Title: Head of School
1Head of SchoolsBoard Tool Box
2- OLD SAT analogy
- Our board is to our school as
- ________ is to _________
3Board as control mechanism Dam river Curbstone
road Border collie herd Control tower
pilot Landlord tenant
4Board as strategic direction setter Compass
navigation Headlights auto Rudder boat Guidance
systemsatellite Periscope submarine
5Board as meaning maker Inspiration poet Values
choices Designer work of art Vision
6Types of Boards
- Governing
- Advisory
- Limited Jurisdiction
Each type has different relationships with Head
of School, all of which are tricky!
7Use things from your teachers Bag of Tricks
- Modeling what you want
- communication
- collaboration
- Identifying positive examples
- Start with the end in mind
- Objectives
- Assessment
- Clear standards
- Each class is different and students have
different backgrounds and needs
8GPS SystemKnowing where you are
9Mission Focus
- Catholic identity
- Student learning
- Dignity of the teacher
- Partnership with parents
- Focused on things that ONLY the Board can do to
promote the mission
10Roles and Responsibilities
- Board as a whole
- Individual members
- Committees
- Chair
- Head of school
- Sponsoring entity
11Skill sets of Board members
- Personal and professional backgrounds
- Orientation
- On-going Board Formation
- Attitude of nose in, fingers out
12Current realities of the school
- Student and faculty profiles
- Programs
- Facilities
- Finances
- Your concerns
- Competitive landscape
13Telescope(not a microscope)
Crystal ball
14- Clear vision for five years ahead
- Planning for next generation of students
15TargetGoal Setting
16Goals and Assessment Practices
- Data-driven, measurable outcomes
- Model by setting your own for the school and your
job performance. Report on progress and ask for
17Board Self-Assessments
- Do we have the right people with the needed
expertise to move the school forward? - How are we doing operationally?
- Frequency, time, place of meetings, food
- Materials and minutes
- Meeting experience
18Board Self assessments
- How are we fulfilling our responsibilities as a
board and as committees? - What are our goals and what progress are we
making? - How well do individual board members fulfill
their responsibilities?
19Head of School Assessment
- Regular executive session with management letter
to head. Focus how can we be supportive? - Based on job description
- Head sets yearly goals with performance measures
reports periodically to the Board - Self assessment
- Chair appoints committee to get input from board
members perhaps some focus groups of
- Membership parents of current students, faculty
representation - Involvement in management issues confusion of
policy and procedures - Head of school communication with board members
between meetings
21- Board minutes
- Who else in the administration should attend
board meetings - What committee meetings should you attend
- Preparation for meetings committee reports sent
ahead of time - What to do about ineffective board members
- How to show appreciation to board
22Implications of Sarbanes Oxley
- Separate Audit committee
- Conflict of interest policy
- Whistleblower protection policy
- Review by-laws and Directors and Officers
liability insurance - Educate board in duty of care and duty of loyalty
23If you found this presentation helpful or have
additional questions, please contact me at
pgarrahan_at_xaverianbrothers.org Good luck! Sister
Pat Garrahan, SND