2Answer Vocabulary 100
- A war between regions of the same country.
3Question Vocabulary 100
4Answer Vocabulary 200
- To refuse to approve proposals of government made
by the Senate.
5Question Vocabulary 200
6Answer Vocabulary 300
- a person trained to fight another person to the
death for public entertainment.
7Question Vocabulary 300
8Answer Vocabulary 400
- An irrigation system invented by the Etruscans.
They were long underground trenches.
9Question Vocabulary 400
10Answer Vocabulary 500
- One of the 7 hills in ancient Rome.
11Question Vocabulary 500?
12Answer The Rise of the Republic 100
- One of two chief leaders in the Roman Republic
13Question The Rise of the Republic 100
- How much do you wish to wager?
15Double JEAPORDY Answer
- In 509 BCE, they were driven out of Rome by the
16Double JEAPORDY Question
- Who are the Etruscan Kings or Etruscans?
18Answer The Rise of the Republic 300
- Were the wealthy landowers who controlled the
republic in the beginning.
19Question The Rise of the Republic 300
20Answer The Rise of the Republic 400
- The original founders of Rome.
21Question The Rise of the Republic 400
22Answer The Rise of the Republic 500
- He was considered one of the early heroes and
leaders of the Republic. He helped get rid of
the Etruscan kings.
23Question The Rise of the Republic 500
- Who is Lucius Junius Brutus?
24Answer The Beginning The End 100
- They made up the majority and had little control
in the early days of the Roman Republic.
25Question The Beginning The End 100
26Answer The Beginning The End 200
- He was murdered on March 15, 44 BCE.
27Question The Beginning The End 200
28Answer The Beginning The End 300
- Julius Caesar crossed this river, saying the die
is cast. He gained control of Rome after this
and declared himself dictator for life!
29Question The Beginning The End 300
- What is the Rubicon River.?
30Answer The Beginning The End 400
- These laws were written down in order to keep the
patricians from changing them quickly.
31Question The Beginning The End 400
- What are the Twelve Tables?
32Answer The Beginning The End 500
- He was the Roman general who was Julius Caesars
main rival. He lost control to J.C.
33Question The Beginning The End 500
34Answer Punic Wars 100
- There were this many Punic Wars.
35Question Punic Wars 100
36Answer Punic Wars 200
- Famous Carthaginian General who crossed the Alps
into Italy to fight the Romans.
37Question Punic Wars 200
38Answer Punic Wars 300
- This is the mountain range Hannibal crossed to
invade Italy.
39Question Punic Wars 300
40Answer Punic Wars 400
- Rome got control of this region on the Iberian
41Question Punic Wars 400
42Answer Punic Wars 500
- He was the Roman senator who initiated the 3rd
Punic War in order to completely destroy Carthage.
43Question Punic Wars 500
44Answer Rome Becomes an Empire 100
- He was Julius Caesars adopted son who became the
first emperor of Rome.
45Question Rome Becomes an Empire 100
- Who is Augustus Caesar (Octavian)?
46Answer Rome Becomes an Empire 200
- She was Queen of Egypt who was defeated by
Augustus Caesar at the battle of Actium.
47Question Rome Becomes an Empire 200
48Answer Rome Becomes an Empire 300
- This man tried to get control of the empire after
Julius Caesars murder. He was defeated by
49Question Rome Becomes an Empire 300
50Answer Rome Becomes an Empire 400
- This was set up to protect the emperor later it
sometimes murdered the emperors it protected.
51Question Rome Becomes an Empire 400
- What is the Praetorian Guard.
52Answer Rome Becomes an Empire 500
- Augustus name means this.
53Question Rome Becomes an Empire 500
- What is revered (honored)?