Title: Task 5 Information Gathering
1Task 5 Information Gathering
2Task 5 Information Gathering
- Title Change Subtask 5E - Medication Pass and
Pharmacy Services - Text added for assessment of pharmaceutical
3Task 5 Information Gathering
- Sub-Task 5A Text revised
- Each surveyor completing a medication pass
observation will review drug storage on their
assigned units
4Task 5 Information Gathering
- Sub-Task 5C Revision
- Text added to use the Investigative Protocol for
F329 for each Resident Review - Deleted Adverse Drug Reactions Section 5C, part
G3 - Resident Review form instruction to record all
meds in past 7 days remains the same
5Task 5 Information Gathering
- Title Change Subtask 5E - Medication Pass and
Pharmacy Services - Current guidance is entirely replaced
- Medication Pass (includes Labeling)
6Unnecessary Medications
- Guidance Training
- 42 CFR 483.25(l)(1),(2)
- F329
7Training Objectives
- After todays session, you should be able to
- Describe the intent of the regulation
- Explain the various medication management
considerations required by the regulations - Utilize the components of the investigative
protocol - Identify compliance with the regulation
- Appropriately categorize the severity of
8Discussion Question
- What elements are
- included in the care process?
9Regulatory LanguageCFR 483.25(l)(1)
Unnecessary Medications
- (1) General. Each residents drug regimen must
be free from unnecessary drugs. An unnecessary
drug is any drug when used - (i) In excessive dose (including duplicate drug
therapy) or - (ii) For excessive duration or
- (iii) Without adequate monitoring or
10Regulatory LanguageCFR 483.25(l)(1)
Unnecessary Medications
- (Contd)
- (iv) Without adequate indications for its use or
- (v) In the presence of adverse consequences
which indicate the dose should be reduced or
discontinued or - (vi) Any combinations of the reasons above.
11Regulatory LanguageCFR 483.25(l)(2)
Unnecessary Medications
- (2) Antipsychotic Drugs. Based on a comprehensive
assessment of a resident, the facility must
ensure that - (i) Residents who have not used antipsychotic
drugs are not given these drugs unless
antipsychotic drug therapy is necessary to treat
a specific condition as diagnosed and documented
in the clinical record and
12Regulatory LanguageCFR 483.25(l)(2)
Unnecessary Medications
- (ii) Residents who use antipsychotic drugs
receive gradual dose reductions, and behavioral
interventions, unless clinically contraindicated,
in an effort to discontinue these drugs.
13Unnecessary Medications
14Unnecessary Medications Components of the
Interpretive Guidelines
- Intent
- Definitions
- Overview
- Medication Management
- Medication Tables
- Investigative Protocol
- Determination of Compliance
- Deficiency Categorization
15Interpretive GuidelinesIntent
- Medication Regimen is managed to
- Promote/maintain highest practicable well-being
- Limit medications, doses and duration to
clinically indicated - Consider non-pharmacological interventions
- Minimize adverse consequences
- Recognize condition change/decline, evaluate role
of medications and modify regimen if needed.
16Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Adverse Consequences
- Behavioral Interventions
- Clinically Significant
- Distressed Behavior
- Indications for Use
- Monitoring
- Psychopharmacological Medication
17Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Adverse consequence - is an unpleasant symptom
or event that is due to or associated with a
medication, such as impairment or decline in an
individuals mental or physical condition or
functional or psychosocial status. It may
include various types of adverse drug reactions
and interactions (e.g., medication-medication,
medication-food, and medication-disease).
18Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Behavioral Interventions individualized
non-pharmacological approaches (including direct
care and activities) that are provided as part of
a supportive physical and psychosocial
environment and are directed toward preventing,
relieving, and/or accommodating a residents
distressed behavior.
19Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Clinically significant refers to effects,
results, or consequences that materially affect
or are likely to affect an individuals mental,
physical, or psychosocial well-being either
positively by preventing, stabilizing, or
improving a condition or reducing a risk, or
negatively by exacerbating, causing, or
contributing to a symptom, illness, or decline in
20Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Distressed behavior - is behavior that reflects
individual discomfort or emotional strain. It
may present as crying, apathetic or withdrawn
behavior, or as verbal or physical actions such
as pacing, cursing, hitting, kicking, pushing,
scratching, tearing things, or grabbing others.
21Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Indications for use is the identified,
documented clinical rationale for administering a
medication that is based upon an assessment of
the residents condition and therapeutic goals
and is consistent with manufacturers
recommendations and/or clinical practice
guidelines, clinical standards of practice,
medication references, clinical studies or
evidence-based review articles that are published
in medical and/or pharmacy journals.
22Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Monitoring is the ongoing collection and
analysis of information (such as observations and
diagnostic test results) and comparison to
baseline data in order to - Ascertain the individuals response to treatment
and care, including progress or lack of progress
toward a therapeutic goal - Detect any complications or adverse consequences
of the condition or of the treatments and - Support decisions about modifying, discontinuing,
or continuing any interventions.
23Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Psychopharmacologic medications any medication
used for managing behavior, stabilizing mood, or
treating psychiatric disorders.
24Interpretive GuidelinesOverview
- Goals for Medication Use
- Maintain or improve function and wellbeing
25Interpretive GuidelinesOverview
- Non-pharmacological approaches require assessing
and understanding causes for need of medication - Approaches involve reduction/elimination of
impediments, triggers and causes
26Interpretive GuidelinesOverview
- Examples of Non-Pharmacological Interventions
- Modification of environment
- Modification/elimination of psychological
stressors - Accommodation of previous lifelong activities or
roles - Modification of staff/resident interactions
- Behavioral Interventions
27Examples of non-pharmacological interventions may
- Increasing the amount of resident exercise,
intake of liquids and dietary fiber in
conjunction with an individualized bowel regimen
to prevent or reduce constipation and the use of
medications (e.g. laxatives and stool softeners) - Identifying, addressing, and eliminating or
reducing underlying causes of distressed behavior
such as boredom and pain - Using sleep hygiene techniques and individualized
sleep routines - OHCA
28Examples of non-pharmacological interventions may
- Individualizing toileting schedules to prevent
incontinence and avoid the use of incontinence
medications that may have significant adverse
consequences (e.g., anticholinergic effects) - Developing interventions that are specific to
residents interests, abilities, strengths and
needs, such as simplifying or segmenting tasks
for a resident who has trouble following complex
directions - Accommodating the residents behavior and needs
by supporting and encouraging activities
reminiscent of lifelong work or activity
patterns, such as providing early morning
activity for a farmer used to awakening early
29Examples of non-pharmacological interventions may
- Using massage, hot/warm or cold compresses to
address a residents pain or discomfort or - Enhancing the taste and presentation of food,
assisting the resident to eat, addressing food
preferences, and increasing finger foods and
snacks for an individual with dementia, to
improve appetite and avoid the unnecessary use of
medications intended to stimulate appetite. - OHCA
30Interpretive GuidelinesMedication Management
- Resident Choice Advance Directives
- Indications for Use
- Monitoring
- Dose
- Duration
- Tapering/ Gradual Dose Reduction
- Adverse Consequences
31Medication ManagementResident Choice
- Right to make informed choices about care
- Physician and staff facilitate residents
decisions - Safety of residents is considered
32Medication Management Advance Directives
- Care provided consistent with the residents
condition and care instructions - Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) refers only to CPR
33Medication Management Indications for Use of
- Indications require evaluation of information
such as - Comorbid conditions, signs, and symptoms
- Goals and preferences
- Allergies, potential interactions
- Past and current medications and interventions
- Recognition of need for end-of-life or palliative
care - Refusal of care and treatment
- Assessment instruments and diagnostic tools
34Medication Management Indications for Use of
- Analysis is used to
- Rule out other causes of symptoms
- Identify whether signs/symptoms are
significant/persistent to warrant medication - Determine if the medication addresses
symptom/condition - Identify whether the benefits outweigh risks
35Medication Management Indications for Use of
- Indications for Use of PRN
- Circumstances for use are evaluated and defined
- Frequency of administration defined
36Medication Management Indications for Use of
- What do these 5 circumstances have in common?
- A clinically significant change in
condition/status - A new or recurrent clinically significant symptom
- A worsening of an existing problem or condition
- An unexplained decline in function or cognition
- Psychiatric disorders or distressed behavior
37Medication Management Monitoring for Efficacy
Adverse Consequences
- Effective Monitoring
- Understand indications and goals for use
- Identify baseline information/resident condition
- Understand characteristics of medication
- Ongoing vigilance
- Periodic re-evaluation
38Medication Management Monitoring for Efficacy
Adverse Consequences
- Steps in Monitoring
- Identify information and how it will be obtained
and reported - Determine frequency
- Define method to communicate, analyze and act
- Re-evaluate and updating approaches
39Medication Management Monitoring for Efficacy
Adverse Consequences
- Sources may help to define monitoring criteria
- Manufacturers package inserts, black-box
warnings - Facility policies and procedures
- Pharmacists
- Clinical guidelines or standards of practice
- Medication references
- Published clinical studies or articles
40Medication Management Monitoring for Efficacy
Adverse Consequences
- Review Psychopharmacological and
Sedative/Hypnotic medications quarterly - Documentation must include
- Residents target symptoms and effect of
medication - Changes in residents function
- Medication-related side effects or adverse
41Medication ManagementDose
- Dose influenced by
- Clinical response
- Possible adverse consequences
- Other resident- and medication-related variables
- Route of administration
42Medication Management Dose
- Duplicate therapy generally not indicated
- Examples of potentially problematic duplicate
therapy - Use of more than one product containing same
medication - Concomitant use of multiple benzodiazepines
- Use of medications from different therapeutic
categories that have similar effects/properties
43Medication ManagementDuration
- Common considerations for appropriate duration
- Enduring condition
- Time-limited condition
- Facility stop order or prescribers order
44Medication Management Tapering and GDR
- Goals of tapering or Gradual Dose Reduction
(GDR) - Use lowest effective dose
- Discontinue medication that no longer benefits
the resident - Minimize exposure to increased risk of adverse
45Medication Management Tapering and GDR (Contd)
- When would the interdisciplinary team evaluate
the residents response to medications and
consider reduction or discontinuation of
46Medication Management Tapering and GDR (Contd)
- Antipsychotics Psychopharmacological
- Attempt GDR during two separate quarters
initially then attempt GDR annually - Contraindications to GDR
- Symptoms return or worsen
- Sedatives/Hypnotics
- If used routinely, attempt GDR quarterly
- Contraindications to GDR
- Physician documents rationale re impaired
function or exacerbation of disorder
47Medication ManagementAdverse Consequences
- Increased Adverse Consequence Risk
- Number of medications
- Certain pharmacological classes
- anticoagulants, diuretics, antipsychotics,
anti-infectives, and anticonvulsants. - Tables I and II - classes of medications that
are associated with frequent or severe adverse
consequences - OHCA add
last 2 bullets
48Medication ManagementAdverse Consequences
- Delirium
- Common medication-related adverse consequence
- Individuals who have dementia may be at greater
risk for delirium - Delirium is associated with higher morbidity and
mortality -
49Interpretive GuidelinesTable I Medication
Issues of Particular Relevance
- Examples of categories of medications that
- Have potential to cause clinically significant
adverse consequences - Have limited indications for use
- Require precautions in selection or use
- Require specific monitoring
50Interpretive GuidelinesTable I Medication
Issues of Particular Relevance
- Examples of Medications/groups of Medications
provided in Table I - Warfarin
- Antipsychotics
- Hypnotics
51Interpretive GuidelinesTable II Medications
with Significant Anticholinergic Properties
- Anticholinergic side effects are common
- Medications in many categories have
anticholinergic properties - Use of multiple medications with anticholinergic
properties may be particularly problematic
52Unnecessary Medications
53Investigative Protocol
- Components
- Objectives
- Use
- Procedures
54Investigative ProtocolObjectives
- To determine whether the resident receives
- Only medications clinically indicated in the dose
and duration to meet the residents needs - Non-pharmacological interventions when clinically
indicated - GDR attempts for antipsychotics unless clinically
contraindicated and tapering for other medications
55Investigative ProtocolObjectives (Contd)
- To determine if the facility and the prescriber
- Monitor medication for effectiveness and
emergence of adverse consequences - Recognize, evaluate, followup on medication
related adverse consequences
56Investigative ProtocolObjectives (Contd)
- To determine if the pharmacist
- Performed MRR monthly and identified existing
irregularities - Reported any identified irregularities to
attending physician and DON - To determine whether facility and/or practitioner
acted upon report of irregularity
57Investigative ProtocolUse
- Each sampled resident
- Standard survey
- Initial survey
- As necessary for
- Revisits
- Abbreviated survey
58Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Investigation involves
- Observation and record review
- Interviews
59Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Observation and Record Review
- The table in the Protocol describes
- Medication related signs and symptoms
- Expectations for review of all medications
60Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Interview resident and responsible party to
determine - Participation in care planning and decision
making - Consideration of non-pharmacological
interventions - Results/effectiveness of the medication therapy
and non-pharmacological approaches
61Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Interview knowledgeable staff to determine
- Impact of medication upon resident
- Clinical rationale for medication
- Awareness that signs and symptoms may be adverse
consequences related to the medication regimen - Communication with attending physician to discuss
62Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Interview knowledgeable staff to determine
- Physician response to notification of suspected
adverse medication consequences - MRR identification of related signs and symptoms
of suspected adverse medication consequences - Staff notification of pharmacist
63Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Interview physician to determine
- Staff notification regarding medication-related
issues - Assessment of the significance of
medication-related issues and concerns - Clinical rationale for management of residents
64Investigative ProtocolProcedures
- Medication Regimen Review Determine
- Whether the pharmacist reported any
irregularities with the medication regimen - Whether the attending physician or DON acted on
identified irregularities - Whether the pharmacist identified a suspected
adverse consequence to which the attending
physician did not respond, but the staff followed
65Unnecessary Medications
- Determination of Compliance
66Determination of Compliance
- Synopsis of Regulation
- An adequate indication for use
- Use of the appropriate dose
- Provision of behavioral interventions and gradual
dose reduction, unless clinically
contraindicated, for those on antipsychotic
medications - Use for the appropriate duration
- Monitoring to determine progress towards goals
and emergence of adverse consequences - Reduction of dose or discontinuation of
medication in presence of adverse consequences
67Determination of ComplianceCriteria for
- The facility is in compliance if they, along
with the prescriber - Assessed the resident
- Determined that medication therapy was indicated
and identified the therapeutic goals - Utilized appropriate doses and duration
- Implemented GDR and behavioral interventions,
unless clinically contraindicated, for residents
receiving antipsychotic medications
68Determination of ComplianceCriteria for
- (Contd)
- Monitored for progress towards the therapeutic
goal(s) and emergence of adverse consequences - Adjusted/discontinued dose in response to adverse
69Determination of ComplianceNoncompliance for F329
- Aspects of the unnecessary medication
requirement leading to noncompliance - Inadequate indications for use including
antipsychotics - Inadequate Monitoring
- Excessive Dose
- Excessive Duration
- Adverse Consequences
- Antipsychotic Medications without GDR and
Behavioral Interventions unless clinically
70Additional Investigation
- Potential Tags for Additional Investigation
71Unnecessary Medications
- Deficiency Categorization
72Deficiency Categorization
- Components
- Severity determination
- Deficiency categorizations
- Levels 4 through 1
73Unnecessary MedicationsSeverity Determination
- The key elements for severity determination are
- Presence of harm or potential for negative
outcomes - Degree of harm or potential harm related to
noncompliance - Immediacy of correction required
74Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Determination
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health or
safety - Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Level 2 No actual harm with potential for more
than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy - Level 1 No actual harm with potential for
minimal harm
75Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 4
Immediate Jeopardy
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health or
safety - Noncompliance with one or more requirements of
participation - Has resulted in or is likely to result in serious
injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident
and - Requires immediate correction
76Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 3
Actual Harm
- Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Noncompliance resulted in actual harm
- May include clinical compromise, decline, or
residents inability to maintain and/or reach
his/her highest practicable level of well-being
77Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 2
Potential for Harm
- Level 2 No actual harm with potential for more
than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy - Noncompliance resulted in
- No more than minimal discomfort to resident
and/or - Has potential to compromise residents ability to
maintain or reach his/her highest practicable
level of well-being
78Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 1
Potential for Minimal Harm
- Level 1 No actual harm with potential for
minimal harm - Noncompliance with F329 places resident at risk
for more than minimal harm - Severity Level 1 does not apply for F329
79Pharmaceutical Services
- Guidance Training
- CFR 483.60, 483.60(a)(b)(1)
- F425
80Training Objectives
- After todays session, you should be able to
- Describe the intent of the regulation
- Explain the regulatory components incorporated
into F425 - Utilize the components of the investigative
protocol - Identify compliance with the regulation
- Appropriately categorize the severity of
81Regulatory Language(F425) 42 CFR 483.60
- The facility must provide routine and emergency
drugs and biologicals to its residents, or obtain
them under an agreement described in Sec.
483.75(h) of this part. The facility may permit
unlicensed personnel to administer drugs if State
law permits, but only under the general
supervision of a licensed nurse.
82Regulatory Language Continued(F425) 42 CFR
- (a) Procedures. A facility must provide
pharmaceutical services (including procedures
that assure the accurate acquiring, receiving,
dispensing, and administering of all drugs and
biologicals) to meet the needs of each resident.
(b) Service consultation.
83Regulatory Language Cont
- The facility must employ or obtain the services
of a licensed pharmacist who - Provides consultation on all aspects of the
provision of pharmacy services in the facility. - Establishes system of records of receipt and
disposition of all controlled drugs in detail - Determines that drugs are in order and that an
account of all controlled drugs is maintained and
periodically reconciled.
84Pharmaceutical Services
85Interpretive GuidelinesComponents
- Intent
- Definitions
- Overview
- Provision of Routine and/or Emergency Medications
- Services of a Licensed Pharmacist
- Pharmaceutical Services Procedures
- Investigative Protocol (Sub-Task 5E)
- Determination of Compliance
- Deficiency Categorization
86Interpretive GuidelinesIntent
- Facility provides pharmaceutical services to meet
the needs to residents - Medications and biologicals
- Services of licensed pharmacist
- Pharmaceutical services are coordinated within
the facility - Procedures developed and implementation evaluated
- Pharmaceutical concerns and issues affecting
residents and care are identified and evaluated - Only persons authorized under state requirements
administer medications
87Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Acquiring medication
- Administering medication
- Biologicals
- Current standards of practice
- Dispensing
- Disposition
- Pharmaceutical Services
- Pharmacy assistant or technician
- Receiving Medication
88Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Dispensing - a process that includes the
interpretation of a prescription selection,
measurement, and packaging or repackaging of the
product (as necessary) and labeling of the
medication or device pursuant to a
89Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Biologicals - are products isolated from a
variety of natural sourceshuman, animal, or
microorganismor produced by biotechnology
methods and other cutting-edge technologies.
They may include a wide range of products such as
vaccine, blood and blood components, allergenics,
somatic cells, gene therapy, tissues, and
recombinant therapeutic proteins.
90Interpretive Guidelines Definitions (Cont)
- Receiving medications
- Process of accepting medications from the
facilitys pharmacy or outside pharmacy or an
outside source (e.g., vending pharmacy delivery
agent, Veterans Administration, family member
91Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- What is included in the concept of Pharmaceutical
92Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Pharmaceutical Services
- The process of receiving and interpreting
prescribers orders acquiring, receiving,
storing, controlling, reconciling, compounding
(e.g., intravenous antibiotics), dispensing,
packaging, labeling, distributing, administering,
monitoring responses to, using and/or disposing
of all medications, biologicals, chemicals - The provision of medication-related information
to health care professionals and residents - The process of identifying, evaluating and
addressing medication-related issues including
the prevention and reporting of medication
errors and - The provision, monitoring and/or the use of
medication-related devices.
93Interpretive GuidelinesOverview
- Overall goal is to ensure safe and effective use
of medications for each resident - Risk of adverse consequences increases with
- Complex medication regimens
- Numbers and types of medications used
- Physiological changes associated with aging
- Multiple comorbidities
- Medication-related adverse consequences leading
to death and serious events are too common and
are often preventable
94Interpretive GuidelinesOverview (cont)
- Pharmaceutical consultation is an ongoing,
interactive process - Pharmacists can use various methods and resources
such as technology, additional personnel (e.g.
dispensing pharmacist, pharmacy technicians, and
related policies and procedures -
95Interpretive GuidelinesProvision of Routine
and/or Emergency Medications
- Facility must provide or obtain routine and
emergency medications and biologicals to meet
needs of each resident - Meeting needs includes timeliness
- Factors affecting timeliness
- Resident condition and risk factors
- Category of medication
- Ordered start time
- Availability of medications
96Interpretive GuidelinesServices of a Licensed
- Facility is responsible for employing or
contracting pharmacist - Pharmacist collaborates with staff to
- Provide feedback about medication administration
practices and medical errors - Develop, implement, evaluate and revise
procedures - Coordinate pharmaceutical services
- Develop intravenous therapy procedures
- Determining contents of supply of medications
97Interpretive GuidelinesServices of a Licensed
- Pharmacist collaborates to establish procedures
for - Conducting monthly MRR for each resident
- Addressing time frames
- Addressing irregularities
- Documenting and reporting results of review
98Interpretive GuidelinesServices of Licensed
- Develop mechanisms for communicating, addressing,
resolving issues RT Pharmaceutical services - Strive to assure meds are requested, received,
administered timely - Participate in IDT/ resolve med problems
- Develop PP regarding when to contact prescriber
about med issues - Recommend types of delivery systems
- Interact with QAA Committees
- Develop implement procedures regarding
automated medication delivery systems or cabinets -
99Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Acquiring
- Receiving
- Dispensing
- Administering
- Disposition
- Labeling and storage of medications
100Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Pharmacist collaborates with Med Director to
evaluate implementation of pharm services - Acquisition of Medications - Examples
- Availability of supply (emergency or otherwise)
- When, how to and who may contact pharmacy
- Verification or clarification of orders
- Actions in response to delayed delivery or
unavailability of medication - Transportation of medications to prevent
contamination, degradation, and diversion of
101Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Receiving Medications - Examples
- Receipt of medication and reconciliation with
order and requisition for medication - Staff identified and authorized to receive and
deliver medication to secured area - Staff responsible for assuring that medications
are incorporated into residents specific
allocation/storage area
102Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Dispensing Medications - Examples
- Delivery and receipt
- Labeling
- Types of medication packing
103Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Administering Medications Examples
- Preventing unnecessary interruptions during the
medication pass - Reporting of errors
- Using only authorized personnel to administer
medications - Assuring correct medication and dose given to
correct person - Defining schedules for administration
- Defining guidelines for specific monitoring
related to medications - Defining techniques and precautions for
104Interpretive GuidelinesPharm Services Procedures
- Administering Meds- Examples
- Document administration of meds
- Routine as needed route if other than
orallocation of administration sites - Provide current info about medications
- Clarify incomplete orders, illegible, other
concerns - Reconcile med orders
105Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Disposition of Medications Examples
- Removal of medications for disposition
- Storage method for medications awaiting final
disposition - Control and accountability of medications
awaiting final disposition - Method of disposition consistent with applicable
state and federal requirements, local ordinances,
and standards of practice
106Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Labeling Examples
- Requirements for labeling medications not labeled
by a pharmacy, such as bulk supplies or IV
solutions prepared or hung by facility staff - Modifying labels due to changes in the medication
orders or directions - Labeling multi-dose vials to assure product
integrity (e.g., modified expiration dates upon
opening the multi-dose vial)
107Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Storage of Medications Examples
- Location, security (locking), and authorized
access to the medication rooms, carts and other
storage areas - Temperatures and other environmental
considerations of medication storage area(s) - Location, access, and security for discontinued
medications awaiting disposal
108Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Controlled Medications Examples
- Location, access, and security for controlled
medications - A system of records of receipt and disposition of
all controlled medications that accounts for all
controlled medications - Periodic reconciliation of controlled medications
109Interpretive GuidelinesPharmaceutical Services
- Authorized Personnel Examples
- Assuring ongoing competency of staff
- Training on operation, limitations, monitoring,
and precautions associated with medication
administration - Identifying personnel in addition to the
pharmacist (e.g., pharmacy technicians,
pharmacist assistants) who are authorized under
state and federal requirements to access
medications and biologicals.
110Pharmaceutical Services
111Pharmaceutical ServicesInvestigative Protocol
- Use Sub-Task 5E Medication Pass and Pharmacy
112Use of Sub-Task 5E Medication Pass and
Pharmacy Services
- Services of licensed pharmacist
- Provision of pharmaceutical services
113Pharmaceutical Services
- Determination of Compliance
114Determination of Compliance
- Synopsis of Regulation
- Facility must provide routine and or emergency
medications and biologicals or obtain them - Facility must have pharmaceutical procedures to
meet the residents needs - Facility must have a licensed pharmacist who
provides consultation and oversees service - Facility must follow laws about who may
administer medications
115Determination of ComplianceCriteria for
- The facility is in compliance if they provide
- Medications and/or biologicals for each resident
as ordered by the prescriber - Development and implementation of procedures for
the pharmaceutical services - A pharmacist who provides consultation regarding
all aspects of pharmaceutical services - Personnel to administer medications, consistent
with applicable state law and regulations
116Determination of ComplianceNoncompliance for F425
- Noncompliance may include the facility failure
to - Utilize the services of a pharmacist
- Ensure that only appropriate personnel administer
medications - Provide medications and/or biologicals to meet
the needs of the resident - Develop or implement procedures for any of the
following acquiring, receiving, dispensing or
accurately administering medications
117Determination of CompliancePotential Tags for
Additional Investigation
- F353 Sufficient Staff
- F501 Medical Director
- F520 Quality Assessment and Assurance
- F514 Clinical Records
118Pharmaceutical Services
- Deficiency Categorization
119Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Determination
- The key elements for severity determination are
- Presence of harm or potential for negative
outcomes - Degree of harm or potential harm related to
noncompliance - Immediacy of correction required
120Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Determination
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health or
safety - Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Level 2 No actual harm with potential for more
than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy - Level 1 No actual harm with potential for
minimal harm
121Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 4
Immediate Jeopardy
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health
or safety - Noncompliance with one or more requirements of
participation - Has resulted in or is likely to cause serious
injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident - Requires immediate correction
122Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 4 - IJ
- Examples
- Failure to assure availability of pain med for
new admission resulting in R c/o of excruciating
pain - Failure to assure that devices used to administer
meds are working properly - Meds being administered without valid prescribers
order resulting in R incorrectly receiving 3 meds
over two month -
123Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 3
Actual Harm
- Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Noncompliance resulted in actual harm
- May include clinical compromise, decline, or
residents inability to maintain and/or reach
his/her highest practicable level of well-being
124Deficiency CategorySeverity Level 3 Actual Harm
- Examples
- Transcription error led to incorrect dose and the
Resident experienced spontaneous bruising and
epistaxis requiring medical intervention - Staff not trained or competent to use a new
medical-related device and the R received an
excessive dose of medication requiring subsequent
hospitalization or - R received a sub therapeutic dose causing an
exacerbation of the condition and subsequent
decline in function -
125Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 2
Potential for Harm
- Level 2 No actual harm with potential for more
than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy - Noncompliance resulted in
- No more than minimal discomfort to resident
and/or - Has potential to compromise residents ability to
maintain or reach his/her highest practicable
level of well-being
126Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 2
Potential Harm
- Examples
- As result of not enough meds A R did not
receive medication for heartburn and had
difficulty sleeping due to nocturnal heartburn - Because of a failure to ID meds that should not
be crushed, R received meds that were crushed. R
did not experience harm but there was a
potential for harm
127Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level
1Potential for Minimal Harm
- Level 1 No actual harm with potential for
minimal harm - Verify that no resident harm or potential for
more than minimal harm identified at other
requirements was related to - Lack of pharmaceutical services
- Absence of or failure to implement pharmaceutical
procedures - Absence of or oversight by pharmacist
128Medication Regimen Review
- Guidance Training
- CFR 483.60(c)(1)(2)
- F428
129Training Objectives
- After todays session, you should be able to
- Describe the intent of the regulation
- Identify triggers leading to an investigation of
F428 - Identify and utilize the components of combined
investigative protocol that address MRR - Identify compliance with the regulation
- Appropriately categorize the severity of
130Regulatory Language(F428) 42 CFR 483.60(c)(1)(2)
- (c) Drug regimen review. (1) The drug regimen of
each resident must be reviewed at least once a
month by a licensed pharmacist. (2) The
pharmacist must report any irregularities to the
attending physician and the director of nursing,
and these reports must be acted upon.
131Medication Regimen Review
132Interpretive GuidelinesComponents
- Intent
- Definitions
- Overview
- Medication Regimen Review
- Investigative Protocol (Refer to F329)
- Determination of Compliance
- Deficiency Categorization
133Interpretive GuidelinesIntent
- The facility maintains residents highest level
of functioning and prevents/ minimizes adverse
consequences related to medication therapy to the
extent possible, by providing - Licensed pharmacists review of each residents
regimen - Identification and reporting of irregularities
- Action taken in response to irregularities
134Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Adverse consequence
- Clinically significant
- Dose
- Duration
- Irregularity
- Medication interaction
- Medication Regimen Review
- Monitoring
- Pharmacy Assistant/Technician
135Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Medication Regimen Review - a thorough evaluation
of the medication regimen of a resident, with the
goal of promoting positive outcomes and
minimizing adverse consequences associated with
medication. The review includes preventing,
identifying, reporting, and resolving
medication-related problems, medication errors,
or other irregularities, and collaborating with
other members of the interdisciplinary team
136Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Medication Interaction - the impact of another
substance (such as another medication, herbal
product, food or substances used in diagnostic
studies) upon a medication. The interactions may
alter absorption, distribution, metabolism, or
elimination. These interactions may decrease the
effectiveness of the medication or increase the
potential for adverse consequences
137Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Irregularity - any event that is inconsistent
with usual, proper, accepted, or right approaches
to providing pharmaceutical services (see
definition in F425), or that impedes or
interferes with achieving the intended outcomes
of those services
138Interpretive GuidelinesDefinitions
- Adverse consequence
- Unpleasant symptom due to or associated with a
medication - Monitoring
- Ongoing collection analysis of information
(e.g. observation/diagnostic test and comparison
to baseline data -
139Interpretive GuidelinesOverview
- Factors increasing the risk of medication related
issues - Multiple medications are often required to
address conditions, leading to complex medication
regimens - Adverse consequences can mimic symptoms of
chronic conditions (aging process, new
conditions) - Transitions, such as a move from hospital to
nursing home Medications may be added,
discontinued or changed
140Interpretive GuidelinesOverview (continued)
- Reviews to help identify issues
- Physician reviews orders and total program of
care on admission and prescriber reviews at each
visit - Nurse reviews medications when sending orders to
pharmacy and/or prior to administering
medications - Interdisciplinary team reviews as part of the
comprehensive assessment for the RAI and/or care
plan - Pharmacist reviews the prescriptions prior to
dispensing - Pharmacist performs medication regimen review at
least monthly
141Interpretive GuidelinesMedication Regimen Review
- MRR Essential Components
- Conducted At Least Monthly
- Identifies and Reports
- Irregularities such as medication errors, and
- Adverse consequences risks
- Reported Irregularities acted upon
142Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- Irregularities may be identified through review
of - Medication administration records (MAR)
- Prescribers orders
- Progress, nursing and consultants notes
- Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI)
- Laboratory and diagnostic test results
- Behavioral monitoring information
143Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- Pharmacist considers whether physician and staff
have - Documented indications for use
- Identified allergies, potential side effects, and
medication interactions - Documented progress towards goals
- Acted upon laboratory results and diagnostic
studies - Acted upon possible medication-related causes of
worsening in the residents condition
144Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- Examples of changes that may or may not be
related to medication use include - Anorexia
- Behavioral changes
- Bowel function changes
- Confusion, cognitive decline
- Dehydration, fluid/electrolyte imbalance
- Depression, mood disturbance
- Dysphagia, swallowing difficulty
- Excessive sedation, sleep disturbance
145Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- Examples continued
- Evidence of impaired coordination
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Generalized aching or pain
- Rash, pruritus
- Seizure activity
- Spontaneous or unexplained bleeding, bruising
- Unexplained decline in functional status (e.g.,
ADLs, vision) - Urinary retention or incontinence
146Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- Additional categories may include
- Use of appropriate medication with lack of
progress toward therapeutic goal, potentially
related to - Sufficiency of dose
- Dosing intervals or timing of administration
- Administration technique
- Use of excessive dose or duration
147Interpretive GuidelinesIdentification of
- The use of a medication without
- Identifiable evidence of adequate indications for
use - Identifiable evidence that safer alternatives or
more clinically appropriate medications have been
considered - Evidence of adequate monitoring
- The presence of an adverse consequence associated
with the residents current medication regimen - Presence of medication errors or the risk for
such errors - A medication interaction associated with the
current medication regimen
148Interpretive GuidelinesLocation and Notification
of MRR Findings
- The Pharmacist must
- Document identification of irregularity
- Report irregularity to attending physician or
director of nursing - Timeliness of notification depends on severity
- If no irregularities found, pharmacist signs
statement indicating such
149Interpretive GuidelinesResponse to
Irregularities Identified in the MRR
- Physician is not required to order recommended
treatments unless he/she determines they are
medically valid/indicated - If recommendation requires physician
intervention, then - Physician accepts and acts upon suggestion
- Or
- Physician rejects and provides explanation for
150Interpretive GuidelineResponse to Irregularities
- If a potential for serious harm exists and
physician does not concur with or take action - Facility and pharmacist should contact facility
medical director for guidance and possible
intervention -
151Medication Regimen Review
152Investigative Protocol
- Objectives
- Use
- Procedures
153Investigative Protocol
- Objectives
- Determining if the pharmacist
- Performed the monthly MRR
- Identified any irregularities
- Reported any identified irregularities to the
attending physician and director of nursing - Determining whether the facility and/or
practitioner acted on the report of any
irregularity - Use the protocol
- On every initial and standard survey
- On revisits or abbreviated survey (complaint
investigation) as necessary
154Investigative Protocol
- Procedures
- Implement the Investigative protocol listed at
F329 to help identify whether there are potential
issues with regard to MRR - Conduct observations, interviews and record
reviews as necessary related to the provision of
the MRR
155Investigative Protocol
- Procedures
- Determine if the pharmacist
- Identified irregularities, if any and
- Reported the irregularities to the director of
nursing and attending physician
156Investigative Protocol
- Procedures
- Response to the identification of any
157Medication Regimen Review
- Determination of Compliance
158Determination of ComplianceSynopsis of Regulation
- A review by the pharmacist of each residents
medication regimen at least once a month or more
frequently depending upon the residents
condition and the risks or adverse consequences
related to current medication(s) - The identification of any irregularities
- Reporting irregularities to the attending
physician and the director of nursing - Action in response to irregularities reported
159Determination of ComplianceCriteria for
- MRR performed on each resident at least once a
month or more frequently depending upon the
residents condition and/or risks or adverse
consequence associated with the medication
regimen - Pharmacist identified any existing irregularities
- Pharmacist reported any identified irregularities
to the director of nursing and attending
physician - Any reported irregularities have been acted upon
160Determination of ComplianceNoncompliance for F428
- The pharmacist failed to
- Conduct an MRR at least monthly (or more
frequently, as indicated) - Identify or report
- the absence of indications for use of a
medication - a medication or medication combination with
significant potential for adverse consequences or
medication interactions - medications in a residents regimen that could be
causing new, worsening, or progressive symptoms
161Determination of ComplianceNoncompliance for
F428 (cont)
- The facility failed to assure that
- A report of clinically significant risks or
existing adverse consequences or other
irregularities was acted upon
162Determination of CompliancePotential Tags for
Additional Investigation
- F157 Notification of Changes
- F329 Unnecessary Medications
- F385 Physician Supervision
- F386 Physician Visits
- F425 Pharmacy Services
- F501 Medical Director
163Medication Regimen Review
- Deficiency Categorization
164Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Determination
- The key elements for severity determination are
- Presence of harm or potential for negative
outcomes - Degree of harm or potential harm related to
noncompliance - Immediacy of correction required
165Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Determination
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health or
safety - Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Level 2 No actual harm with potential for more
than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy - Level 1 No actual harm with potential for
minimal harm
166Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 4
Immediate Jeopardy
- Level 4 Immediate Jeopardy to resident health
or safety - Noncompliance with one or more requirements of
participation - Has resulted in or is likely to cause serious
injury, harm, impairment, or death to a resident - Requires immediate correction
167Deficiency CategorySeverity Level 4 IJ
- Examples
- Despite identifying irregularities pharmacist
did not report irregularities to attending
physician or no action was taken on the
irregularities report - Repeated or cumulative failures in multiple areas
of medication regimen review process (e.g.
failure to identify, report, or act upon) that
resulted in the residents experiencing actual or
potential harm -
168Deficiency CategorizationSeverity Level 3
Actual Harm
- Level 3 Actual harm that is not immediate
jeopardy - Noncompliance resulted in actual harm
- May include clinical compromise, decline, or
residents inability to maintain and/or reach
his/her highest practicable level of well-being
169Deficiency CategorySeverity Level 3 Actual Harm
- Examples
- Pharmacist failed to ID the indication for
continued use for opioid analgesics that were
prescribed for a R acute pain, which had resolved - MRR reflected staff were crushing a med that
should not have been crushed/ as result, the R
experienced significant adverse consequences such
as hypoglycemia or hypotension that required
medical intervention -
170Deficiency CategorySeverity Level 3 Actual Harm
- Examples (cont)
- Pharmacist ID medics that were not given as