Title: Earth TechOne, 9654435045, Earth Tech One Noida Commercial Space
1Earth TechOne Noida, 9654435045, Earth Tech One
Noida office space
- Earth TechOne Noida Commercial Project Fully
furnished ready to move in office space A
fabulous IT/ITES project Earth Tech One is a
state-of-the-art venture designed to provide the
world-class office space to the reputed
organizations. It offers contemporary work space
for leading corporate hubs software giants and
IT enabled service companies seeking globally
benchmarked infrastructure. Business facilities
at this world-class property include a business
center, wireless internet access, meeting rooms
for small groups, public video conference rooms
and a technology helpdesk.
2Earth Tech One Noida Commercial Space
- Earth TechOne _at_ fact sheet
- SITE LOCATION Plot No 1 , Tech Zone, Yamuna
Expressway, Opp. Gautam Budha University, Greater
3Earth TechOne,Earth Tech One Noida Commercial
- OFFICE SPACE UNITS Ready to move in office
spaces - Ranging 350 sq ft, 500 sq. ft. and 750
sq. ft. (Approx.)
4Thank You
- ANS Solutions Total Property Solutions
- Contact at 9654435045
- Visit us http//www.ansproperty.com
- Write us ansproperty_at_gmail.com,