2Additional Adjustment Reason - Overview
- Adjustment Reason
- (Ineligible or Deceased Dependent)
Human Resources Personnel Management
Administration HR Master Data Maintain
4Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
1. Follow the menu path or Enter PA30 in the
command field press Enter
5Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
2. Enter the personnel number
3. Use the left and right scroll buttons to
select the Benefits tab
6Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
5. Click Create
4. Select the Adjustment Reasons Infotype, or
enter 0378 in the Infotype field
7Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
Note Use the 1st of the month following the
8. Click Enter
6. Enter the date
7. Select the Adjustment reason that applies
8Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
9. Click Yes
9Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
10. Click to Save
10Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
11. Click Yes to continue to Enrollment/HRBEN000
11Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
12. Select the Ineligible Dependent offer
12Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
13. Select the employees Medical Plan
13Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
14. Select the dependent tab
14Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
16. Select the Option tab
15. Choose the ineligible dependent and uncheck
the selection box
15Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
Note Check Dependent Cover section to make
sure the employees remaining dependents are
covered if applicable
17. Click to Accept
16Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
18. Select Enroll to complete the Adjustment
17Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
Note Verify that the activity change is correct
19. Click to enroll
18Adjustment Reason Ineligible or Deceased
20. Click to print Confirmation letter once
complete, click to continue
- Adjustment Reason
- (Divorce)
Human Resources Personnel Management
Administration HR Master Data Maintain
20Adjustment Reason Divorce
1. Follow the menu path or Enter PA30 in the
command field press Enter
1. Follow the menu path or Enter PA30 in the
command field press Enter
21Adjustment Reason Divorce
2. Enter the personnel number
3. Use the left and right scroll buttons to
select the Benefits tab
22Adjustment Reason Divorce
5. Click Create
4. Select the Adjustment Reasons Infotype, or
enter 0378 in the Infotype field
23Adjustment Reason Divorce
8. Click Enter
Note Use the 1st of the month following the
6. Enter the date
7. Select the Adjustment reason that applies
24Adjustment Reason Divorce
9. Click Yes
25Adjustment Reason Divorce
10. Click to Save
26Adjustment Reason Divorce
11. Click Yes to continue to
27Adjustment Reason Divorce
12. Select the Divorce offer
28Adjustment Reason Divorce
13. Select the employees Medical Plan
29Adjustment Reason Divorce
14. Select the dependent tab
30Adjustment Reason Divorce
16. Select the Option tab
15. Choose the ineligible dependent and uncheck
the selection box
31Adjustment Reason Divorce
Note Check Dependent Cover section to make
sure the employees remaining dependents are
covered if applicable
Note If the employee was carrying ES3 or EF3 as
a dependent Option, the Health Plan Option must
be changed to 2 at this point of the process.
17. Select Accept
32Adjustment Reason Divorce
18. Select Enroll to complete the Adjustment
33Adjustment Reason Divorce
Note Verify that the activity change is correct
19. Click to enroll
34Adjustment Reason Divorce
20. Click to print Confirmation letter once
completed, click Continue
- Adjustment Reason
- (Cancellation)
Human Resources Personnel Management
Administration HR Master Data Maintain
36Adjustment Reason Cancellation
1. Follow the menu path or Enter PA30 in the
command field press Enter
37Adjustment Reason Cancellation
2. Enter the personnel number
3. Use the left and right scroll buttons to
select the Benefits tab
38Adjustment Reason Cancellation
5. Click Create
4. Select the Adjustment Reasons Infotype, or
enter 0378 in the Infotype field
39Adjustment Reason Cancellation
Note Use the 1st of the month following the
last day of coverage.
8. Click Enter
6. Enter the date
7. Select the Adjustment reason that applies
40Adjustment Reason Cancellation
9. Click Yes
41Adjustment Reason Cancellation
10. Click to Save
42Adjustment Reason Cancellation
11. Click Yes to continue to
43Adjustment Reason Cancellation
12. Select the Cancellation offer
44Adjustment Reason Cancellation
13. Select the employees Medical offer
45Adjustment Reason Cancellation
14. Place a check in the Stop participation in
period box
15. Click Accept
46Adjustment Reason Cancellation
Note Warning message on COBRA
16. Click to continue
47Adjustment Reason Cancellation
Note Once all of the employees Benefits have
been cancelled, a Stop sign will appear.
17. Click Enroll to complete the Cancellation
48Adjustment Reason Cancellation
Note Verify List of Plans being cancelled.
18. Click Enroll
49Adjustment Reason Cancellation
19. Click to print Confirmation letter once
completed, click Continue