Doubling Dimension in Real-World Graphs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Doubling Dimension in Real-World Graphs


A metric space is a set X together with distance function d that gives a non ... For instance, using the Internet Movie Database a graph of actors can be created ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Doubling Dimension in Real-World Graphs

Doubling Dimension in Real-World Graphs
  • Melitta Lorraine Geistdoerfer Andersen

Recap Definition
  • A metric space is a set X together with distance
    function d that gives a non-negative distance
    between any 2 points in X and satisfies 3
  • d(x,y) 0 if and only if x y
  • d(x,y) d(y,x)
  • The triangle inequality holds d(x,y) d(y,z)
  • The doubling dimension of a metric space (X,d) is
    the least k such that any ball of radius R can be
    covered by 2k balls of radius R/2.
  • So the doubling dimension is log2 of the maximum
    over all centers and all radii of the number of
    balls of half radius it takes to cover a ball
    with a specific center and radius.

An Example with a Set of Points
  • In this case, all of the points can be covered by
    2k2 balls of radius R/2.
  • Each of the balls also have a doubling dimension
    of 2.
  • And each of those contain no more than 22 points.
  • When the doubling dimension is a constant (i.e.
    bounded) the metric is called a doubling metric.

Some Uses of Doubling Dimension
  • Chan, Gupta, Maggs, and Zhou proved that for any
    network that has a metric with a bounded doubling
    dimension, a hierarchical routing structure can
    be imposed on it.
  • With this structure, the network can be addressed
    in such a way as to be able to get routing
    information from the addresses of the source and
    the destination.
  • This routing also achieves minimum or
    near-minimum path length.
  • There are also efficient nearest-neighbor
    algorithms that work with a graph of low doubling

Now We Can Apply It To A Graph
  • We found a 200,000 node router level graph of the
    Internet at http//
  • This was an adjacency graph, so we treated all
    edges as unit distances.
  • The doubling dimension was 14.

Average Covering for Each Radius
  • Plotted on a log scale (because the x axis is
    also on a log scale), the average number of balls
    increased nearly linearly until it reached radius
  • One interpretation of the downturn is the finite
    nature of the graph.
  • At R64, only one ball of radius 32 is required
    to cover the entire ball. Hence, the diameter of
    the graph is at most 32.

But What About Latencies?
  • This was all well and good for an adjacency
    graph, but for routing you actually want to know
    the fastest route. So we needed a weighted
  • http//
    .php yielded a graph that measured latencies
    between 2,500 sites.
  • The doubling dimension of this weighted graph was

Covering for a Weighted Graph
  • Plotted on a log scale, the average number of
    balls formed a more symmetric curve than the
    unweighted graph.
  • There were few nodes within range for the lower
    radii, and at the higher radii, we again saw the
    effects of a finite graph.
  • One thing of note is the spike of 2 after 1 had
    already been reached.

A Possible Explanation
  • One thing that could cause the spike is a 2
    cluster graph.
  • Everything within a ball of a certain size can be
    covered by a ball of half the radius, for both
  • But when you double that radius, you run into the
    other cluster, so 2 balls are required to cover
    the whole thing.

Infinite Graphs?
  • Another thing to note is that the doubling
    dimension is finite because the graph is finite.
  • If this were a section of an infinite doubling
    metric the doubling dimension would eventually
    flatten out and become constant.
  • Though the graph does start to flatten out at the
    peak, we dont know if this merely indicates that
    the finite nature of the graph is affecting it.

Other Graphs
  • We had so much fun with doubling dimension on
    these graphs, we wanted to find other graphs to
    play with. But what other interesting graphs are
    out there?
  • The Citation Graph connects authors of papers by
    references. An edge indicates that the author
    cited a paper by the other author in one of his
  • People use these graphs to study nearest neighbor
  • The doubling dimension of this graph is 12.

The Citation Graph
  • This graph looks similar to the router graph.
  • The Citation Graph also has unit distances for
    the edges, so this similarity makes sense.
  • The earlier downward turn could be due to the
    high degree of each node. Many authors write
    many papers, and cite a large number of papers in

More Graphs
  • Doubling dimension can give us information about
    many types of graphs.
  • For instance, using the Internet Movie Database a
    graph of actors can be created with edges
    connecting two actors who were in the same movie.
  • The doubling dimension of this graph is 14.

Yet Another Signature Graph
  • This graph started its downward trend right
  • One possible explanation is that this graph is
    much denser than the router graph, so the balls
    of radius 2 cover many points that may not be
    within 1 hop of each other.

The Effects of Scaling
  • The actor graph had 400,000 nodes. This made it
    an interesting graph for experimentation with
    scaling. If we included only a portion of the
    nodes, what would that do to the dimension?

Doubling Dimensions
  • Plotted on a log scale, the graph increases
    logarithmically until the maximum doubling
    dimension is reached.

  • Finite graphs have bounded doubling dimensions.
  • Different types of graphs have different
    signature cover graphs.
  • The number of nodes in a graph has some relation
    to the doubling dimension.
  • I like playing with graphs.

Future Work
  • Actually implementing the routing algorithm on a
  • Measuring latencies of adjacent routers to get a
    more accurate picture to work with.
  • Figuring out bounds on how scaling effects
    doubling dimension, possibly working with some
    infinite graphs.
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