Title: Zero Energy Homes for Region VII
1Zero Energy Homes for Region VII
- Jeff Christian
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Going Green in ASHRAE Region VII
- August 23, 2007
2Focus on Zero Energy House 5
- ZEH5 analysis
- Zero energy peak potential
- Commercial house plans
3First four houses to sell solar power to the
largest public electric utility in U.S.
- Solar credits 1.00/day
- Net off site total energy cost 1.00 to 0.41/day
- Construction cost 100,000- 221,000
ZEH1 built in 2002
4ZEH2 August 2004 total monthly energy bill 16.70
5ZEH 3 entire heating season cost
6ZEH5 an unoccupied test house for two year period
- ZEH5 has 12 months of performance data
conditioning 1232 ft2 - Testing two ton unit conditioning 2600 ft2 in
2007 - Geothermal horizontal water loop in existing
excavations - R-21 walls, R-36 roof
- Exterior insulated 2 hollow core CMU
- Linked foundation construction system to
7ZEH4 measured 0.42/day in 2006 for all off-site
energy, update
8ZEH4 modeling validation
0.50/day for 1200 ft2
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106-pipe Heat exchanger installed in ZEH5 overcut
113 pipes pinned to the clay soil wall and 3 spread
about a foot apart at base of the overcut
12Geothermal loop utilized water trench dug out
another 4 foot deeper
Water trench
13Heat exchangers also run in trenching for sewer
14Ground Pipe Installation and Sensors (ZEH5)
5 ft
33 ft
TC 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9 Thermal couple for
Temperature on the middle pipe TC7 Far field
ground temperature ? Ground pipe header
30 ft
Water Meter
20 ft
33 ft
13 ft
30 ft
Supply Return Pipes
22 ft
13 ft
2.53 ft
30 ft
Sewer Tap
50 ft
15Measured temperatures, Jan. 2006- July 23, 2007
Temperature oF
July 23 2006
July 23 2007
16Measured temperatures, Jan. 2006- August 21,
2007, 100 am
Last Summer
This Summer
17Air side problems?
7 lower while heating
18Thus far in 2007 ZEH5 two-story using 55 more
total energy for cooling
19But, on a per unit area of conditioned space 28
less cooling energy is needed by the GSHP
- In May-July ZEH4 a 2 story, 1200 ft2 with SEER
17 air source heat pump used 0.74 kWh/ft2 - Over the same period, exposed to the same weather
and with same orientation, ZEH5 - 2600 ft2 with
GSHP (ground coil in existing excavations) used
0.53 kWh/ft2
20Performance involves coupled heat and moisture
transfer processes
Solar radiation,rain, wind
Freezing, thawing
Conduction,moisture flow
Conduction,moisture flow
21Generating a data base for design model
development and validation
- Model validation using ZEH5 data
- Heavy clay soil
- 6 - 3/4 inch HDPE 500 ft loops in 250 ft trench
- Walkout basement with R-10 fiberglass insulation
drainage board - At least two years of 15 minute data
- Last summer peak EWT 97 F, last week 102 F
22Zero Peak Energy
23ZEH reduces summer peak loads by 40 with no
Demand side Management
24With DSM these houses can reach zero peak ZEH5
Hourly energy on TVA peak day, August 8, 2007
TVA record peak, of 33,344 MW
25Thermal Comfort Maintained
Temperature F and RH
26ZEH5 Hourly power demand on TVA all time peak
days in August 2007
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28ZEH7 SIP walls and roof, less than /day, HERS
index 37, 37 Solar, enough roof area to be
ZEH ready
2640 ft2
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31Upscale version with same energy performance
- 8/12 pitch roof
- Cedar shakes
- Crab Orchard Stone
- Stair Punch out
- Cost estimate 375K
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33Thank you!
- Jeff Christian
- ChristianJE_at_ORNL.gov