The Second Woe
2The Second Woe
- Review
- The judgements of God increase in intensity
- The first woe (fifth trumpet) involved
supernatural locusts from the abyss torturing
rebellious man for five months - The trumpet judgements closely parallel the
plagues of Egypt in both content and purpose
3The Second Woe
- The Release of the Four Angels
- 1. A voice- possibly the angel of 83-5
- 2. The place of final appeal becomes the place
of Gods judgement- cf. Ex 2113,14 1 Kings
150-51 228 - 3. God responds to the prayers of the saints
4The Second Woe
- The Release of the Four Angels
- 4. Four demons are released from the Euphrates
River- cf Gen 214 1518 - 5. The demons have been prepared for this very
hour- Gods plan and purpose is perfect - 6. The demons purpose is to destroy 1/3 of
humanity with a cavalry 200 million strong
5The Second Woe
II. The Description of the Demonic Cavalry 1.
200, 000, 000- an enormous number, but this army
is demonic, not human 2. Note the parallels
between the description of the demonic locusts
and the demonic cavalry- 97-10 and 917-19 3.
While the locusts can hurt but not kill, the
cavalry kills 1/3 of rebellious humanity
6The Second Woe
III. The Response of the Rebels 1. Idolatry
replaces true worship- compare 615-17 with
920,21 2. Only two options- God is God, or I
am god. All sin is a symptom of pride 3. Mans
depravity keeps him from accepting Gods mercy
7The Second Woe
Are you actively warning people of the
foolishness of worshipping self or are you too
busy doing it yourself? God will forgive if we
repent- until its too late