Title: Hamburger Paragraphs
1Hamburger Paragraphs
- How to write a really
- great paragraph!
2(No Transcript)
3The Topic Sentence (Top Bun)
- Is the very first sentence of your paragraph.
- State your point without getting into the
reasons. - Always needs to be indented.
- Explains what your paragraph is going to be about.
Aside from a minor body of sentiment in favor of
May, few would disagree that October is the best
month of the year. It is the one month when man
and nature are most nearly in harmony.
Temperatures, moderate in the daytime and
invigorating by evening, and conductive to
reflective thought, exhilarating exercise,
courtship, and pleasant romps with children.
Secondly, the physical beauty of October affects
even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from
4 The First Detail (Lettuce)
Aside from a minor body of sentiment in favor of
May, few would disagree that October is the best
month of the year. It is the one month when man
and nature are most nearly in harmony.
Temperatures, moderate in the daytime and
invigorating by evening, and conductive to
reflective thought, exhilarating exercise,
courtship, and pleasant romps with children.
Secondly, the physical beauty of October affects
even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from
- Start strong! Make your first point.
- Follow up with details and examples that support
and develop your first point.
5 The Second Detail (Tomato)
Aside from a minor body of sentiment in
favor of May, few would disagree that October is
the best month of the year. It is the one month
when man and nature are most nearly in harmony.
Temperatures, moderate in the daytime and
invigorating by evening, and conductive to
reflective thought, exhilarating exercise,
courtship, and pleasant romps with children.
Secondly, the physical beauty of October affects
even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from slow moving cars to look at the
- Present your second point.
- Provide details and examples.
- This is a good place to hide a weaker point.
- Notice the use of a transitional word. (secondly)
6 The Last Detail (Meat)
Secondly, the physical beauty of October
affects even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from slow moving cars to look at the
foliage. Lastly, no other month concludes with
the ideal holiday, Halloween. Lasting only a few
hours and requiring very little preparation,
Halloween combines bright color, silliness,
noise, and happy children. In sum, it is the
perfect end to an unbeatable month.
- Present your last point.
- Could be your strongest point, or one that would
logically end your argument. - Follow up your point with specific details or
7 The Closing Sentence (Bottom Bun)
- Restate the topic sentence using different words.
- Begin with a transitional device, such as in
sum, in conclusion, hence, or thus. - Thats it!
Secondly, the physical beauty of October
affects even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from slow moving cars to look at the
foliage. Lastly, no other month concludes with
the ideal holiday, Halloween. Lasting only a few
hours and requiring very little preparation,
Halloween combines bright color, silliness,
noise, and happy children. In sum, it is the
perfect end to an unbeatable month.
- Aside from a minor body of sentiment in favor of
May, few would disagree that October is the best
month of the year. It is the one month when man
and nature are most nearly in harmony.
Temperatures, moderate in the daytime and
invigorating by evening, and conductive to
reflective thought, exhilarating exercise,
courtship, and pleasant romps with children.
Secondly, the physical beauty of October affects
even the most insensitive natures. With a
heightened appreciation of fall colors, millions
gape from slow moving cars to look at the
foliage. Lastly, no other month concludes with
the ideal holiday, Halloween. Lasting only a few
hours and requiring very little preparation,
Halloween combines bright color, silliness,
noise, and happy children. In sum, it is the
perfect end to an unbeatable month.
- Now that you have a completed paragraph, how
will it be assessed?
9Introducing the NCMS Expository Writing
RubricAppropriate for Content Area and Academic
10NCMS Expository Writing RubricAppropriate for
Content Area and Academic Writing
- Developed to assess writing in all content areas.
- Similar to the rubric used to score writing in
the NECAP test. - Provides opportunities for both summative and
formative assessment.
11The Standard
- Consider what is being looked for in the
assignment. This, in most cases, should closely
resemble the topic sentence of the paragraph or
paragraphs written. - The rubric is used to determine how closely the
essay responds to the assignment. Are you right
on target ? Or does your writing need careful
attention to details, conventions or structure?
12Formative Assessment
- The Comments learn from the comments written on
the rubric and/or on the assignment itself. Learn
what is required to do your best job, and to move
your writing and learning forward. Informs you of
what you need to do to meet the standard set for
the assignment.
13Summative Assessment
- The grade summative assessment is the grade
given and represents how close to, or far from,
you fell from the standard set by the rubric.
14NCMS Expository Writing Rubric
- Printable copies of
- Hamburger paragraph graphic organizer
- NCMS Expository Writing Rubric
- November 17, 2008
- Cynthia Lancaster 8th grade English
- Paula Vadenais 7th grade English