Title: Great Message. Wonderful Piece. Get It Delivered
1Great Message. Wonderful Piece.Get It
- Ted Matthews
- Sr. Account Executive
- October 26, 2006
2Todays Discussion
- USPS Statistics
- Define UAA
- Things You Need To Do
- Overview and Benefits Of Data Hygiene Processes
3Startling Statistics From The USPS
- 44 million people file change-of-address requests
each year - Unknown numbers of others also move
- Emergency Response (911) systems force thousands
of address conversions annually - 2 3 of all mail is undeliverable-as-addressed
4What is UAA mail?
- UAA mail is mail that must be forwarded,
returned to sender, or treated as waste because
the recipient information or address is
incomplete, incorrect or out of date. The
handling and processing of UAA mail costs the
Postal Service over 1 billion annually. In
addition, because the return on mailers
investments in mail is reduced by the amount of
mail that cannot be delivered, address quality
has been identified by the Mailers Technical
Advisory Committee as one of its major areas of
focus. - - United States Postal Service Strategic
Transformation Plan 2005
5What You Need To Do
- CASSTM Certification
- Address correction and standardization
- Validate physical USPS delivery points
- LACSLink
- Convert addresses
- NCOALink
- Change-of-address processing
Get your piece delivered!
6CASSTM CertificationAddress Correction
- Corrects ZIPTM codes address information
- Appends ZIP 4, Carrier Route code, Line Of
Travel, Delivery Point Code - Standardizes addresses to USPS specifications
- Optionally provides geographic, demographic and
governmental information
7CASSTM CertificationGarbage In Deliverable
Mail Out
John Q Smith 5706 Mason Bluf Street Springfield,
Va 22009
John Q Smith 5706 Mason Bluff Dr Burke, VA
8DPVTMWhat Is It?
- Validates physical USPS delivery points (CASSTM
validates to a range of possible delivery points) - Returns a Y or N
- Returns Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA)
9DPVTMHow Does This Help Me?
- Reduces UAA mail
- Reduces wasted postage
- Keeps your database clean
- Excellent fraud detection tool
- Gets your piece delivered!
10LACSLink What Is It?
- Address changes are forced by implementations of
Emergency Response (911) Systems - Primarily for Rural Route/Box conversions
- USPS created original LACS (Locatable Address
Conversion System) in the mid-1980s to reduce UAA
mail - USPS only delivers mail with old address for 1
11LACSLink Sample Conversions
- PO Box Renumbering
- Old Address PO Box 123
- New Address PO Box 555123
12LACSLink How Does This Help Me?
- Addresses become current and accurate
- Improves deliverability
- Improves speed of delivery
- Prevents data entry errors
- Gets your piece delivered!
13NCOALink What Is It?
- USPS change-of-address system
- Databases available in 18 and 48 months
- Contains over 160 million address changes
- 3 different licenses available
- Full Service Provider
- Limited Service Provider
- End User Mailer
14NCOALink How Does This Help Me?
- Stay in contact with your customers
- Required for First-ClassTM presort discounts
- Move Update requirement will expand to all
classes - Improve deliverability of prospect mailings
- Keep mailing lists and databases up to date with
the most current address for the recipient - Gets your piece delivered!
15Coming Soon from the USPS
- SuiteLinkTM
- Designed to correct or append suite information
for business addresses on mailing lists - Will only return suite information for address
matches that already have a company name on the
input record - StopLinkTM
- Will allow mailers to compare their mailing list
against a database that contains addresses that
cannot be delivered due to damages caused by
natural disasters or other extreme situations
16Other Helpful Tips
- Merge/Purge Eliminate those Dulpicates
- Deceased Suppression Eliminate deceased
individuals from your mailing - Prison Supression Eliminate prisoners
- Do Not Mail Suppression Eliminate people
that do not want to receive mailings
17How Do I Get More Information?
- Contact me
- 1 (800) 237-1921 Ext. 104 tmatthews_at_anchorcomputer
software.com - Search the USPS
- www.usps.com
- www.ribbs.usps.gov
Anchor Software, LLC is a non-exclusive licensee
of the United States Postal Service. The
following trademarks are owned by the United
States Postal Service CASS, DPV, First-Class,
LACSLink, NCOALink, United States Postal Service,
USPS, ZIP and ZIP 4. AD1.06