Active English 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Active English 5


Infrequent uses of direct speeches. Quotations from contemporary or historical written sources ... Here are six world famous navigators. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Active English 5

Active English (5)
  • Unit Two Longitude
  • Presented by Song Zening

An overview mini oral quiz
Section 1 Comprehen-sive English
Section 2 Enrichment Reading
Section 3 Interactive English
  • 1. Take notes
  • 2. Interview
  • Harrisons son
  • 3. Give a presentation

1. Match them up 2. Tell the differences 3. Put
them in groups 4. Find the right navigator
  • 1. Get the idea in two minutes
  • 2. Play with the suffixes

A review questions and answers
  • An overview

Unit summary (1) Comprehensive English
1. Understanding the text in general (contents
organization) Before reading / Reading for
general information / Reading for details /
Reading for structure / Writing a summary 2.
Understanding the text in detail (the language)
Working on vocabulary / Paraphrasing / Cross
translation / Reviewing the longitude story 3.
Language in use (the style) Working on
coherence / Genre analyses 4. Supplementary
practice (word power)

Core Text Longitude (Parts 1 2) Suppl.
Text A Book Review
Unit summary (2) Enrichment Reading

1. Before reading survey the text (scanning) 2.
Reading for general comprehension (skimming) 3.
Reading for information (inferring)
Reading for details / Word inference /
Describing a method 4. Beyond reading Summarizin
g the story / Paraphrasing / Working on
vocabulary 5. Extra reading Reading for gist /
Word inference /Paraphrasing
Core Text From Captain Cooks quandary a dream
is born Suppl. Text Wayfinders
Unit summary (3) Interactive English

1. Speaking about the text Retelling the text /
Airing your view 2. Speaking beyond the
text Working on structure / Note-taking / Making
a presentation 3. Before you listen 4. While you
listen Note-taking / Working on information /
Working on structure / Writing a summary 5. After
you listen
Core Text Seafaring cultures of the ancient
A mini oral quiz
  • The tutor will read out the DEFINATIONS of 15
    key words or phrases in the unit.
  • LISTEN to the tutor carefully and WORK OUT the
    word or phrase that matches the definition.
  • SHOUT the word/phrase OUT and SPELL it orally.

Key (1)
  • consensus
  • take a keen interest in
  • decent
  • team up with
  • set out to do
  • mortal
  • migratory
  • revival

Key (2)
  • convert into
  • prevailing
  • dispersal
  • archaeological
  • replica
  • eminent
  • dire

Section 1
  • Comprehensive English

Task List
Task 1 Match them up Task 2 Tell the
differences Task 3 Put them in groups Task 4
Find the right navigator
Task 1 Match them up
Objective To check your overall comprehension of
the text Course tasks covered Task 1 Duration
15 minutes Type Individual work (matching) Aids
The textbook, a pen
Task 1 Instruction
Please mark the paragraphs in Parts 1 and 2
of Longitude with Arabic numbers, and match
them with the following main ideas accordingly.

Task 1 Exercise
  • Para. 1-5
  • Para. 6-7
  • Para. 8-10
  • Para. 11
  • Para. 12-19
  • Para. 20-28
  • Para. 29-31
  • An introduction to Harrison and his preparatory
    steps to solve the problem
  • The four stages towards the perfect clock
  • A shipwreck in history and its reason
  • How longitude helps to locate ones position at
  • The significance of solving the problem with H4
  • The establishment of the Board of Longitude
  • The difficulty of determining longitude

Task 1 Feedback
  • Para. 1-5
  • Para. 6-7
  • Para. 8-10
  • Para. 11
  • Para. 12-19
  • Para. 20-28
  • Para. 29-31
  • An introduction to Harrison and his preparatory
    steps to solve the problem
  • The four stages towards the perfect clock
  • A shipwreck in history and its reason
  • How longitude helps to locate ones position at
  • The significance of solving the problem
  • The establishment of the Board of Longitude
  • The difficulty of determining longitude

Task 2 Tell the differences
Objective To review certain rhetorical features
of a historical narrative Course tasks covered
Task 4 Duration 25 minutes Type Pair work
(short answers) Aids The textbook
Task 2 Instruction
Both The Education of Harry Gold
and Longitude are narratives. But they are
different from each other in the stylistic
features. Look at the following
diagram and find out with your partner the
differences between them in the four specified
Task 2 Exercise

The Education of Harry Gold vs. Longitude
The use of quotations
The use of tenses
The use of language
The use of direct speeches
Task 2 Feedback (1)
  • The Education of Harry Gold the simple past
    tense and simple present tense
  • Longitude the simple past tense and past
    perfect tense
  • The Education of Harry Gold many direct
    speeches and dialogues
  • Longitude no direct speeches

The use of tenses
The use of direct speeches
Task 2 Feedback (2)
  • The Education of Harry Gold a combination
    of the formal and informal language, with many
    short sentences and colloquial expressions
  • Longitude a very serious subject matter
    with rather formal language
  • The Education of Harry Gold no quotations
  • Longitude some quotations from the serious
    historical sources

The use of language
The use of quotations
Task 2 Feedback (3) --- About the rhetorical
features of historical narratives
  • Simple past or past perfect tenses
  • Rather formal language
  • Infrequent uses of direct speeches
  • Quotations from contemporary or historical
    written sources

Task 3 Put them in groups
Objective To check your skills of classifying
words Course task covered Task 1 Duration 15
minutes Type Pair work (word grouping) Aids
Textbook, a pen
Task 3 Instruction
  • The following table makes a classification of
    words one group is in relation to the sea
    exploration, and the other clock making.
  • Please work with your partner to put the
    words into the right categories.

Task 3 Exercise
  • longitude, admiral, mainmast, pendulum,
    barge, grease, lubrication, mechanism, lever,
    peninsula, ashore, latitude, humidity,
    contraption, prime meridian, tick, fleet, atlas,
    friction, submerged, foul, lunar, navigation,
    maritime, mileage

Task 3 Feedback (1)

Task 3 Feedback (2) --- About new words
  • A good way to memorize new words is to group
    together those on the same topic.

Task 4 Find the right navigator
Objective To provide some background
information Course task covered Task 1 Duration
15 minutes Type Pair work (blank filling) Aids
The textbook
Task 4 Instruction
Here are six world famous navigators.
Read the following descriptions and with your
partner relate the particular navigator to each
James Cook
Christopher Columbus
Cheng Ho
Da Gama
Task 4 Exercise (1)
  • 1. ( ) As the most famous of all
    navigators, he set sail for Australia and
    discovered the West Indies. His voyages marked
    the beginning of continuous European efforts to
    explore and colonize the Americas.

Task 4 Exercise (2)
  • 2. ( ) The Portuguese navigator was the
    first European to journey by sea to India. He
    rounded the Cape of Good Hope, continued up the
    east coast of Africa, and sailed across the
    Indian Ocean to Calicut(1497-99).

Task 4 Exercise (3)
  • 3. ( ) The British explorer during his
    voyages discovered Antarctic, Hawaii, New
    Zealand, the measurement of the coast line of New
    Zealand and the east of Australia, etc.

Task 4 Exercise (4)
  • 4. ( ) In 1520, he discovered and
    entered the strait which bears his name. Although
    he did not live to complete the journey, he
    provided the skill and determination that took
    the vessels over the great unknown portion of the
    globe. The voyage proved definitely the roundness
    of the earth.

Task 4 Exercise (5)
  • 5. ( ) He was a hero in the Arabian
    Nights. The origin of his tales was uncertain
    probably they were derived from Arab oral
    folktales. His story was introduced to the West
    in the 18th century.

Task 4 Exercise (6)
  • 6. ( ) As a Chinese navigator, he
    sailed from China to many places throughout South
    Pacific, Indian Ocean, Taiwan, Persian Gulf and
    distant Africa in seven epic voyages from 1405 to
    1433 ,some 80 years before Columbus's voyages.

Task 4 Feedback
  • The six navigators are respectively
  • Christopher Columbus,
  • Da Gama,
  • James Cook,
  • Magellan ,
  • Sinbad, and
  • Zheng He (Cheng Ho).

Section 2
  • Enrichment Reading

Task List
Task 1 Get the idea in two minutes Task
2 Play with the suffixes
Task 1 Get the idea in two minutes
Objective To check your skills of
skimming Course tasks covered Task 8 Duration
15 minutes Type Individual work (short
answers) Aids The textbook
Task 1 Instruction
  • Only read the first (or the first two sentences)
    sentence of each paragraph in From Captain
    Cooks Quandary a Dream is Born.
  • Do you think you can get the main ideas of the
    text by put these sentences together?

Task 1 Feedback --- About skimming
  • Paying attention to the opening sentence of
    each paragraph enables you to
  • get the gist of text quickly, and
  • obtain an overall picture of the structure of
    text as well as the author's reasoning.

Task 2 Play with the suffixes
Objective To check your knowledge of
word-formation Course tasks covered Task
2 Duration 15 minutes Type Individual work (gap
filling) Aids The textbook, a pen
Task 2 Instruction
  • Complete each of the following sentences with a
    word derived from the one in the brackets.
  • Remember to use the knowledge of suffixes you
    have learned from this unit.

Task 2 Exercise (1)
  • 1. Carelessness in driving often results in
    disastro accidents. (disaster)
  • 2. One of his ambition is to become the President
    of the Motor General. (ambitious)
  • 3. That night turned out to be a humid night.
  • 4. In 1762, H4 was finally put to a rigorous test
    on a long voyage from England to Jamaica. (rigor)

Task 2 Exercise (2)
  • 5. By the late 1960s, mounting scientific
    evidence began to point toward a much different
    source of origin for the ancient Polynesians.
  • 6. His major in the university is archaeolo .
  • 7. He is believed to be a renaissan man.
  • 8. The event led to a revival of the culture in
    its language, architecture, spiritualit,
    traditional medicine. (spiritual)

Task 2 Feedback(1)
  • 1. Carelessness in driving often results in
    disastrous accidents. (disaster)
  • 2. One of his ambitions is to become the
    President of the Motor General. (ambitious)
  • 3. That night turned out to be a humid night.
  • 4. In 1762, H4 was finally put to a rigorous test
    on a long voyage from England to Jamaica. (rigor)

Task 2 Feedback (2)
  • 5. By the late 1960s, mounting scientific
    evidence began to point toward a much different
    source of origin for the ancient Polynesians.
  • 6. His major in the university is archaeology.
  • 7. He is believed to be a renaissance man.
  • 8. The event led to a revival of the culture in
    its language, architecture, spirituality,
    traditional medicine. (spiritual)

Task 2 Feedback (3) --- About suffixes
  • -ous (for adj.)
  • change of stress (for adj. and v.)
  • -ce (turning adj. to n.)
  • -ity (turning adj. to n.)

Section 3
  • Interactive English

Task List
Task 1 Take notes Task 2 Interview Harrisons
son Task 3 Give a presentation
Task 1 Take notes
Objective To reflect on your skills of taking
notes Course tasks covered Task 6 Duration 10
minutes Type Individual work (short-answer
questions) Aids The textbook
Task 1 Instruction and exercise
  • Answer the following questions about your
    note-taking habits.
  • 1. Do you tend to write down exactly what you
    hear from the tape?
  • 2. Do you separate the main points from the
    supporting points in your notes?
  • 3. Are you able to read and understand your notes
  • 4. Do your notes include Roman numbers, capital
    and small letters, or Arabic numbers?
  • 5. Do you tend to write down only the key words
    when you take notes?
  • 6. Do you tend to miss a lot of information when
    you take notes?

Task 1 Feedback --- About taking notes
  • Give yourself one point for answering YES to
    Questions 2 and 3 and one point for answering
    NO to Questions 1, 4, 5 and 6.
  • How many points did you get?

Task 2 Interview Harrisons Son
  • Objective To practice retelling a story
  • Course tasks covered Task 1
  • Duration 15 minutes
  • Type Pair work (interview)
  • Aids The textbook

Task 2 Instruction (1)
  • Do the role-play with your partner, one
  • acting as an interviewer and the other
  • interviewee.
  • Interviewer a reporter from a TV station
  • Interviewee John Harrisons son, William
  • Topic the story of John Harrison

Task 2 Instruction (2)
  • Please cover the following points in your
  • Harrisons personal information (family,
    education, interest and his early achievements
    as a clock maker)
  • Harrisons meetings with Edmond Halley and George
  • The four stages towards the perfect invention
  • How Harrison got his reward at last
  • The significance of solving the problem of
    longitude and of Harrisons story

Task 2 Instruction (3)
  • You may start your interview in the way as
  • Hello! I am . Welcome to todays People
    program. Today we have invited the son of John
    Harrison, William, to tell us the story of his
    father, who won the prize offered by the Board of
  • So first of all, William,

Task 2 Feedback --- About giving an interview
  • Cover all the important points.
  • Use the clear and simple language.
  • Maintain the interest of interviewee by varying
    your speaking speed, volume and pitch of your

Task 3 Make a presentation
Objective To practice making a
presentation Course tasks covered Task
5 Duration 15 minutes Type Pair work ( making a
presentation) Aids The textbook
Task 2 Instruction (1)
Suppose you are John Harrison, make a
presentation on longitude to a group of people
who are unfamiliar with the topic. Think
about how to structure your first paragraph and
make a three-minute presentation to your partner.
Task 2 Instruction (2)
  • The following points need to be made clear in
    your presentation.
  • The importance of longitude
  • The difficulty of determining longitude
  • How longitude works to help navigators locate
    their positions at sea

Task 2 Feedback --- About making a
  • When preparing for the presentation, make a list
    of points which you are to cover in the speech.
  • Keep to the time limit.
  • Pay attention to the clarity, fluency and speed
    of your speech.
  • Use the simple language to have your audience who
    may have little idea about the topic understand
    the issue more easily.

  • A review

checklist of objectives
  • Have we accomplished the following objectives?
  • To check your overall comprehension of the text
  • To review certain rhetorical features of a
  • narrative
  • To check your skills of classifying words
  • To provide some background information
  • To check your skills of skimming
  • To check your knowledge of word-formation
  • To reflect on your skills of taking notes
  • To practice retelling a story
  • To practice making a presentation

Thank you!
  • Questions are welcome!
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