Title: 8th Grade Technology
18th Grade Technology
- 1st. Nine Weeks
- Magic of Electrons
2Learn how the parts work
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Diodes
- Photocells
- Circuit Boards
4Projects to build
- Railroad Lights
- Variable Speed Lights
- Blinking Lights
- Breadboard Circuits
5Night Light
62nd Nine WeeksAutomation and Robotics
- Students will learn to build basic mechanical
automation devices
7Rack and Pinion Gears
- Learning to Program.
- Learning to Design and build a robot.
Students will be given several operations that
they have to create a program for the robot to do
for them.
10Mission You and your friends have decided to dri
ve to a movie. Before you can leave home, you
need to prove to your parents that you really
know how to drive a car. Your mission is to prove
how responsible you are by simulating your trip
to the movies using the fischertechnik parts.
11ROBO Pro Screen
The software we use.
Set to Level 1 Beginners
Element Window
Program Window
12The Element Window
Program elements are icons that, when selected,
access instruction sets in the ROBO Pro software
to perform the operations identified by the
138th GradeDesigning
Using Adobe Inventor 11 software
one picture is worth a thousand words
15Isometric Sketching
Copy this sketch onto your 2nd isometric axis.
16Two-Point Perspective
In two point perspective the depth lines converg
e on one vanishing point (VP2) and the width lin
es converge on the
other vanishing point (VP1).
Copy this two-point Perspective sketch on your d
rawing paper.
17Multiview Sketching
The arrows represent the line of sight associate
with each view.
Note how the views are oriented. Each view is a
djacent to the other as if they were unfolded f
rom a 3D shape.