Verification of Embedded Software in Industrial Microprocessors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Verification of Embedded Software in Industrial Microprocessors


Ensure 'backward compatibility' w/IA 32. Verify that optimizations do not ... In the past couple of years, we have we made progress in the introduction of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Verification of Embedded Software in Industrial Microprocessors

Verification of Embedded Software inIndustrial
  • Eli Singerman
  • Design and Technology Solutions
  • Intel Corp.
  • FMCAD2007, Austin

  • Our Intel team
  • Michael Mishaeli, Elad Elster, Ronen Kofman,
    Tamarah Arons, Andreas Tiemeyer, Shlomit Ozer,
    Jonathan Shalev, Pavel Mikhlin, Terry Murphi,
    Sela Mador-Haim (past)
  • Academic partners
  • Lenore Zuck, Amir Pnueli, Moshe Vardi

  • Motivation
  • Embedded Software Intro
  • Characteristics
  • Verification Landscape
  • Application of Formal Methods
  • Modeling
  • Reasoning
  • Verification Flows
  • The way ahead
  • Related work

  • In modern Intel processors, several advanced new
    technologies are provided through embedded
  • E.g., virtualization, security
  • We expect this to grow as CPUs gradually move to
    SoC design paradigm

Motivation cont.
  • Verification is on the critical path
  • Limits the introduction of new features
  • Dominant in Time-To-Market
  • Embedded software (mostly microcode) is
    responsible for a significant portion of bugs
  • Implementation is challenging (and error prone)
  • Verification methodologies/tools/technologies are
  • In this talk, I will overview some of the
    directions we have pursued in addressing this
    growing gap (extending what we reported at

  • Motivation
  • Embedded Software Intro
  • Characteristics
  • Verification Landscape
  • Application of Formal Methods
  • Modeling
  • Reasoning
  • Verification Flows (it is not all FV)
  • The way ahead
  • Related work

Characteristics Basics
  • Programs are low level (sub-assembly) let us
    call them microprograms
  • The basic data types are bits and bit-vectors
  • Denoting state variables such as registers,
    memory, microarchitectural control and
    configuration bits

  • Control flow is facilitated by jump-to-label
  • Where the labels appear in the program or
    indicate a call to an external procedure
  • Sometimes, label offset is used
  • It is possible to have indirect jumps (target is
    known only at run time)
  • Have loops (non-recursive, almost all with fixed

Characteristics Atomic statements
  • Atomic statements of microprograms are called
  • These are implemented via dedicated hardware
    executed in various units of the CPU (e.g., ALU)
  • Can be thought of as functions that (typically)
    get as input two register arguments, perform some
    computation and assign the final result to a
    third register
  • Possibly raising various exceptions

Example (not real)
  • A simple microprogram (not actual)
  • Registers are bitvectors of width 64
  • Memory is an array3264
  • That is, an address space of 32 bits is mapped to
    entries of 64 bits
  • memory_read and add are microinstructions

BEGIN FLOW(example) reg1
memory_read(reg2, reg3) reg4 add(reg1,
Characteristics Hardware Interaction
  • In addition to invoking microinstructions, we
    have implicit interaction by reading/setting
    various shared machine-state variables
  • E.g., memory (both persistent and volatile),
    special control bits for signaling
    microarchitectural events, etc.
  • The latter is used for governing the
    microarchitectural state and is mostly modeled as
    side-effects (not visible in the source code)

Characteristics Termination
  • All microprograms execution paths are finite
  • Except for spin-loops waiting for HW event to
    occur in order to resume execution
  • Two types of exits
  • Normal Nothing bad happened
  • Exception Some fault occurred, e.g., arithmetic
    (underflow), memory (page not found)

Verification Landscape
HW Env model
  • Simulation based
  • Try to cover all possible execution paths in each
    microprogram (at least once.)

Test Generator
Path Manager
Paths DB
Lint Checker
Major Limitations
  • Path extraction is manual -- annotation based
  • Very difficult to write and get correct
  • Missing real paths
  • Generating un-real paths that can never be
  • Significant maintenance burden
  • Test ? Simulate ? Cover loop is too long
  • Verification is control oriented
  • In critical microprograms data should be taken
    into account

  • Motivation
  • Embedded Software Intro
  • Characteristics
  • Verification Landscape
  • Application of Formal Methods
  • Modeling
  • Reasoning
  • Verification Flows (it is not all FV)
  • The way ahead
  • Related work

Modeling IRL
  • Native Embedded SW dialects are extremely
    complex, with many implicit side-effects, and
    intricate semantics
  • We introduce an intermediate format, which we
    call IRL Intermediate Representation Language
  • IRL is a simple programming language
  • Basic Data Types are bits and bit-vectors (with a
    rich set of operations)
  • Basic statements are conditional assignments and
  • IRL is
  • expressive enough to describe fully and
    explicitly the behavior of microprograms and
    their (implicit) interaction with their hardware
    environment at the right abstraction level
  • Yet, its sequential semantics is simple enough to
    enable formal reasoning

Constructing an IRL model
  • IRL uses a Template Mechanism
  • Each microinstruction is implemented by an IRL
  • Template body is a sequence of (plain) IRL
    statements that compute the effect of the
  • Including side effects of a microinstruction
    computation, by updating the relevant auxiliary
  • When compiling a microprogram, templates are
    instantiated to generate IRL code
  • This enables
  • Compositional build
  • Write once, use many times
  • In addition, exceptions/faulty behaviors are
    modeled as executions at the end of which various
    variables are made observable

  • A simple microprogram (not actual uCode)
  • Registers are bitvectors of width 64
  • Memory is an array3264
  • That is, an address space of 32 bits is mapped to
    entries of 64 bits
  • memory_read and add are microinstructions

BEGIN FLOW(example) reg1
memory_read(reg2, reg3) reg4 add(reg1,
IRL Templates for microinstructions
  • Note that a side effect setting zeroFlag is
    explicit (for simplicity, we ignore the
    possibility of add overflow)
  • Memory_read is more involved
  • Includes a possible exception. The address is
    calculated as tmp address offset.
  • If this is out of the memory address range of 32
    bits, then an address overflow exception is
    signaled with relevant variables

template add (reg result,reg src1,reg
src2) result src1 src2 zeroFlag
(result 0)
IRL Templates cont.
exception address_overflow(bit32
address) template memory_read(reg result, reg
tmp_address, reg offset) TMP0 tmp_address
offset if (TMP0 gt 0xFFFFFFFF) exit
address_overflow (TMP06332) result
memoryTMP0310 zeroFlag (result 0)
Found_valid_address 1
Formal model
  • Symbolic transition system (Manna et al.)
  • States defined by means of state variables
  • Transitions defined by means of logical
    constraints between pre and post values
  • Multiple exits (doors)
  • Each exit has its own observable expressions

  • Reasoning is done through an IRL symbolic
  • All inputs are assigned with initial symbolic
  • Memory interaction is modeled via un-interpreted
    functions using a stack mechanism
  • Constraints computed by the simulator are
    propositional formulas involving bit-vector
    expressions over initial values
  • We compute necessary and sufficient conditions to
    traverse any path the program can execute
  • For each path, compute the final state mapped to
    selected observables
  • For evaluation, the conditions are submitted to
    propositional SAT solver
  • We are very encouraged by initial results using
    academic bit-vector solvers, more on this later

System Diagram
SAT Solver
Symbolic Simulator
Verification Conditions generator
Symbolic Simulation Some obstacles
  • Simulating industrial strength embedded SW
    requires resolving some difficulties
  • First, expressions get REALLY BIG, e.g., a
    microprogram can consist of thousands of
    execution paths, several of which have a
    sequential length of 104
  • In addition, have to handle indirect jump
  • Lastly, have to account for loops
  • Have to handle these on-the-fly due to first

Symbolic Simulation Partial answers
  • Avoiding expression blow-up by dynamic
  • Pruning of un-feasible execution paths (evaluate
    path condition on-the-fly)
  • Merging of simulation paths at strategic control
    locations (both automatically detected and user
  • Resolution (at least reduction) of indirect jump
    targets by a combination of static expression
    analysis and SAT
  • Caching and grouping of conditions
  • Speed up current simulation using control info
    computed at previous simulations

More details available in our coming DATE08 paper
BEGIN(toy_program) start I1 if (CPL gt 0)
fault I2 if (EAX gt 7) then EBX 8 else
EBX EAX - 2 I3 if (EBX lt 5) goto
skip_mask I4 EAX EAX 0x000F
skip_mask I5 if EAX lt EBX fault
Path Analysis
Path Conditions P0 (CPL0gt0) ? fault P1
(CPL00) (EBX1 lt 5) (EAX0 lt EBX1) ? fault P2
(CPL00) (EBX1 lt 5) (EAX0 EBX1) ? end P3
(CPL00) (EBX1 5) (EAX1 lt EBX1) ? fault P4
(CPL00) (EBX1 5) (EAX1 EBX1) ? end
Remove infeasible
start I1
CPL0 0
CPL0gt 0
EBX1 (EAX0 gt7)?8EAX0-2
P0 fault
EBX1 5
EBX1 lt 5
skip_mask I5
EAX1 EAX0 0x000F
EAX0 lt EBX1
skip_mask I5
P2 End
P1 fault
EAX1 lt EBX1
((EBX1 lt 5) ? EAX0 EAX1) lt EBX1
((EBX1 lt 5) ? EAX0 EAX1) EBX1
P3 fault
P4 End
P1 fault
P2 End
Verification flows
Assist Standard Verification
HW Env model
  • Compute paths
  • automatically w/o
  • manual annotations

Test Generator
Path Manager
Guide a direct test generator
Paths DB
Lint Checker
Note These have far more impact than formal
verification flows
Test Generation
  • Using the path conditions, tests can be created
    to exercise paths in simulation
  • State mapped between microarchitectural
    representation and architectural means of setting
  • The program simulated is only a small piece of
    the whole environment simulated
  • Other structures are needed to bootstrap test,
    handle faulting conditions, and reach the program
    under test
  • For this reason, it is not possible to simply
    jam the values (example memory layout)

Formal Property Verification
  • Goal verify intended (partial) behavior of
  • Specifying properties
  • Essentially, state predicates expressing
    uArch/Arch properties
  • User can specify what and where to check
  • These are natural based on control flow of the
    program, relating to significant program
  • Examples
  • If EAX3true at start then XYZ true at
  • if ECX contains an initial value of given set,
    then a General Protection Ffault will occur
  • Basic directives
  • Assume a predicate at a specific loaction
  • Assert (verify) a predicate at a specific
    location (or at a set of locations)
  • Constrain program simulation paths during

Formal Equivalence Verification
  • Goals
  • Ensure backward compatibility w/IA 32
  • Verify that optimizations do not break
  • Given two microprograms new, legacy
  • A set of (global) constraints
  • Mapping predicates -- relating the two different
    CPU micro-architectures
  • Predicates specifying new features are
  • new is backward compatible with legacy if
    both exhibit the same observable behavior (under
  • For every initial state, both exit in the same
  • Either both reach normal exit or both have the
    same fault
  • Both produce the same values on relevant
  • Both write the same values into the same
    locations of external memory, in the same order
  • Compatible means equivalent under constraints

Full Functional Verification of Instructions
  • Goals
  • Verify correct input/output behavior against a
    full architectural specification
  • Account for both software and hardware
  • We developed a high-level specification based on
    the programmers reference manual in IRL
  • Since we have IRL representation for the SW
    implementation, its verification reduces to
    checking equivalence of IRL programs
  • With some auxiliary mapping to bridge the
    abstraction gap
  • The HW RTL implementation of microinstructions is
    formally verified separately
  • Again, using symbolic simulation (STE)
  • Together, this implies full verification (for
    in-order execution)
  • Sometimes, it works ?

  • Motivation
  • Embedded Software Intro
  • Characteristics
  • Verification Landscape
  • Application of Formal Methods
  • Modeling
  • Reasoning
  • Verification Flows (it is not all FV)
  • The way ahead
  • Related work

Summary and future work
  • In the past couple of years, we have we made
    progress in the introduction of formal methods to
    verification of embedded SW at Intel
  • Current toolset provides automaton in several key
    verification activities
  • Contributes to quality and productivity of
    traditional methods
  • Future (and on-going work) include
  • Application (and adaptation) to other types of
    embedded SW
  • On-going search for efficiency improvements in
    all levels
  • On the solver level we are very encouraged by
    latest results using academic word-level solvers

Some related work
  • R.E. Bryant, Symbolic simulation techniques and
    applications, DAC1990
  • D. Currie et al, Embedded software verification
    using symbolic execution and uninterpreted
    functions, Int. J. Parallel Program, 2006
  • A. Koelbl and C. Pixley, Constructing efficient
    formal models from high-level descriptions using
    symbolic simulation, Int. J. Parallel Program,
  • D. Babic and A. Hu, structural abstraction of
    software verification conditions, CAV2005
  • D. Currie, A. Hu and S. Rajan, Automatic formal
    verification of DSP software, DAC2000
  • C. Flanagan and J. Saxe, Avoiding exponential
    explosion generating compact verification
    conditions, POPL2001
  • E.M. Clarke, D. Kroening and K. Yorav,
    Behavioral consistency of C and Verilog programs
    using bounded model checking, DAC2003
  • R. C. Ho et al, "Architecture validation for
    processors", Proc. Int. Symp. Computer
    Architecture (ISCA95)
  • D. Lugato et al, Automated Functional Test Case
    Synthesis from THALES industrial Requirements,
  • P. Mihsra and N. Dutt, Graph-Based Functional
    Test Program Generation for Pipelined
    Processors, DATE2004
  • S. Ur and Y. Yadin, Micro Architecture coverage
    directed generation of test programs, DAC1999

More related work
  • D. Cyrluk, Microprocessor Verification in PVS A
    Methodology and Simple Example,
  • Technical Report SRI-CSL-93-12, 1993
  • S.Y. Huang and K.T. Cheng, Formal Equivalence
    Checking and Design Debugging,
  • Kluwer, 1998.
  • D. Harel and A. Pnueli, On the development of
    reactive systems, In Logics and Models of
    Concurrent Systems, 1985.
  • A. Pnueli, M. Siegel, and E. Singerman,
    Translation validation, In TACAS1998
  • J. Sawada and W.A. Hunt, Verification of FM9801
    An out-of-order microprocessor model with
    speculative execution, exceptions, and
    program-modifying capability, J. on Formal
    Methods in System Design, 2002.
  • M. Srivas and S. Miller, Applying formal
    verification to the AAMP5 microprocessor
  • A case study in the industrial use of formal
    methods, J. on Formal Methods in System, 1996.
  • A. Aharon et al, Test Program Generation for
    Functional Verification of PowerPC Processors in
    IBM, DAC1995
  • R. S. Boyer, B. Elspas and K. N. Levitt, SELECT
    - a formal system for testing and debugging
    programs by symbolic execution, 1975.
  • T. Ball and S. K. Rajamani, Automatically
    Validating Temporal Safety Properties of
    Interfaces, SPIN 2001.

Yet, some more
  • S. Fine and A. Ziv. Coverage Directed Test
    Generation for Functional Verification using
    Bayesian Networks, DAC2003
  • D. Geist et al, Coverage directed test
    generation using symbolic techniques, FMCAD1996
  • A. Gupta et al, Property-Specific Testbench
    Generation for Guided Simulation, VLSID2002.
  • T. Arons et al, Formal verification of backward
    compatibility of microcode, CAV2005
  • T. Arons et al, Embedded Software Validation
    Applying formal techniques for coverage and test
    Generation, MTV2006
  • T. Arons et al, Efficient symbolic simulation of
    low-level software, to appear in DATE2008
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