Title: Machine Learning: Symbol-based
1Machine Learning Symbol-based
9.0 Introduction 9.1 A Framework
for Symbol-based Learning 9.2 Version Space
Search 9.3 The ID3 Decision Tree Induction
Algorithm 9.4 Inductive Bias and Learnability
9.5 Knowledge and Learning 9.6 Unsupervised
Learning 9.7 Reinforcement Learning 9.8 Epilogue
and References 9.9 Exercises
Additional source used in preparing the
slides Jean-Claude Latombes CS121 (Introduction
to Artificial Intelligence) lecture notes,
ome.htm (version spaces, decision trees) Tom
Mitchells machine learning notes (explanation
based learning)
2Chapter Objectives
- Learn about several paradigms of symbol-based
learning - Learn about the issues in implementing and using
learning algorithms - The agent model can learn, i.e., can use prior
experience to perform better in the future
3A learning agent
Learning element
4A general model of the learning process
5A learning game with playing cards
- I would like to show what a full house is. I give
you examples which are/are not full houses - 6? 6? 6? 9? 9? is a full house
- 6? 6? 6? 6? 9? is not a full house
- 3? 3? 3? 6? 6? is a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 6? 6? is a full house
- Q? Q? Q? 6? 6? is a full house
- 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 3? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 4? 4? is a full house
6A learning game with playing cards
- If you havent guessed already, a full house is
three of a kind and a pair of another kind. - 6? 6? 6? 9? 9? is a full house
- 6? 6? 6? 6? 9? is not a full house
- 3? 3? 3? 6? 6? is a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 6? 6? is a full house
- Q? Q? Q? 6? 6? is a full house
- 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 3? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 4? 5? is not a full house
- 1? 1? 1? 4? 4? is a full house
- Im asking you to describe a set. This set is the
concept I want you to learn. - This is called inductive learning, i.e., learning
a generalization from a set of examples. - Concept learning is a typical inductive learning
problem given examples of some concept, such as
cat, soybean disease, or good stock
investment, we attempt to infer a definition
that will allow the learner to correctly
recognize future instances of that concept.
8Supervised learning
- This is called supervised learning because we
assume that there is a teacher who classified the
training data the learner is told whether an
instance is a positive or negative example of a
target concept.
9Supervised learning?
- This definition might seem counter intuitive. If
the teacher knows the concept, why doesnt s/he
tell us directly and save us all the work? - The teacher only knows the classification, the
learner has to find out what the classification
is. Imagine an online store there is a lot of
data concerning whether a customer returns to the
store. The information is there in terms of
attributes and whether they come back or not.
However, it is up to the learning system to
characterize the concept, e.g, - If a customer bought more than 4 books, s/he will
return. - If a customer spent more than 50, s/he will
10Rewarded card example
- Deck of cards, with each card designated by
r,s, its rank and suit, and some cards
rewarded - Background knowledge in the KB ((r1) ? ?
(r10)) ? NUM (r) ((rJ) ? (rQ) ? (rK)) ?
FACE (r) ((sS) ? (sC)) ? BLACK (s)
((sD) ? (sH)) ? RED (s) - Training set REWARD(4,C) ? REWARD(7,C)
? REWARD(2,S) ? ?REWARD(5,H) ?
11Rewarded card example
- Training set REWARD(4,C) ? REWARD(7,C)
? REWARD(2,S) ? ?REWARD(5,H) ?
?REWARD(J,S) - Card In the target set?
- 4? yes
- 7? yes
- 2? yes
- 5? no
- J? no
- Possible inductive hypothesis, h,
- h (NUM (r) ? BLACK (s) ? REWARD(r,s)
12Learning a predicate
- Set E of objects (e.g., cards, drinking cups,
writing instruments) - Goal predicate CONCEPT (X), where X is an object
in E, that takes the value True or False (e.g.,
REWARD, MUG, PENCIL, BALL) - Observable predicates A(X), B(X), (e.g., NUM,
RED, HAS-HANDLE, HAS-ERASER) - Training set values of CONCEPT for some
combinations of values of the observable
predicates - Find a representation of CONCEPT of the form
CONCEPT(X) ? A(X) ? ( B(X)? C(X) )
13How can we do this?
- Go with the most general hypothesis possible
any card is a rewarded card This will cover
all the positive examples, but will not be able
to eliminate any negative examples. - Go with the most specific hypothesis
possible the rewarded cards are 4?, 7?, 2?
This will correctly sort all the examples in the
training set, but it is overly specific, will not
be sort any new examples. - But the above two are good starting points.
14Version space algorithm
- What we want to do is start with the most
general and specific hypotheses, and when we
see a positive example, we minimally generalize
the most specific hypotheses when we see a
negative example, we minimally specialize the
most general hypothesis - When the most general hypothesis and the most
specific hypothesis are the same, the algorithm
has converged, this is the target concept
boundary of G
boundary of S
potential target concepts
16Hypothesis space
- When we shrink G, or enlarge S, we are
essentially conducting a search in the hypothesis
space - A hypothesis is any sentence h of the form
CONCEPT(X) ? A(X) ? ( B(X)? C(X) ) where, the
right hand side is built with observable
predicates - The set of all hypotheses is called the
hypothesis space, or H - A hypothesis h agrees with an example if it
gives the correct value of CONCEPT
17Size of the hypothesis space
- n observable predicates
- 2n entries in the truth table
- A hypothesis is any subset of observable
predicates with the associated truth tables so
there are 2(2n) hypotheses to choose from
BIG! - n6 ? 2 64 1.8 x 10 19 BIG!
- Generate-and-test wont work.
18Simplified Representation for the card problem
- For simplicity, we represent a concept by rs,
with - r a, n, f, 1, , 10, j, q, k
- s a, b, r, ?, ?, ?, ?For example
- n? represents NUM(r) ? (s?) ?
REWARD(r,s) - aa represents
- ANY-RANK(r) ? ANY-SUIT(s) ? REWARD(r,s)
19Extension of an hypothesis
- The extension of an hypothesis h is the set of
objects that verifies h. - For instance,
- the extension of f? is j?, q?, k?, and
- the extension of aa is the set of all cards.
20More general/specific relation
- Let h1 and h2 be two hypotheses in H
- h1 is more general than h2 iff the extension of
h1 is a proper superset of the extension of h2 - For instance,
- aa is more general than f?,
- f? is more general than q?,
- fr and nr are not comparable
21More general/specific relation (contd)
- The inverse of the more general relation is the
more specific relation - The more general relation defines a partial
ordering on the hypotheses in H
22A subset of the partial order for cards
23G-Boundary / S-Boundary of V
- An hypothesis in V is most general iff no
hypothesis in V is more general - G-boundary G of V Set of most general hypotheses
in V - An hypothesis in V is most specific iff no
hypothesis in V is more general - S-boundary S of V Set of most specific
hypotheses in V
24Example The starting hypothesis space
254? is a positive example
We replace every hypothesis in S whose extension
does not contain 4? by its generalization set
The generalization set of a hypothesis h is the
set of the hypotheses that are immediately more
general than h
Generalization set of 4?
267? is the next positive example
Minimally generalize the most specific hypothesis
We replace every hypothesis in S whose extension
does not contain 7? by its generalization set
277? is positive(contd)
Minimally generalize the most specific hypothesis
287? is positive (contd)
Minimally generalize the most specific hypothesis
295? is a negative example
Minimally specialize the most general hypothesis
Specialization set of aa
305? is negative(contd)
Minimally specialize the most general hypothesis
31After 3 examples (2 positive,1 negative)
G and S, and all hypotheses in between form
exactly the version space
1. If an hypothesis between G and S
disagreed with an example x, then an
hypothesis G or S would also disagree with
x, hence would have been removed
32After 3 examples (2 positive,1 negative)
G and S, and all hypotheses in between form
exactly the version space
2. If there were an hypothesis not in
this set which agreed with all examples,
then it would have to be either no more
specific than any member of G but then it
would be in G or no more general than some
member of S but then it would be in S
33At this stage
Do 8?, 6?, j? satisfy CONCEPT?
342? is the next positive example
Minimally generalize the most specific hypothesis
35j? is the next negative example
Minimally specialize the most general hypothesis
4? 7? 2? 5? j?
NUM(r) ? BLACK(s) ? REWARD(r,s)
37The version space algorithm
- Begin
- Initialize S to the first positive training
instanceN is the set of all negative instances
seen so far - For each example x
- If x is positive, then (G,S) ?
- If G S and both are singletons, then the
algorithm has found a single concept that is
consistent with all the data and the algorithm
halts - If G and S become empty, then there is no concept
that covers all the positive instances and none
of the negative instances - End
38The version space algorithm (contd)
- Begin
- Delete all members of G that fail to match x
- For every s ? S, if s does not match x, replace s
with its most specific generalizations that match
x - Delete from S any hypothesis that is more general
than some other hypothesis in S - Delete from S any hypothesis that is neither more
specific than nor equal to a hypothesis in G
(different than the textbook) - End
39The version space algorithm (contd)
- Begin
- Delete all members of S that match x
- For every g ? G, that matches x, replace g with
its most general specializations that do not
match x - Delete from G any hypothesis that is more
specific than some other hypothesis in G - Delete from G any hypothesis that is neither more
general nor equal to hypothesis in S (different
than the textbook) - End
40Comments on Version Space Learning (VSL)
- It is a bi-directional search. One direction is
specific to general and is driven by positive
instances. The other direction is general to
specific and is driven by negative instances. - It is an incremental learning algorithm. The
examples do not have to be given all at once (as
opposed to learning decision trees.) The version
space is meaningful even before it converges. - The order of examples matters for the speed of
convergence - As is, cannot tolerate noise (misclassified
examples), the version space might collapse
41Examples and near misses for the concept arch
42More on generalization operators
- Replacing constants with variables. For
example, color (ball,red) generalizes to
color (X,red) - Dropping conditions from a conjunctive
expression. For example, shape (X, round) ?
size (X, small) ? color (X, red) generalizes
to shape (X, round) ? color (X, red)
43More on generalization operators (contd)
- Adding a disjunct to an expression. For
example, shape (X, round) ? size (X, small) ?
color (X, red) generalizes to shape (X,
round) ? size (X, small) ? ( color (X, red) ?
(color (X, blue) ) - Replacing a property with its parent in a class
hierarchy. If we know that primary_color is a
superclass of red, then color (X, red)
generalizes to color (X, primary_color)
44Another example
- sizes large, small
- colors red, white, blue
- shapes sphere, brick, cube
- object (size, color, shape)
- If the target concept is a red ball, then size
should not matter, color should be red, and shape
should be sphere - If the target concept is ball, then size or
color should not matter, shape should be sphere.
45A portion of the concept space
46Learning the concept of a red ball
- G obj (X, Y, Z)S
- positive obj (small, red, sphere)
- G obj (X, Y, Z)S obj (small, red,
sphere) - negative obj (small, blue, sphere)
- G obj (large, Y, Z), obj (X, red, Z), obj (X,
white, sphere) obj (X,Y, brick), obj (X,
Y, cube) S obj (small, red, sphere)
delete from G every hypothesis that is neither
more general than nor equal to a hypothesis in S - G obj (X, red, Z) S obj (small, red,
47Learning the concept of a red ball (contd)
- G obj (X, red, Z) S obj (small, red,
sphere) - positive obj (large, red, sphere)
- G obj (X, red, Z)S obj (X, red, sphere)
- negative obj (large, red, cube)
- G obj (small, red, Z), obj (X, red, sphere),
obj (X, red, brick)S obj (X, red,
sphere) delete from G every hypothesis that is
neither more general than nor equal to a
hypothesis in S - G obj (X, red, sphere) S obj (X, red,
sphere) converged to a single concept
48LEX a program that learns heuristics
- Learns heuristics for symbolic integration
problems - Typical transformations used in performing
integration include OP1 ? r f(x) dx ? r ? f(x)
dx OP2 ? u dv ? uv - ? v du OP3 1 f(x) ?
f(x) OP4 ? (f1(x) f2(x)) dx ? ? f1(x) dx
? f2(x) dx - A heuristic tells when an operator is
particularly useful If a problem state matches
? x transcendental(x) dx then apply OP2 with
bindings u x dv transcendental (x) dx
49A portion of LEXs hierarchy of symbols
50The overall architecture
- A generalizer that uses candidate elimination to
find heuristics - A problem solver that produces positive and
negative heuristics from a problem trace - A critic that produces positive and negative
instances from a problem traces (the credit
assignment problem) - A problem generator that produces new candidate
51A version space for OP2 (Mitchell et al.,1983)
52Comments on LEX
- The evolving heuristics are not guaranteed to be
admissible. The solution path found by the
problem solver may not actually be a shortest
path solution. - The problem generator is the least developed
part of the program. - Empirical studies before 5 problems solved in
an average of 200 steps train with 12
problems after 5 problems solved in an average
of 20 steps
53More comments on VSL
- Still lots of research going on
- Uses breadth-first search which might be
inefficient - might need to use beam-search to prune hypotheses
from G and S if they grow excessively - another alternative is to use inductive-bias and
restrict the concept language - How to address the noise problem? Maintain
several G and S sets.
54Decision Trees
- A decision tree allows a classification of an
object by testing its values for certain
properties - check out the example at www.aiinc.ca/demos/wha
le.html - The learning problem is similar to concept
learning using version spaces in the sense that
we are trying to identify a class using the
observable properties. - It is different in the sense that we are trying
to learn a structure that determines class
membership after a sequence of questions. This
structure is a decision tree.
55Reverse engineered decision tree of the whale
watcher expert system
see flukes?
see dorsal fin?
(see next page)
size med?
blue whale
blow forward?
sperm whale
humpback whale
bowhead whale
gray whale
narwhal whale
right whale
56Reverse engineered decision tree of the whale
watcher expert system (contd)
see flukes?
see dorsal fin?
(see previous page)
dorsal fin and blow visible at the same time?
dorsal fin tall and pointed?
killer whale
northern bottlenose whale
sei whale
fin whale
57What does the original data look like?
58The search problem
- Given a table of observable properties, search
for a decision tree that - correctly represents the data (assuming that the
data is noise-free), and - is as small as possible.
- What does the search tree look like?
59Comparing VSL and learning DTs
A hypothesis learned in VSL can be represented as
a decision tree. Consider the predicate that we
used as a VSL exampleNUM(r) ? BLACK(s) ?
REWARD(r,s) The decision tree on the right
represents it
60Predicate as a Decision Tree
The predicate CONCEPT(x) ? A(x) ? (?B(x) v C(x))
can be represented by the following decision
- ExampleA mushroom is poisonous iffit is yellow
and small, or yellow, - big and spotted
- x is a mushroom
61Training Set
62Possible Decision Tree
63Possible Decision Tree
CONCEPT ? (D ? (?E v A)) v
(C ? (B v ((E ? ?A) v A)))
KIS bias ? Build smallest decision tree
Computationally intractable problem? greedy
64Getting Started
The distribution of the training set is
True 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,13 False 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11,
65Getting Started
The distribution of training set is
True 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,13 False 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11,
Without testing any observable predicate,
we could report that CONCEPT is False (majority
rule) with an estimated probability of error
P(E) 6/13
66Getting Started
The distribution of training set is
True 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,13 False 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11,
Without testing any observable predicate,
we could report that CONCEPT is False (majority
rule)with an estimated probability of error P(E)
Assuming that we will only include one observable
predicate in the decision tree, which
predicateshould we test to minimize the
probability of error?
67Assume Its A
68Assume Its B
69Assume Its C
70Assume Its D
71Assume Its E
So, the best predicate to test is A
72Choice of Second Predicate
The majority rule gives the probability of error
Pr(EA) 1/8and Pr(E) 1/13
73Choice of Third Predicate
74Final Tree
L ? CONCEPT ? A ? (C v ?B)
75Learning a decision tree
- Function induce_tree (example_set, properties)
- beginif all entries in example_set are in the
same class then return a leaf node labeled with
that classelse if properties is empty
then return leaf node labeled with disjunction of
all classes in example_set
else begin select a property, P, and make it the
root of the current tree delete P
from properties for each value, V,
of P begin
create a branch of the tree labeled with V
let partitionv be elements of
example_set with values V
for property P call
induce_tree (partitionv, properties), attach
result to branch V
end endend
If property V is Boolean the partition will
contain two sets, one with property V true and
one with false
76What happens if there is noise in the training
- The part of the algorithm shown below handles
this - if properties is empty then return leaf
node labeled with disjunction of all
classes in example_set - Consider a very small (but inconsistent) training
A classificationT TF FF T
False ? True
77Using Information Theory
- Rather than minimizing the probability of error,
most existing learning procedures try to minimize
the expected number of questions needed to decide
if an object x satisfies CONCEPT. - This minimization is based on a measure of the
quantity of information that is contained in
the truth value of an observable predicate and is
explained in Section 9.3.2. We will skip the
technique given there and use the probability of
error approach.
78Assessing performance
79The evaluation of ID3 in chess endgame
80Other issues in learning decision trees
- If data for some attribute is missing and is
hard to obtain, it might be possible to
extrapolate or use unknown. - If some attributes have continuous values,
groupings might be used. - If the data set is too large, one might use
bagging to select a sample from the training set.
Or, one can use boosting to assign a weight
showing importance to each instance. Or, one can
divide the sample set into subsets and train on
one, and test on others.
81Explanation based learning
- Idea can learn better when the background
theory is known - Use the domain theory to explain the instances
taught - Generalize the explanation to come up with a
learned rule
- We would like the system to learn what a cup is,
i.e., we would like it to learn a rule of the
form premise(X) ?? cup(X) - Assume that we have a domain theoryliftable(X)
? holds_liquid(X) ? cup(X)part (Z,W) ?
concave(W) ? points_up ? holds_liquid
(Z)light(Y) ? part(Y,handle) ? liftable
(Y)small(A) ? light(A)made_of(A,feathers) ?
light(A) - The training example is the followingcup
(obj1) small(obj1)small(obj1) part(obj1,handle)
owns(bob,obj1) part(obj1,bottom)part(obj1,
bowl) points_up(bowl)concave(bowl) color(obj1,re
83First, form a specific proof that obj1 is a cup
cup (obj1)
liftable (obj1)
holds_liquid (obj1)
light (obj1)
part (obj1, handle)
part (obj1, bowl)
small (obj1)
84Second, analyze the explanation structure to
generalize it
85Third, adopt the generalized the proof
cup (X)
liftable (X)
holds_liquid (X)
light (X)
part (X, handle)
part (X, W)
small (X)
86The EBL algorithm
- Initialize hypothesis
- For each positive training example not covered by
hypothesis - 1. Explain how training example satisfies
target concept, in terms of domain theory - 2. Analyze the explanation to determine the
most general conditions under which this
explanation (proof) holds - 3. Refine the hypothesis by adding a new rule,
whose premises are the above conditions, and
whose consequent asserts the target concept
87Wait a minute!
- Isnt this just a restatement of what the
learner already knows? - Not really
- a theory-guided generalization from examples
- an example-guided operationalization of theories
- Even if you know all the rules of chess you get
better if you play more - Even if you know the basic axioms of
probability, you get better as you solve more
probability problems
88Comments on EBL
- Note that the irrelevant properties of obj1
were disregarded (e.g., color is red, it has a
bottom) - Also note that irrelevant generalizations were
sorted out due to its goal-directed nature - Allows justified generalization from a single
example - Generality of result depends on domain theory
- Still requires multiple examples
- Assumes that the domain theory is correct
(error-free)---as opposed to approximate domain
theories which we will not cover. - This assumption holds in chess and other search
problems. - It allows us to assume explanation proof.
89Two formulations for learning
- Inductive
- Given
- Instances
- Hypotheses
- Target concept
- Training examples of the target concept
- Analytical
- Given
- Instances
- Hypotheses
- Target concept
- Training examples of the target concept
- Domain theory for explaining examples
- Determine
- Hypotheses consistent with the training examples
and the domain theory
- Determine
- Hypotheses consistent with the training examples
90Two formulations for learning (contd)
- Inductive
- Hypothesis fits data
- Statistical inference
- Requires little prior knowledge
- Syntactic inductive bias
- Analytical
- Hypothesis fits domain theory
- Deductive inference
- Learns from scarce data
- Bias is domain theory
DT and VS learners are similarity-based Prior
knowledge is important. It might be one of the
reasons for humans ability to generalize from as
few as a single training instance. Prior
knowledge can guide in a space of an unlimited
number of generalizations that can be produced by
training examples.
91An example META-DENDRAL
- Learns rules for DENDRAL
- Remember that DENDRAL infers structure of
organic molecules from their chemical formula and
mass spectrographic data. - Meta-DENDRAL constructs an explanation of the
site of a cleavage using - structure of a known compound
- mass and relative abundance of the fragments
produced by spectrography - a half-order theory (e.g., double and triple
bonds do not break only fragments larger than
two carbon atoms show up in the data) - These explanations are used as examples for
constructing general rules
92Analogical reasoning
- Idea if two situations are similar in some
respects, then they will probably be in others - Define the source of an analogy to be a problem
solution. It is a theory that is relatively well
understood. - The target of an analogy is a theory that is not
completely understood. - Analogy constructs a mapping between
corresponding elements of the target and the
93(No Transcript)
94Example atom/solar system analogy
- The source domain contains yellow(sun)
blue(earth) hotter-than(sun,earth)
attract(sun,earth)) causes(attract(sun,earth),
revolves-around(earth,sun)) - The target domain that the analogy is intended
to explain includes more-massive(nucleus,
electron) revolves-around(electron, nucleus) - The mapping is sun ? nucleus and earth ?
electron - The extension of the mapping leads to the
inference causes(more-massive(nucleus,electron)
, attract(nucleus,electron))
95A typical framework
- Retrieval Given a target problem, select a
potential source analog. - Elaboration Derive additional features and
relations of the source. - Mapping and inference Mapping of source
attributes into the target domain. - Justification Show that the mapping is valid.