Title: Jeopardy
Persian War
Peloponnesian War
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
Alexander The Great
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 100
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 200
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 300
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 400
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Q 500
Final Jeopardy
3Persian War100
Which two major rival city-states joined forces
to fight the Persians?
4Persian War100
Athens Sparta
5Persian War200
Battlefield that was about 26 miles away from
6Persian War200
7Persian War300
Mountain pass defended against the Persians by
the Greeks, including 300 Spartans.
8Persian War300
9Persian War400
Give one reason Xerxes attempted to conquer
10Persian War400
- Avenge his fathers losses
- Greece in the way of conquering Europe
- Control of the Aegean and other seas
11Persian War500
The Persians were defeated by the Greek navy at
the Battle of _______ in 480 BC.
12Persian War500
The Battle of Salamis
13Peloponnesian War100
Which two major rival city-states fought each
other during the Peloponnesian War?
14Peloponnesian War100
Athens Sparta
15Peloponnesian War200
1) What struck Athens in 430 BC, killing a
portion of its population? 2) Approximately what
portion of Athenians died during this disaster?
16Peloponnesian War200
A plague killed approximately 1/3 (33) of the
Athenian population.
17Peloponnesian War300
Before disaster struck, Athens was relatively
safe from Spartan attacks. Give one reason why.
18Peloponnesian War300
- Protected by the Long Walls
- Could get food from its colonies
- Had a strong navy
19Peloponnesian War400
The balance in the military forces came from
_______ having a stronger navy and _______ having
a stronger army.
20Peloponnesian War400
Athens Navy Sparta Army
21Peloponnesian War500
What was one of the results of the Peloponnesian
22Peloponnesian War500
- Athens lost its fleet, empire, power and wealth
- Athens lost its self-confidence
- Democratic government began to falter
- Leaders became corrupt
- Changes in art and drama showed emotion
This kind of geography made it difficult for
Greeks to farm their land.
Sea that separated Greece Asia Minor.
Aegean Sea
The Mycenaeans were from the Greek mainland,
while the Minoans were from ________.
Why did Xerxes choose to take his army through
the pass at Thermopylae?
- Inland was too hard for traveling
- Coastline was flatter, more open
Why was the sea trade so dominant in the Greek
economy? Give one reason.
- Mountainous terrain
- Little farmland
- Surrounded by seas
Define philosopher.
34Philosophers 100
- One who seeks wisdom and truth
- One who questions the knowledge and ideas of the
35Philosophers 200
Plato was the student of ______. Aristotle was
the student of _____. Alexander the Great was
the student of ________.
36Philosophers 200
- Socrates taught Plato,
- Plato taught Aristotle, and
- Aristotle taught Alexander the Great.
37Philosophers 300
Why was Socrates forced to drink poison hemlock?
38Philosophers 300
- Said to have been corrupting the youth of
Athens. - Questioning Athens democracy, religion, and
39Philosophers 400
Name one of Aristotles important ideas (in
science or philosophy).
40Philosophers 400
- Every truth comes logically from another truth
- Developed scientific method
- Believed matter existed in four elements air,
fire, earth, and water
41Philosophers 500
How did the Republic work according to Plato?
42Philosophers 500
- Ruled by a philosopher-king, with soldiers next,
followed by artisans and farmers
Define Democracy.
44Governments 100
Government run by the people, with all citizens
having a say in public matters.
45Governments 200
What is a tyrant?
46Governments 200
- A ruler whose power is not controlled by laws or
47Governments 300
- Democracy was first introduced and practiced by
which Greek city-state?
48Governments 300
49Governments 400
Athenian ruler who restored democracy and
developed a written constitution.
50Governments 400
51Governments 500
Why did Plato believe that a true democracy could
never work?
52Governments 500
- He believed that a democracy that killed its
greatest minds (see Socrates) could not function
since it rid itself of the brains of society.
What was the term for a Greek foot soldier?
54Military 100
55Military 200
How many days worth of supplies did soldiers
carry into battle?
56Military 200
Three days worth
57Military 300
What prepared the Spartans to be the strongest
army in Greece?
58Military 300
Every male citizen was raised to be a soldier,
and each male citizen served in the Spartan army
until age 60.
59Military 400
Describe the phalanx formation and its tactics.
60Military 400
- 8 soldiers across, 8 soldiers deep, or 16x16
(Macedonian) - Each soldier covered ½ of themselves and ½ of the
next soldier - Long Spears stabbed outwards, past the shields
61Military 500
What made the Macedonian armies more effective
than the Greek armies?
62Military 500
- Use of longer spears
- Formation of bigger phalanxes
- Cavalry (horseback troops)
63Alexander the Great100
Who was Alexander IIIs father?
64Alexander the Great 100
Philip II
65Alexander the Great 200
Conquered this empire during his conquests.
66Alexander the Great 200
Persian Empire
67Alexander the Great 300
Why do historians believe Alexander was fortunate
to live until the age of 32?
68Alexander the Great 300
- Lots of time spent in hostile lands.
- Always at the frontlines of battle.
69Alexander the Great 400
What was his spreading of Greek culture called?
70Alexander the Great 400
71Alexander the Great 500
What was his accomplishment in the hierarchy of
72Alexander the Great 500
He was crowned Pharaoh
What was the name of the peninsula where Athens
was located?
74Athens 100
75Athens 200
Name Athens main deity and what that deity
76Athens 200
- Athena
- Symbolized wisdom, arts, military, and protection
for cities
77Athens 300
Name an accomplishment of the Athenian leader
78Athens 300
- Let the debtors out of prison and enslavement
- males 21 years and older could discuss and vote
in the Assembly - Created a court system
- Had fathers teach sons a trade
- Results increased products and more trade
79Athens 400
What were womens roles in society in Athens?
80Athens 400
- Not allowed to vote
- Expected to stay at home and supervise work there
81Athens 500
Describe Pericles accomplishments as Athens
82Athens 500
- Paid salaries for public officials (meant poor
could also serve) - Made Athens navy strong
- Beautified Athens
Peninsula where Sparta was located
84Sparta 100
85Sparta 200
What kind of state did Sparta develop?
86Sparta 200
Military state
87Sparta 300
Outline the 3 levels in the Spartan hierarchy.
88Sparta 300
Spartans/citizens Perioeci/economists Helots/s
89Sparta 400
What were some causes for Spartas victory in the
Peloponnesian War?
90Sparta 400
- Strongest army
- Plague hits Athens
91Sparta 500
Describe life for a male growing up in Spartan
92Sparta 500
- Age 7 - boys go into training
- Age 20 - become cadets patrolled helots
- Age 30 - men became Spartan citizen/soldier
Define Ostracism
94Miscellaneous 100
Someone was voted to be banished from the city
for 10 years
95Miscellaneous 200
Define Hellenization.
96Miscellaneous 200
The spread of Greek language, culture and
religion to other lands
97Miscellaneous 300
What is the name of the narrow strait that
separates Europe from Asia?
98Miscellaneous 300
- Dardenelles Strait
- Or -
- The Hellespont
99Miscellaneous 400
Blind poet and his two most famous epics.
100Miscellaneous 400
- Homer
- The Iliad and The Odyssey
101Miscellaneous 500
Nomads who invaded Greece in 1100 BC and brought
about the Greek Dark Ages (for about 400 years).
102Miscellaneous 500
The Dorians
103Final Jeopardy
104Final Jeopardy
- For years the Trojan War was believed to have
been a mythical story. What happened to make the
story more believable as fact, and who made this
105Final Jeopardy
- Heinrich Schliemann found evidence in present-day
Turkey. The evidence consisted of artifacts that
matched descriptions of items used in The Iliad.