CSC 2720 Building Web Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSC 2720 Building Web Applications


PHP URL-Rewriting Example ... PHP Participating in a session ... If a user has successfully logged in through login.php, then ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSC 2720 Building Web Applications

CSC 2720Building Web Applications
  • Cookies, URL-Rewriting, Hidden Fields and Session

  • HTTP cookies are data which a server-side script
    sends to a web client to keep for a period of
  • On every subsequent HTTP request, the web client
    automatically sends the cookies back to server
    (unless the cookie support is turned off).
  • The cookies are embedded in the HTTP header (and
    therefore not visible to the users).

  • Shortcomings of using cookies to keep data
  • User may turn off cookies support.
  • Data are kept with the browser
  • Users using the same browser share the cookies.
  • Limited number of cookies (20) per server/domain
    and limited size (4k bytes) per cookie
  • Client can temper with cookies
  • Modify cookie files, use JavaScript to
    create/modify cookies, etc.
  • Notes
  • Don't always rely on cookies as the client may
    have turned off cookies support.
  • Don't store sensitive info in cookies

PHP Accessing Cookies
  • To set a cookie, call setcookie()
  • e.g., setcookie('username', 'Joe')
  • To delete a cookie (use setcookie() without a
  • e.g., setcookie('username')
  • To retrieve a cookie, refer to COOKIE
  • e.g. username _COOKIE('username')
  • Note
  • Cookies can only be set before any output is
  • You cannot set and access a cookie in the same
    page. Cookies set in a page are available only in
    the future requests.

PHP More About Setting Cookies
  • setcookie(name, value, expiration, path,
  • domain, secure, httponly)
  • expiration
  • Cookie expiration time in seconds
  • 0 ? The cookie is not to be stored persistently
    and will be deleted when the web client closes.
  • Negative value ? Request the web client to delete
    the cookie
  • e.g.
  • setcookie('username', 'Joe', time() 1800)
    // Expire in 30 minutes

PHP More About Setting Cookies
  • path
  • Sets the path to which the cookie applies.
  • The cookie is only visible to all the pages in
    that directory and its sub-directories.
  • If set to '/', the cookie will be available
    within the entire domain.
  • If set to '/foo/', the cookie will only be
    available within the /foo/ directory and all
    sub-directories such as /foo/bar/ of domain .
  • The default value is the current directory that
    the cookie is being set in.

PHP More About Setting Cookies
  • domain
  • The domain that the cookie is available.
  • To make the cookie available on all subdomains of, you'd set it to ''.
  • Setting it to '' will make the
    cookie only available in the www subdomain.
  • secure
  • Indicates that the cookie should only be
    transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from
    the client. When set to TRUE, the cookie will
    only be set if a secure connection exists. The
    default is FALSE.
  • httponly
  • When TRUE the cookie will be made accessible only
    through the HTTP protocol.

  • Append the data to the URL
  • e.g. http//
  • Data are kept along with the "page"
  • Need to append the data to every URL in the page
    that needs to carry the data to another page.
  • Every 'name' and 'value' should be URL encoded
    using urlencode().
  • Shortcoming of using URL-rewriting to keep data
  • Limited number of characters in an URL
  • Not suitable for sensitive info
  • You can encrypt the data to improve security
  • Breaks when a user access a static HTML page

PHP URL-Rewriting Example
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to url as // url?key1value1key2value2 funct
ion append_data_to_url(url, array) first
true url . '?' foreach (array as key
value) if (! first) url . ''
else first false url .
urlencode(key) . '' . urlencode(value)
return url // Continue next page
PHP URL-Rewriting Example
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
// A script that lists 20 items per page
current_page _REQUEST'page' sort_order
_REQUEST'sort' // Perform validation and
set default values here // Create parameters
that need to be appended to URL params
array('page' current_page 1,
'sort' sort_order) // Append the above
parameters to the URL that links // to the next
page next_page_url append_data_to_url(
_SERVER'PHP_SELF', params)
// Repeat for other URLs that need to carry
data // in the URL ?
PHP URL-Rewriting Example
36 37 38 39 40 4142 43 44 45 46
Example Retrieve and display current page's data here
? "Next
  • In this example, when the user clicks the "Next
    Page" link, the script will knows which page to
    display and what sorting order to use.

Hidden Fields in HTML Form
  • Data are encoded as hidden fields in HTML form
  • value"CJ Yuan" /
  • Shortcoming of using URL-rewriting to keep data
  • Require HTML form elements

  • A session is a period of time in which all
    activities happened within the period by the same
    web client are considered "related" (typically
    belong to the same application.)
  • Session Tracking keeping track of users as they
    traverse from one web page (generated from a
    script) to another within a website (or within a
    web application).

How Session Works?
  • The first time a web client visits a server, the
    server sends a unique "session ID" to the web
    client for the client to keep.
  • Session ID is typically stored in the cookies.
  • The session ID is used by the server to identify
    the client.
  • For each session ID created, the server also
    creates a storage space. Server-side scripts that
    receive the same session ID share the same
    storage space.
  • The storage space is typically implemented as a
    map-liked data structure.
  • In PHP, it is an associative array named
  • A session's "storage space" is only kept alive
    for a period of time (session period) or until it
    is explicitly deleted.

PHP Participating in a session
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scripts that // need to participate in the same
session. session_start() // Now we can
read/write data from/to _SESSION if
(authenticate(_POST'user', _POST'passwd'))
// Use this value to remember if a user has
'logged in' _SESSION'user'
_POST'user' else unset(_SESSION'us
er') ?
The first time session_start() is called, it will
attempt to send a cookie named PHPSESSID with a
generated session ID made up of 32 hexadecimal
letters. The data stored in _SESSION will be
saved in an external file when the script exits.
PHP Participating in a session (continue)
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session_start() // Session data set in
login.php are available here if (!
isset(_SESSION'user')) // User has not
yet logged on ?
If a user has successfully logged in through
login.php, then The next time session_start() is
called, it will load the session data from a file
into _SESSION based on the value of PHPSESSID.
PHP Ending a session
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session_start() _SESSION array() //
Clearing all session data // Delete the cookie
that stores the session ID to KILL the session
if (isset(_COOKIEsession_name()))
setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-3600,
'/') // Finally, destroy the session
(Deleting // the session data stored in the
file) session_destroy() ?
Note session_name() returns the name of the
cookie that stores the session ID.
PHP Setting Session Parameters in php.ini
  • Some of the session related parameters in
  • This option enables administrators to make
    their users invulnerable to
  • attacks which involve passing session ids in
    URLs defaults to 0.
  • session.use_only_cookies 1
  • Name of the session (used as cookie name).
  • Initialize session on request startup.
  • session.auto_start 0
  • Lifetime in seconds of cookie or, if 0, until
    browser is restarted.
  • session.cookie_lifetime 0
  • The path for which the cookie is valid.
  • session.cookie_path /
  • The domain for which the cookie is valid.

PHP Function For Setting Session Parameters
  • void session_set_cookie_params(
  • int lifetime, string path, string domain,
  • bool securefalse, bool httponlyfalse )
  • Set cookie parameters defined in the php.ini
    file. The effect of this function only lasts for
    the duration of the script. Thus, you need to
    call this function for every request and before
    session_start() is called.
  • Default value of path is '/'. To prevent session
    ID from being discovered by other PHP scripts
    running in the same domain, you should set path
    to the subfolder where your scripts are stored.

Combined Use
  • All of Cookies, URL-rewriting, Hidden Fields, and
    Session can be simultaneously used in a web
  • Cookies Can persist data for long period but is
    not suitable for keeping sensitive data or large
    amount of data.
  • URL-rewriting Keep data along with page
  • Hidden Fields Keep data along with page (can
    keep more data but requires HTML form)
  • Session Objects Keep "short-live" data shared
    among the server-side scripts within a web
    application for a particular web client.

  • Session Management
  • Cookies
  • URL-Rewriting
  • Hidden Fields in HTML Form
  • High level APIs in Java and HttpSession Objects.
  • References
  • http//
  • PHP Manual Session Handling
  • http//
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