Title: Numbers in the Real World
1Numbers in the Real World
- Using percentages
- Putting numbers in perspective
2Three ways of using Percentages
- A total of 2,000 people, 5 of the companys
workforce, were laid off. - Expresses a fraction of the total workforce
- Google stock fell 5.7 last week, to 519.27.
- Describes a change in the stock price
- High Definition TVs have 125 more resolution
than conventional TVs, but cost 400 more. - Compares resolution and costs of televisions
3Using percentages as fractions
- Percent is just a fancy way of saying divided by
100 - 9.8 means 9.8/100, or .098
- Example There are 436 cars on the parking lot,
of which 32 are Fords. How many Fords are in
the parking lot? - 32 x 436 .32 x 436 139.52 or 139 Fords
4Using percentages to describe change
- Percentages are often used to describe how a
quantity changes with time. - Absolute change
- New value - reference value
- Relative change
- (New value - reference value)/reference value
- Example you bought a computer 3 years ago for
1000. Today it is worth 300. What is the
absolute change and the relative change in the
computers value? - Absolute change 300. - 1000. -700.00
- Relative change (300.-1000.)/1000.
5Using percentages for comparisons
Suppose you are comparing the prices of a 1989
Corvette And a 1989 Camaro. The Corvette costs
15,000 and the Camaro costs 12,000.
15,000 Corvette
12,000 Camaro
20 Less
25 More
6Of versus More Than
- Consider a population that triples in size, from
100 to 300. - The new population is 200 more than the original
population - The new population is 300 of the original
population - If the compared value is P more than the
reference value, it is (100P) of the reference
value. - If the compared value is P less than the
reference value, it is (100-P) of the reference
value. - A store is having a 25 off sale. How does an
items sale price compare to its original price?
7Percentages of Percentages
- A Time Magazine story claims that the percentage
of adults reading daily newspapers declined over
a 25-year period from 78 to 64. Describe the
change in readership.
8Solving Percentage Problems
- If the compared value is P more than the
reference value, then - Compared value (100P) x reference value
- If the compared value is less than the reference
value, then use (100-P) instead of (100P) in the
9Abuses of Percentages
- Beware of shifting reference values.
- Suppose you agree to take a temporary 10 pay cut
because your company has a bad quarter. Your
employer promises to give you a 10 raise in 6
months, Will you be back to your original
salary? - Less than nothing
- An advertisement claims that replacing
conventional light bulbs with CFL bulbs will use
200 less energy. - Dont average percentages
- Suppose that you got a 90 on your last quiz and
a 70 on your exam. Will your class average be
10Putting Numbers in Perspective
- What is a billion dollars, or a trillion dollars?
These numbers are so large that to many people
they are just words without real meaning. We
cannot truly understand the issues of our time
unless we have some sense of what these numbers
11Scientific Notation
- Scientific notation is a format in which a number
is expressed as a number between 1 and 10
multiplied by a power of 10. - The U.S. federal debt is 9.1 x 1012
- The diameter of a hydrogen nucleus is about 1 x
10-15 m - Approximations are easy in scientific notation
- 5893 x 212 is around (6x103) x (2x102) 12 x 105
12Giving Meaning to Numbers
- When we need to represent things as small as an
atom and as large as the distances between solar
systems, it is difficult to put it all in
perspective. These techniques are useful for
putting numbers in perspective - Estimation
- Comparison
- Scaling
13 Perspective Through Estimation
- How high is 1000 ft.?
- (Think in terms of building height)
- We know that each story on a building is around
10 ft. from floor to ceiling, so 1000 ft. is the
height of a 100 story building.
14Perspective Through Comparisons
- How much is 100 billion.
- (Think in terms of how long it would take to
count if you counted 1 bill per second)
15Perspective Through Scaling
- A city map states,One inch represents 1 mile.
What is the scale ratio for this map? - So the scale ratio is 63,360