Title: Adapting to the user's needs and preferences
1Adapting to the user's needs and preferences
2Content Publishing
- The medium of by which content is publishing has
changed - Blogs
- Wikis
- Annotations
- The way is which users search for content has
changed - FOAF/creator descriptions
- Annotations can be
- Notes
- Summaries
- Web Pages
- Blogs
- Wikis
- Annotations can be attached to web documents
4Adapting to User Needs and Preferences
- Based on IMS AccessForAll metadata specification.
- A user can create a Access For All user profiles
which allows them to customise content based on - Display Preferences
- Control Preferences
- Content Preferences
5Display Preferences
- Font Face, Size
- Foreground, Background Colour
- Using Screen readers
- Using a Braille display
- Tactile technology
- Visual Alters
6Control Preferences
- Enhancing Keyboard
- Mouse Emulation
- Voice Recognition
- Structural Navigation
- etc
7Content Preferences
- Alternative to visual
- Alternatives to audio
- Alternatives to text
- etc
- An experimental Annotation client which
integrates Access For All FOAF/VCard creator
descriptions. - User can create annotations and include FOAF
information - User can create an Access For All profile
- Annotations customise based on user preferences
9Additions to AnnoSource
- AnnoSource includes customised/local services for
content preferences - Language Translation
- Braille Font Translation
- Include author/creator FOAF information
- Adding an annotation which includes information
about OzeWAI 2005
11Adding an Annotation
12Adding an Annotation cont.
13Adding an Annotation cont.
14Adapting to Display Preferences - Example
- Peter has visual preferences. He wants content to
be Cursive Font Face, large text and include
black background with yellow text
15Example Cont.
16Example Cont. Transformed Annotation
17Adapting to Content Preferences - Example
- Peter is an Italian student. Sometimes he prefers
to view content in Italian - AnnoSource uses on-line language translation
servers to transform annotation content to
variety of different languages. - Google Language Tools
- Altavista - Babel Fish Language Translation
18Example Cont.
19Example Cont. Transformed Annotation
20Language Translation Other Examples
21Including FOAF information
- Peter wants to view creator information
22Example Cont. Transformed Annotation With
FOAF (Italian)
23Adapting to Control Preferences - Example
- Peter doesnt want to view the full annotation
but just a summary.
24Example Cont. Transformed Annotation With
25Braille Example
26Braille Example - Cont
27More Information
- AnnoSource Website http//matchbox01.cs.latrobe.ed
u.au/annosource/ - Contact Information
- Behzad Kateli B.Kateli_at_latrobe.edu.au