUC, CAISO, SCPA,SMUD,
and NCPA) - Stakeholder Steering Committee
- Multi-phases
- Currently concluding 1st Phase
- http//www.energy.ca.gov/reti/index.html
21Western Renewable Energy Zones Project
- Develop framework for how best to develop and
deliver energy from renewable resource areas to
load centers among 11 western states, Mexico,and
two Canadian provinces - Identify renewable energy zones and conceptual
transmission plans needed to deliver the
renewable energy to load centers
22Western Renewable Energy Zones Project
- WGA with funding from DOE
- Structure
- Steering Committee
- Technical Committee
- Working Groups (ZITA, Environment and Lands,
Generation and Transmission Modeling) - http//www.westgov.org/wga/initiatives/wrez/index
- SMUD committed to meeting RE Goals
- SMUD is working collaboratively with others to
overcome transmission barriers for the future
24Contact Information
Elaine Sison-Lebrilla esison_at_smud.org (916)