Fitts Law and Tactile Feedback - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fitts Law and Tactile Feedback


Fitts' Law and Tactile Feedback. Maureen Duffy October 29, 2003. Overview ... How Tactile Effects Affect Acquisition Time and Error ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fitts Law and Tactile Feedback

Fitts Law and Tactile Feedback
  • Maureen Duffy
  • October 29, 2003

  • Whats this all about?
  • Why do this? How will it contribute?

  • Fitts Law
  • Types of Tasks
  • Exisiting Research
  • How Tactile Effects Affect Acquisition Time and
  • How Friction, Texture, and Friction Texture
    Affect Acquisition Time
  • How Magnitude Affects Acquisition Time
  • Psychological Theories on the Haptic Visual
  • People in this Research Area
  • Issues for Consideration

  • What is Fitts Law?
  • A formula for target acquisition time based on
    target width and the distance to target.

  • How might tactile feedback devices effect target
    acquisition time?
  • Variables of the feedback that we might consider
  • the magnitude
  • the texture
  • the frequency (pulses per second)
  • the area ( length x width) of the screen that
    its attached to
  • the friction (how the effect slows down
    pointer/cursor movement)
  • the recess dimensions
  • the gravity effect (how the pointer is pulled
    towards the target)
  • the style (is it a ridge around the target? Does
    it completely cover the target?)

  • The Goal
  • Come up with a modified version of Fitts law to
    describe and predict target acquisition time in
    bimodal visual-haptic interfaces. This version of
    the law would take into account at least some of
    the variables unique to tactile-feedback.

  • Why Do This?!
  • One Law to Rule Them All we have so many
    different types of tactile feedback devices the
    PHANToM, the Pantograph specialized mice,
    trackballs, joysticks, pens, and palm PCs
    virtual reality gloves, chairs, suits game
    console controllers and steering wheelsThe law
    may show us how we can improve target acquisition
    times when using any of these devices. It will
    also give us a basis for performance comparison
    between the different devices.

Just For Fun
The PHANToM (Sensable Technologies Developed at
Just For Fun
The Pantograph (McGill University)
Just For Fun
CyberGrasp Glove (Virtual Technologies, Inc.)
  • Why Do This?!
  • Screen Space is A Precious Resource When we size
    down our targets, we increase target acquisition
    time. What if we could nullify this effect by
    introducing tactile feedback to the target? We
    could further minimize our use of screen real
    estate without a time penalty!An added benefit
    to minimizing the use of screen space is a
    reduction in visual information overload

  • Why Do This?!
  • Tactile Feedback is Cheap! Why Not Use It? While
    until recently youd have to fork over at least
    15k to get your hands on a PHANToM or build your
    own tactile feedback device, these days tactile
    feedback devices are cheap - 30 cheap. So price
    is no longer an impediment. A law such as this
    one could inform tactile feedback design in order
    to make it useful, instead of a gimmick that may
    even be less efficient, and hopefully would
    encourage the use of these now-affordable

  • Why Do This?!
  • Benefit the Disabled Numerous studies have
    suggested that visual interfaces augmented with
    tactile feedback decrease target acquisition
    time. One would assume that this is because of a
    decreased reliance on vision and an increased
    reliance on the sense of touch. This decreased
    need for visual perception may be of help to the
    visually impaired in navigating these bimodal

Fitts Law Movement Time
  • MT a b x ID
  • Where
  • MT movement time (time to acquire target)
  • ID Index of Difficulty (Shannons information
    channel capacity)
  • a, b slope and intercept coefficients
    (determined by linear regression on data)

Fitts Law Index of Difficulty
  • IDFitts log2 (2A / W)
  • IDMacK log2 (A / W1)
  • Where
  • ID Index of Difficulty, measured in bits
    (Shannons information channel capacity)
  • A movement amplitude, measured in pixels
    (distance to target, was power of signal in
  • W target width, measured in pixels (error,
    was noise in Shannon)

Fitts Law All Together Now
  • MTFitts a b log2 (2A / W)
  • MTMacK a b log2 (A / W1)
  • Where
  • ID Index of Difficulty, measured in bits
    (Shannons information channel capacity)
  • A movement amplitude, measured in pixels
    (distance to target, was power of signal in
  • W target width, measured in pixels (error,
    was noise in Shannon)
  • a, b slope and intercept coefficients
    (determined by linear regression on data)

Fitts Law Fitts vs. MacKenzie
  • Why would we pick one equation over the other?
  • According to Dosher, Fitts original equation is
    more appropriate where there is a large A (target
    distance) to W (target width) ratio, while
    MacKenzies equation is more appropriate for a
    small A-to-W ratio.

Fitts Law Throughput
  • TP ID / MT
  • Where
  • TP Throughput, measured in bits/second
  • ID Index of Difficulty, measured in bits
    (Shannons information channel capacity)
  • MT movement time, measured in seconds (time to
    acquire target)

Fitts Law Experiment
  • Choose a particular task to study.
  • Create many instances of this task with varying
    Indexes of Difficulty by manipulating A (distance
    to target) and W (width of target) in each
    instance of the task.
  • Conduct multiple trials for each instance of the
  • Record MT (target acquisition time) and accuracy
    for each trial.

Fitts Law Experiment Analysis
  • Use linear regression techniques to discover a
    b values for Fitts equation.
  • We can use these equations to predict compare
    user performance Here device A wins.

4 -- 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- 0
Device A MT 2.3 0.5 ID
Movement Time (s)
Device B MT 0.5 0.25 ID
Index of Difficulty (bits)
1 2 3 4 5
Types of Tasks
  • Target Acquisition
  • Pursuit Tracking following the target around
    the screen, trying to catch it flyswatting
  • Freehand Inking drawing or signing your name
  • Constrained Linear Motion the steering task
    for example, selecting from drop down menus
  • Constrained Circular Motion for example,
    rotating objects in a 3D interface.

Types of Tasks
  • Advantages of studying Target Acquisition
  • Its simple
  • Its studied widely and well-documented
  • Its very applicable to everyday desktop usage

How Does TF Improve Target Acquisition Time?
Cursor Enters Target
Mouse buttonClick
Stopping Time
Clicking Time
Approach Time
Selection Time
Target Acquisition Time (MT)
(This diagram is from Akamatsu MacKenzie)
Effects of Feels on MT
  • Putting the Feel in Look and Feel by Oakley,
    McGee, Brewster, Gray, CHI 2000.
  • Studied four different haptic effects Texture,
    Friction, Recess, Gravity
  • Task Simple target acquisition Fitts Task
  • Device Used Immersion Corporations PHANToM

Effects of Feels on MT
  • The experimenters looked to see how the four
    effects affected
  • Slide-over errors the user misses the target
    slides right over it
  • Slip-off errors the user acquires the target,
    but falls off before they can select it
  • Target Acquisition Time

Effects of Feels on MT
  • The results
  • Slide-over errors
  • Texture ? significantly more error than no TF.
  • Friction ? about the same error as with no TF
  • Recess Gravity ? sig. less error than no TF.
  • Slip-off errors
  • Texture ? significantly more error than no TF.
  • Friction Recess ? about the same error as no
  • Gravity ? significantly less error than no TF
  • Target Acquisition Time
  • No Significant Differences!

Effects of Friction and Texture
  • Movement Characteristics Using a Mouse with
    Tactile Feedback Akamatsu, MacKenzie 1996
  • Studied Friction (what they call force
    feedback), and Texture (what they call tactile
    feedback), and Friction Texture
  • Task Simple Target Acquisition
  • Device Tactile/Force Feedback Mouse

Effects of Friction and Texture
  • The Results
  • All three feedback types produced statistically
    significant effects
  • Texture performed the best,
  • Texture Force performed the 2nd best,
  • Force alone performed the worstIt was worse than
    no feedback.
  • Texture had more error than no feedback.

Effects of Magnitude
  • Preliminary Two-Dimensional Haptic thresholds
    and Task Performance Enchancements Lee
    Hannaford (2001?)
  • Studied Magnitude of Haptic Feedback
  • Task Target Acquisition
  • Device Pen-Based Haptic Display

Effects of Magnitude
  • Results
  • Two tasks acquire indicated target from amongst
    5 different targets when only desired target has
    feedback and acquire indicated target when all 5
    targets have feedback.
  • Haptic forces as low as 50 milliNewtons (weight
    of 2 US dimes) showed small performance
  • As the magnitude of the force went up, the time
    to acquire the target decreased for both tasks.

Other Research Results
  • Dennerlein, et. al. found that haptic feedback
    improved both the error and time in task
    completion of steering tasks.
  • Balakrishman, et. al. developed a custom tactile
    feedback joystick device to work with an
    on-screen virtual hand-held tool. The device
    shows a 44 increase in accuracy but a 64
    increase in time to completion.
  • Sallnas, et. al. had subjects pass cubic virtual
    objects to each other, one group receiving haptic
    feedback from the objects and one group not...
    the haptic feedback group did not have a
    significantly reduced time of completion but had
    a significantly lower error rate.
  • Wall, et. al. used the PHANToM to have subjects
    complete Fitts' tapping tasks. The force
    feedback was found to improve subject's movement
  • Dosher found that the amplitude of haptic
    stimulus and improvement in time were positively
  • Arsenault found a 20 improvement in target
    acquisition time with tactile feedback using a
    PHANToM in a 3D virtual environment.

Psychology Of Touch Theories
  • Touch Teaches Vision Berkeley
  • What our eyes tell us is meaningless without
    tactile experience to calibrate it. (Not
    supported very well by research)
  • Developmental Integration Piaget (1953)
  • Early in life, we experience both visual and
    tactual sensations, but as we mature these
    separate experiences integrate into single

Psychology Of Touch Theories
  • Visual Dominance - Sometime between 1-2 years of
    age, people tend to have integrated senses of
    vision and touch with vision dominating.
    Conflicts in perception are resolved by vision
  • However, touch is as accurate as vision at
    perceiving texture (Lederman Abbot)
  • Auditory information better than vision at
    informing us of time-based events (Myers, Cotton,

Psychology Of Touch Theories
  • Modality Specialization Freides
    (1974)Different senses are better for different
    tasks as the task becomes more complicated,
    appropriate modalities kick in even more.

Psychology Of Touch Theories
  • Warren Rossano suggest three kinds of tasks
    that introduce different relationships between
    touch and vision
  • Texture vision and touch perceive about equally
  • Shape more accurately perceived by vision when
    theres conflict, vision wins
  • Spatial Location more accurately perceived by
    vision however, when theres conflict, vision
    does not always win

  • I. Scott MacKenzie Dept. of Comp. Sci. at York
    University in Ontario Fitts Law Guru
    Extradordinare, also interested in tactile
  • Bill Buxton Dept. of Comp. Sci. at University
    of Toronto Fitts Law and Touch-Sensitive

  • Shumin Zhai IBM Almaden Research Center
    University of Toronto Researches Fitts Law
    Steering Law tasks
  • Johnny Accot (no picture)
  • Julie Jacko Industrial Systems Engineering,
    Georgia Tech Multimodal Feedback, Designing for
    the Partially Sighted

  • Blake Hannaford Dept. of Electrical
    Engineering, University of Washington
    Researches haptic thresholds/magnitude
  • Jesse Dosher
  • Gregory S. Lee

  • William Schiff Psychology Dept., NYU The
    Psychology of Touch and Haptics
  • Morton Heller Psychology Dept., Eastern
    Illinois University The Psychology of Touch and

Issues to Consider
  • In a desktop application, how will the different
    haptically charged UI elements affect each
    other? Is it better to give everything a tactile
    feedback, selectively give UI elements on the
    tactile feedback, or only give the target tactile
  • If were only giving the target tactile
    feedbackhow do we know what the next target is?
    (Stochastic classificationcollect user data over
    time to predictMunch Dillman) Is this

Issues to Consider
  • How does error fit into Fitts Law? Some
    researchers reduce error to a nominal variable
    (either present or not present) and they count
    the number of times that it occurs, or they
    determine how much error by recording how many
    pixels off the selection was.
  • Can a separate law be created to predict error?

Issues to Consider
  • How do all of these haptic variables effect
    performance in tasks other than
  • What expectations do we have of different tactile
    sensations (hard, soft, smooth, textured, etc.)
    and how will those expectations affect our
    perception of different UI elements? (for
    example, would someone find themselves less
    motivated to use a certain option in a program
    because it had a jagged, possibly disconcerting
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