Title: Donna Bolin, Carla Hudson, Jennifer Floyd
1Telling Time
By Donna Bolin, Carla Hudson, Jennifer Floyd
Crystal Beshears
2There are three Units of time
Minutes there are 60 seconds in a minute
Hour there are 60 minutes in an hour
There are 3600 Seconds in one Hour
One Day 24 Hours
3The little hand is for hours
The big hand is for minutes
4It takes 12 hours for the little hand to go all
the way around the clock. It takes 60 minutes (1
hour) for the big hand to go all the way around
the clock.
5The Numbers on a Clock are 5 Minutes Apart
The Marks between the numbers represent seconds
6There are 24 hours in a day and only twelve
numbers on a clock. Therefore, the little hand
must go around the clock two times to make a full
7Telling times is a part of life. Everyone learns
how to do it.
Time to Play
Time for School
Time for bed
8Minute Is a unit of time equal to one sixtieth
of an hour, or 60 seconds. Each time the big hand
moves one minute of time has passed
9The numbers on a clock are separated by five
minute increments.
10What is a quarter of an hour?
15 minutes one quarter of an hour
Two quarter hours make one half hour
It takes 4 quarter hours to make one whole hour
11How Many Minutes are In an Hour?
What is Half of 60?
That is Half of an hour
How many 5 minutes are in half an hour?
How many 5 minutes are in one hour?
How many quarter of an hours are in one hour?
12The Faces of the Clock
The big hand is busy But the Small Hand has
power The Large one counts the minutes But the
Little One names the hour. When both Hands stand
at the top together, Its sure to be Twelve
Oclock. But Whether Thats twelve at noon or
twelve at night Depends on if its dark or light.
13Clock Song (to the tune of The wheels on the
The hands on the clock go round and round, Round
and round, round and round. The hands on the
clock go round and round. To tell us the
time. The short hand on the clock Goes from
number to number, Number to number, number to
number. The short hand on the clock Goes from
number to number. To tell us the time. The long
hand on the clock Goes around by fives, Around
by fives, around by fives. The long hand on the
clock Goes around by fives. To tell us the
14Time Song ( to the tune of Muffin man)
Do you know what time it is? What time it is,
what time it is? Do you know what time it
is? Look at the clock. The little hand is on the
number 12 The number 12, the number 12. The
little hand is on the number 12 On our big
clock. The big hand is on the number 12 The
number 12 the number 12 The big hand is on the
number 12 On our big clock. That means it is 12
oclock 12 oclock, 12 oclock That means it is
12 oclock Time to go to lunch!
Lunch Time