Title: King HenryThe Party Man
1King Henry-The Party Man
- A story about a cool man who threw big parties
and taught us all a little about math.
2This story was written byAlison NawrotThis
story was created to helpstudents learn their
3There once was a man named King Henry. He lived
in a large home with seven rooms and big entry
room with lots of food and games. People from
all over the world would come to his home for the
great parties!
4The King's Home
The Kings home had seven different rooms. Each
room had a certain letter, in gold, nailed to it.
When entering the home the last room on the left
had a K on it, the room next to that had a H
on it, the next door a D, and then came the
FRONT DOOR, after the front door came another
D door, next to that room was the C room, and
the last room on the right was the M room.
The Kings rooms in his home went in this
5Krazy Kings Quick Math Tricks
People would remember the order of the rooms by
the following saying King Henry Died Drinking
Coca-Cola Madly King Kilometer HenryHectometer D
iedDecameter DrinkingDecimeter Coca-ColaCentime
ter MadlyMillimeter
6The cool party rooms
On average the following rooms usually had the
following amount of people Kilometer1,000
people Hectometer100 people Decameter10 people
equation for being cool YOUKILOGRAM
7King Henry Coke Happiness
- King Henry loved his Coca-Cola. Everywhere that
he went the Coca-Cola followed. Over the years,
and the many parties, King Henrys back side had
increased tremendously. His back side was now
big enough that he could rest his Coca-Cola on
his backside as he walked from room to room.
8Krazy Kings Quick Math Tricks
Think of the Coca-Cola as a Decimal Point
Remember that everywhere that King Henry goes the
Coca-Cola goes with him
For every room that King Henry goes in he is
given an empty glass that needs to be filled.
Think that the glass will be filled with the
number 0
Whatever room King Henry is in will determine
what way his Coca-Cola will move. If he moves
rooms to the right his Coca-Cola will move to the
right. If King Henry moves rooms to the left his
Coca-Cola will move to the left.
9Lets Try a Few King Henry Questions
- 5 kilometers______ hectometers
- (Think of this as King and Henry)
- 10 centimeters_______millimeters
- (Dont forget the Coca-Cola-decimal)
- 7 decameters______kilometers
- (Remember to be filling up the Kings empty
glasses with more Coca-Cola-0s)
Alison Nawrot
Mrs. Wasserzug 6th grade math teacher
Middle Grades Math Tools For Success, Prentice
Hall, 1999,Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, pages