Title: Pediatric Medical Emergencies
1Pediatric Medical Emergencies
- Condell Medical Center
- EMS System
- August, 2007 CE
- Site Code10-7200E1207
Prepared by Sharon Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P
- Upon successful completion of this module, the
EMS provider should be able to - identify critical situations in the pediatric
population - identify and appropriately state interventions
for a variety of EKG rhythms - actively participate in a pediatric code
situation - successfully complete the quiz with a score of
80 or better
3Children are not small adults!
4Relationship of Head to Body Changes
5Pediatric Population Defined
- A patient under the age of 16 is considered to be
a pediatric patient - This means the patient is 15 years of age or less
- When medications are calculated based on the
pediatric patient weight, the dose is to never
exceed the amount that would be administered to
an adult!
6Children and EMS
- Adults may be glad to see EMS arrive
- but
- children are often frightened when EMS comes to
their rescue
7Critical Determination
- Rapid assessment needs to be performed to
determine - Is this child sick or not?
- Any sick child needs immediate attention and
8Pediatric Assessment Triangle(PAT)
- Helps establish a general impression
- Used to
- establish a level of severity
- determine urgency for life support
- identify key physiological problems
- Provider to assess
- appearance
- work of breathing
- circulation to skin
9Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)
10Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)
- Does not require any equipment to complete
- Uses observational and listening skills
- Can be completed in under 60 seconds
- To be used as you cross the room to make
contact with the patient
11Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT)
- Evaluates underlying cardiopulmonary,
neurological, and metabolic states - Can help identify the general physiological
problem for the child - PAT does not replace vital signs and the ABCDEs
but precedes compliments them
12Pediatric Assessment
- Scene size-up
- General assessment - pediatric assessment
triangle (PAT) - Initial assessment
- ABCDEs and transport decision
- Additional assessment
- focused history and physical exam detailed
physical exam if trauma - Ongoing assessment
13Pediatric Assessment Triangle Appearance
- Reflects adequacy of
- oxygenation
- ventilation
- brain perfusion
- homeostasis
- CNS function
14Assessing Appearance
- Evaluate
- muscle tone
- mental status/interactivity level
- consolability
- look or gaze
- speech or cry
15Pediatric Assessment TriangleBreathing
- Reflects
- adequacy of oxygen
- oxygenation
- ventilation
16Assessing Breathing
- Evaluate
- body position
- visible movement of chest or abdomen
- lt6-7 years old is primarily a diaphragmatic
breather (belly breather) - respiratory rate effort
- audible airway sounds
17Pediatric Assessment Triangle Circulation
- Reflects
- adequacy of cardiac output and perfusion of vital
organs (core perfusion)
18Assessing Circulation
- Evaluate
- skin color
- peripheral cyanosis refers to the extremities
- central cyanosis is always pathological
evaluated in the central part of the body mucous
membranes of the mouth and trunk area - reflects decreased oxygen in arterial blood
- Trunk mottling indicates hypoxemia
- Cyanosis indicates respiratory failure and
19Principles of Infant Assessment
- Ask caregiver for patients name use it
- To decrease the infants stress, perform
assessment in the following order - observation
- auscultation
- palpation
- Approach infant slowly, calmly, and talk in quiet
voices warm your hands before contact - Try to be at patients eye level
20Infant Assessment
- Observe interaction between caregiver and infant
- Consider offering a toy as a distraction
- Perform assessment based on acuity level
- if quiet calm, obtain respiratory rate and
breath sounds - if critical, obtain most important information
1st - Make non-threatening contact 1st
- make 1st contact with extremity can also obtain
capillary refill simultaneously
21Principles of Toddler Assessment
- Beginning to assert independence but fearful of
separation from caregiver - Approach slowly keep contact to a minimum
- Be at eye level
- If possible, allow toddler to stay on caregivers
lap - Introduce equipment slowly and use distraction
(ie penlight, toy) - A toddler is the center of his universe - ask
questions about them (ie pets, clothing, events)
22Toddler Assessment
- Keep choices limited (ie should I use the red
or blue package) - Ask open ended questions avoid yes/no questions
- Praise toddler to get cooperation
- Use simple, concrete terms
- Perform most critical part of assessment 1st
moving in toe-to-head order - Ask caregiver to assist (ie removing clothing,
holding stethoscope) - Toddlers do not sit still
23Principles of Preschooler Assessment
- Magical and illogical thinkers fear loss of
control short attention spans - Use simple terms explain procedures immediately
before performing - Allow child to handle equipment
- Its okay to set limits (ie you can cry but you
cannot kick) - Focus on one thing at a time
24Principles of School-aged Assessment
- Fear separation from caregiver loss of control,
pain, physical disability - Speak directly to child, then to caregiver
- Respect privacy, these children are modest
- Dont offer too much information do use terms
the child can understand explain immediately
before the procedure is done
25School-Aged Assessment
- Dont negotiate unless there really is a choice
(ie IV in right or left hand, not if it is okay
to start the IV) - Offer praise for cooperation
- Physical assessment okay to be performed in
head-to-toe format
26Principles of Adolescent Assessment
- Time for experimentation and risk-taking
behaviors - Struggle with independence, loss of control, body
image, sexuality, and peer pressure - Relying more on friends than family
- When ill or injured, often revert back to lower
maturity level - Explain what you are going to do and why
27Adolescent Assessment
- Encourage questions and involvement of the
adolescent - Show respect speak directly to teen
- Respect privacy and confidentiality
- Be honest and nonjudgmental
28Pediatric Assessment - Appearance
- Provides most important look into the status of
the child - are they sick or not? - Start observation as you 1st enter the scene and
while the child is still with the caregiver - immediate hands-on may increase agitation, crying
and may interfere with a true picture - immediate hands-on is necessary if the child is
unconscious or obviously critically ill
29Normal/Abnormal Appearance
- Normal appearance
- good eye contact, has good muscle tone, and good
color - Abnormal appearance
- poor eye contact, listless, and pale
- Appearance doesnt indicate the cause of
illness or injury but reflects that a problem is
going on
30Normal Appearance In Setting Of a Critical
- Maintain index of suspicion in children that look
okay initially but may soon become critically
ill - toxicological problems (overdoses)
- blunt trauma
- powerful compensation abilities may fool the
examiner - when the child crashes they will crash quickly
with rapid progression to decompensated shock
31Work of Breathing
- In the pediatric patient, evaluation of work of
breathing gives great insight into the pediatric
patients oxygenation ventilation status - Listen for abnormal airway sounds
- snoring, muffled or hoarse speech, stridor,
grunting, wheezing - Look for signs of increased breathing effort
- sniffing position, tripoding, refusing to lie
down - retractions (neck, intercostal, substernal
muscles) - nasal flaring
32Tripod Positioning-leaning forward, hands
resting on thighs
33Costal retractions use of accessory neck muscles
34Abnormal Breath Sounds
- Upper airway obstruction
- snoring, muffled, hoarse speech, stridor
- stridor - high-pitched inspiratory sound
abnormal airflow across partially obstructed
upper airway - Potential causes
- croup
- foreign body
- aspiration
- bacterial upper airway infection
- bleeding, edema
35Abnormal Breath Sounds
- Grunting
- exhaling against a partially closed glottis
- keeps alveoli open for maximum gas exchange
- sound heard best at end of exhalation
- often present with moderate to severe hypoxia
- reflects poor gas exchange due to fluid in lower
airways - Potential causes
- pneumonia
- pulmonary contusion
- pulmonary edema
36Abnormal Breath Sounds
- Wheezing
- continuous high-pitched musical sound a whistle
- movement of air across partially blocked small
airways - in disease process heard earliest during
exhalation - as obstruction increases, heard during inhalation
and exhalation - with increased obstruction heard audibly
- Most common cause - asthma
- Other potential causes
- bronchiolitis
- lower airway foreign body aspiration
37Abnormal Visual Signs - Increased Work of
- Providers must evaluate visually to determine
evidence of increased work of breathing - this means all patients need to be eventually
undressed for observation of the neck chestwall - Sniffing position - severe upper airway
obstruction used as attempt to increase airflow - Tripoding - refuses to lie down, leans forward on
outstretched arms attempting to use accessory
muscles to breath
38- Retractions - use of accessory muscles to help
breath using extra muscle power to move air into
lungs more prominent in child than adult - includes head bobbing - use of neck muscles
during severe hypoxia - includes nasal flaring - exaggerated nostril
opening during inspiration moderate to severe
39Respiratory Distress
40Evaluating Respirations
- Respiratory rate
- Best to count for a minimum of 30 seconds due to
the natural irregularity of the pattern - Breath sounds
- Place the stethoscope as lateral as possible
- Pulse oximetry
- Evaluate results along with work of breathing
- Readings above 94 indicates probably good
41Normal Respiratory Rates By Age
- Infant 30-60 breaths/minute
- Toddler 20-30 breaths/minute
- Preschooler 20-30 breaths/minute
- School-aged child 20-30 breaths/minute
- Adolescent 15-20 breaths/minute
- Trending more helpful than a single reading
- Values differ by source
42Abnormal Visual Signs - Poor Circulation to the
- Cold environment may cause false skin signs
- Inspect skin and mucous membranes
- Look at face, chest, abdomen, extremities, and
lips - Dark complexion patients
- assess lips and mucous membranes
43- Circulation to skin reflects overall status of
core circulation - pallor - early sign compensated shock
- mottling - constriction of blood vessels to the
skin - cyanosis - late finding of respiratory failure or
shock critical finding that indicates immediate
resuscitative action
44Evaluating Circulation
- Heart rate - bradycardia is ominous sign
- Pulse quality
- Brachial is the peripheral site for a child under
one - Central pulse - femoral in infants and young
children carotid in older child or adolescent - Skin temperature and capillary refill
- Good locations are at the kneecap or the forearm
- Blood pressure
- Should make an attempt on children older than 3
- Cuff size should cover 2/3 the length of the
upper arm
45Normal Heart Rates by Age
- Infant 100-160 beats per minute
- Toddler 90-130 beats per minute
- Preschooler 80-120 beats per minute
- School-aged child 70-120 beats per minute
- Adolescent 70-120 beats per minute
- Bradycardia indicates critical hypoxia and/or
ischemia and indicates need for immediate
46Region X Pediatric SOPs
47Region X Routine Pediatric Care SOPs
- General patient assessment - pediatric assessment
triangle (PAT) - appearance
- work of breathing
- circulation to skin
- Initial assessment - ABCDEs
- Identify priority patient and make transport
48- Additional assessment and interventions
- vital signs
- determine weight and age
- pulse oximeter before during O2
- cardiac rhythm if applicable
- IV/IO access (20 ml/kg administered under 20
minutes if fluid challenge is necessary) - determine blood glucose if indicated
- altered level of consciousness
- unconscious, unknown reason
- known diabetic and related problem
- reassess previous assessments appropriateness
of interventions performed
49- Detailed physical exam
- Contact Medical Control
- Transport to closest most appropriate hospital
- Always remember to keep child warm
hypothermia increases the rate of complications
and negative outcome
50Altered Level of Consciousness
- Dextrose
- Sugar to replace depleted stores
- Brain extremely sensitive to a drop in glucose
levels - Dose if less than 1 year old
- 12.5 4 ml/kg
- Dose for ages 1 - 15 (gt1 - lt16)
- 25 2 ml/kg
- Dose for ages 16 and over
- 50
51Glucose Dosing
- To remember dosing schedule
- D 12.5
- 4 x 12.5 50 therefore D 12.5 is 4 ml/kg
- D 25
- 2 x 25 50 therefore D 25 is 2 ml/kg
- Diluting D 25 to make D 12.5
- Calculate total dose volume required
- Half the dose volume is D 25 half the dose
volume is normal saline - Mix 50/50 solution and administer slowly
52Case Study
- A 12 year-old boy calls 911 for his unconscious 4
year-old sister - The brother reports a few minutes of full body
shaking by the sister you are informed that the
patient was recently diagnosed as a diabetic and
she takes shots - The patient is unresponsive, limp,
pulse rate 140 RR 30 B/P 98/68 - What is your impression?
- What is your approach/intervention?
53Case Study
- This child is most likely hypoglycemic
- Sugar stores are quickly used and the brain is
the most sensitive organ to ? glucose levels - Protect the airway (positioning, have suction
available) - Obtain IV access and evaluate the glucose level
(this patients blood sugar is 40) - This patient needs dextrose (glucagon if no IV)
- gt1 years old D25 (2 ml/kg)
- Patient weighs 25 pounds
54Practice Math - How much Dextrose does this
patient receive?
- 25 pounds ? 2.2 kg ? kg
- 2.2 25 (move decimal to right in both
numbers) - 22 250 11 kg
- D 25 formula 2 ml/kg
- 2(ml) x 11(kg) 22 ml D25
- Administer slowly through largest vein available
(irritating to veins)
55Altered Level of Consciousness
- Glucagon
- In the absence of IV access
- 0.1 mg/kg (max dose 1 mg (1 unit))
- Must be reconstituted
- May be followed by Dextrose if IV access obtained
no improvement in LOC - Narcan
- Known or suspected acute narcotic overdose
- lt 20kg 0.1 mg/kg IVP/IO/IM (max dose 2mg)
- gt20 kg (approx 4 year-old) 2 mg IVP/IO/IM
56Protecting The Airway
- Positioning
- side lying
- securely strapped to the backboard with
sufficient head/spine immobilization in case of
need to rapidly turn the backboard onto its side - Suctioning
- anticipate the need, unit turned on and ready to
be used - minimize time suction applied while removing
catheter - adults 10-15 seconds children lt 5 seconds
- Anticipate supplemental O2 - poss via BVM
57Pediatric Acute Asthma
- Albuterol
- Bronchodilator with some cardiac side effects
(?HR ? strength of contractions (pounding
heart)) - 2.5 mg / 3ml in nebulizer
- May need to use nebulizer mask in place of
mouthpiece - Encourage deep slow breaths
- May need to administer Albuterol in-line
- Set up nebulizer equipment and start
administering while bagging the patient even
prior to intubation - getting some drug into the lungs may prove
58Nebulizer Mask - when the patient cant tolerate
the mouthpiece
59Acute Asthma
- Earliest in disease will auscultate bilateral
wheezing breath sounds heard first on exhalation - Eventually will hear audible wheezing standing
next to the patient - A silent chest (no breath sounds can be heard
with a stethoscope) is a critical (deadly)
situation in any patient - Patients in an acute asthma attack are dry (lose
moisture from the increased respiratory rate) and
are potentially hypoxic
60Patient Treatment
- Prior to any treatment, assessment must be done
- EMS needs to obtain a general impression
- this drives the decision regarding which SOP to
work from - EMS needs to think cause of the situation which
can also drive a decision on which SOP to use
61Possible Causes of Critical Cardiac Situations -
6 Hs 5 Ts
- Hypovolemia
- Hypoxia
- Hydrogen ion - acidosis
- Hyper/hypokalemia
- Hypothermia
- Hypoglycemia
- Tablets
- Tamponade, cardiac
- Tension pneumothorax
- Thrombosis, coronary (ACS)
- Thrombosis, pulmonary (embolism)
- Trauma
62Pediatric Ventricular Fibrillation
- 2 minutes of CPR if arrest unwitnessed or gt4-5
min - Single defibrillation attempts for all persons
- Initial pediatric defibrillation - 2 j/kg
- 2nd subsequent defibrillation attempts - 4 j/k
- Immediately after defibrillation attempts, CPR
resumed for all persons - 302 for single rescuer on all patients
- 152 for 2 person with child infant CPR
- IV access
- Peripheral or IO routes attempted
- Flush all drugs with 5 ml NS to enhance delivery
63Pediatric VF
- Meds
- Vasopressor -
- Epinephrine (primary action in arrest is to
constrict blood vessels to support perfusion) - 110,000 - 0.01 mg/kg IVP/IO
- repeated every 3-5 minutes for duration of arrest
- Antidysrhythmic
- Amiodarone 5 mg/kg IVP/IO 5 ml NS flush
- OR
- Lidocaine 1 mg/kg IVP/IO 5 ml NS flush
64Antidysrhythmic Medications
- Do not mix administration of Amiodarone and
Lidocaine - The heart becomes more irritable when these drugs
are administered simultaneously to patients
during the same acute process - IV drips
- Only establish a drip for the same drug
administered IVP - Lidocaine drip follows Lidocaine bolus
- Amiodarone drip follows Amiodarone bolus (usually
hung at the hospital)
65Pediatric Asystole, PEA, Pulseless
Idioventricular Rhythms
- CPR - push hard, push fast
- IV/IO fluid challenge
- 20ml/kg formula for all persons/all ages
- reassess as every 200 ml has been administered to
the patient moving towards a total infusion
amount - monitor breath sounds on all patients receiving
fluids - Vasopressor drug
- Epinephrine 110,000
- 0.01 mg/kg IVP/IO followed by 5 ml NS flush
- Repeat every 3-5 minutes
66What Is This Rhythm?
- Sinus Bradycardia
- What is the significance in the pediatric
67Pediatric Bradycardia
- In pediatric patients, bradycardia almost always
represents hypoxia - Evaluate airway, airway, airway
- Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate (BVM)
- Vasopressor drug
- Epinephrine 110,000 0.01 mg/kg IVP/IO
- Repeat every 3-5 minutes
- Atropine - only helpful in pediatrics if the
bradycardia is related to a vagal cause (more
common in the adult)
68What Is The Significance of This Rhythm In a
- This patient was born 5 days ago this rate is
too slow - A normal heart rate range in newborns should be
100-160 - This patient is ill needs immediate ventilation
69Practice Math - Epinephrine
- Your patient weighs 26 kg
- Epinephrine 110,000 dose is 0.01 mg/kg
- 0.01 (mg) x 26 (kg) ? mg
- 0.01
- x 26
- 6
- 2
- 0 .26 (mg)
70Formula 1 - To Determine ml Of Epinephrine To
- mg on hand desired mg
- ml on hand X ml
- 1 mg 0.26mg
- 10 ml X
ml - (cross multiply) 1 x X 0.26 x 10
- 1X
2.6 - (get X by itself) 1X?1 2.6 ? 1 (1 2.6 )
- X
2.6 ml
71Formula 2 - To Determine ml of Epinephrine To
- Xml desired dose x vol on hand
- dose on hand
- X ml 0.26 (mg) x 10 (ml)
- 1 (mg)
- X ml 0.26 x 10
- 1
- X ml 2.6 (1 2.6 )
- 1
- X ml 2.6 ml IVP flushed with 5 ml NS
72Pediatric Shock
- Hypovolemic
- Hemorrhage, diarrhea, vomiting, ? fluid intake
- Fluid challenge 20 ml/kg repeated twice more
(60ml/kg) - Reassess as every 200 ml is being administered
- Cardiogenic
- Usually congenital no fluid challenge to be
given! - Distributive
- Sepsis (massive infection), anaphylaxis
- Fluid challenge 20 ml/kg repeated twice more
- Reassess as every 200 ml is being administered
- If allergic response, add that protocol
73Case Study
- You have been called to the home for a
6-month-old vomiting for 24 hours. - The infant is lying still with poor muscle tone
irritable if touched weak cry. - No abnormal airway sounds, retractions, or nasal
flaring. - Skin is cool, pale, mottled, with 4 second
capillary refill time, weak brachial pulse. - Heart rate 180 RR 30 breath sounds clear.
- Abdomen is distended.
- Impression? Intervention needed?
74Case Study
- This infant is severely ill - in shock
- Poor appearance, diminished tone, poor
interactiveness, weak cry - Requires resuscitation rapid transport
- Vital signs are deceptive
- Need to be correlated with pediatric assessment
triangle full assessment - Immediate airway support (possible BVM support)
- IV/IO access - fluid challenge 20 ml/kg
75Do The Math - How Much Fluid?
- The patient weighs 15.5 pounds.
- What is the amount of the fluid challenge that
needs to be administered? - How is the fluid challenge to be administered?
- 15.5 ? 2.2 ? 2.2 15.5 (move decimal point
over to the right one space in each number) - 22 155 7 kg
- 7 kg x 20 ml 140 ml fluid challenge NS
- Administer in under 20 minutes reevaluate
76Pediatric Tachycardia
- Children compensate by increasing heart rate more
than increasing contractility - Sustained high respiratory rates and heart rates
indicate a vascular problem - Low respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood
pressure indicate a serious problem with
oxygenation, ventilation, and/or perfusion - Trends in vital signs more important than taking
one reading
77Probable Sinus Tachycardia
- Most common tachycardia in pediatrics
- Rates can be higher than expected compared to the
adult population - Infants usually lt 220 beats per minute
- Child usually lt180 beats per minute
- Most common approach is symptomatic treatment
78Pediatric Tachycardia
- May be a nonspecific sign not representing
anything serious - fear
- anxiety
- pain
- fever
- May be indicating a life-threatening problem such
as hypoxia or hypovolemia - Evaluate heart rate and QRS width
79What Is This Rhythm?
- Probably sinus tachycardia in a pediatric patient
- Appearance is altered from typical adult rhythm
pattern - Treatment is geared to determining the underlying
80Probable Supraventricular Tachycardia
- QRS narrow
- Rate can be higher than expected
- Infants usually 220 beats per minute
- Child usually 180 beats per minute
- Vagal maneuvers
- Have child hold their breath or have child blow
hard through a straw - Adenosine 0.1 mg/kg rapid IVP with flush
- Repeat Adenosine 0.2 mg/kg rapid IVP with flush
81What is this rhythm?
- 9 wk old infant presents listless,
- sweaty, short of breath
Probably SVT
82Pediatric Ventricular Tachycardia with Poor
- Severe systemic insult that must be reversed as
soon as possible - Electrical countershock - cardioversion
- Pre-medicate Versed 0.1 mg/kg IVP slowly over 2
minutes, titrate to sedation - Cardiovert 1 j/kg observing safety precautions
(look call all clear) - If repeat cardioversion required, 2 j/kg
observing safety precautions
83Pediatric Ventricular Tachycardia with Adequate
- You have time to attempt drug therapy
- Amiodarone 5 mg/kg IVPB
- Dose diluted in 100 ml D5W
- Pediatric drip rate at 30 mcgtt/10 seconds
- OR
- Lidocaine 1 mg/kg IVP
- Cardioversion after versed sedation if no
response to drug therapy
84Do The Math - Amiodarone
- Your 4 year-old patient weighs 40 pounds and will
need Amiodarone 5 mg/kg - Amiodarone in the arrested state is to be given
as a diluted rapid IVP bolus (stable patients
receive the drug slow IVPB) - Calculate pounds to kilograms
- 40 (pounds) ? 2.2 (kg) ? Kg
- 2.2 40 (move the decimal to the right and
need to move decimal space behind 40) - 22 400 18 kg
85- Calculate dosage of drug to administer
- 18 (kg) x 5 (mg/kg) 90 mg (of Amiodarone)
- Calculate volume of medication to administer
- Amiodarone packaged 50 mg/ml need to administer
90 mg - Formula 1 mg on hand desired mg
- ml on hand X ml
- Formula 2 Xmldesired dose x vol on hand
- dose on hand
86Formula 1 - Desired Dose 90 mg
- mg on hand desired mg
- ml on hand X ml
- 50mg
90mg - 1 ml
X ml - (cross multiply) 50 x X 90 x 1
- 50X 90
- (get X by itself) 50X?50 90 ? 50 (50
90) - X
1.8 ml
87Formula 2 Desired Dose 90 mg
- Xml desired dose x vol on hand
- dose on hand
- X ml 90 (mg) x 1 (ml)
- 50 (mg)
- X ml 90 x 1
- 50
- X ml 90 (50 90 )
- 50
- X ml 1.8 ml
88Administering Amiodarone IVPB
- Add dose to 100 ml bag D5W (90 mg (1.8ml))
- Gently mix the contents label the bag
- Spike the bag with minidrip tubing run thru the
tubing - Wipe off the port with alcohol and attach
piggyback line into main IV line - Infuse the drip
- over 20 minutes for pediatric patient
(lt16 years) - run the piggyback at 30 minidrips/10 seconds
89Pediatric Croup
- Viral infant/toddler population low grade
fever barking cough - Humidified O2
- 6 ml NS in nebulizer, place mask near childs
face - If wheezing, Albuterol 2.5 mg (may repeat once)
- If no improvement, Epinephrine 11000 1ml mixed
with 2 ml NS in nebulizer (may repeat once) - If unstable (cyanotic, respiratory distress),
begin BVM ventilations, be prepared to intubate
90Pediatric Epiglottits
- Bacterial usually 4 year-old and upward in age
(no upper age limit) high fever drooling
stridor - Humidified O2
- 6 ml NS in nebulizer, place mask near childs
face - If patient deteriorates, ventilation via BVM be
prepared to intubate (one attempt) - True emergency requiring gentle handling,
avoidance of agitating the patient, and rapid
91Case Study
- You are called to the scene of a 23-month-old
child for trouble breathing. - Upon arrival the child is sitting on the mothers
lap starts to cry when they see you. - He has audible wheezing you observe intercostal
retractions. Skin is pink. - Mother states runny nose for 2 days.
- The child starts hitting you when you approach.
- What is your impression?
- What is your approach?
92Case Study
- A normal toddler is afraid of strangers (hitting
and kicking is not unusual). - A quiet cooperative toddler is of more concern!
- Impression croup
- Approach get on the childs eye level
- Ask the parent to remove the shirt to observe
breathing - Start physical contact at the toes progress up
- Praise cooperative behavior
- Have caregiver hold nebulizer kit for the patient
93Pediatric Seizures
- Remember to check glucose levels
- check on all altered/abnormal level of
consciousness patients known diabetics with
diabetic related problem - To treat current seizure activity
- Valium 0.2 mg/kg IVP titrated to control seizure
activity - In absence of IV, administer Valium 0.5 mg/kg
rectally - Valium/Diazepam will only stop the current
seizure activity does not prevent future ones
94Rectal Administration of Medication
- Rectum highly vascular
- Medication absorption fairly quick thru lining or
mucosa of rectum (IVP is quicker) - Calculate Valium dosage
- Draw up dosage into TB or 3-5 ml syringe
- If syringe larger than TB, attach the plastic
catheter from an IV catheter (14-20 G) to tip - Lubricate tip of syringe or catheter
- Carefully introduce 2? into rectum inject
- Hold buttocks closed for 10 seconds
95Rectal Medication
Draw up dosage
Gently administer dosage aspiration is
not necessary
96Allergic Reactions
- There is exposure to an antigen and the
response is to form antibodies - Immune response activated
- Antihistamines (ie Benadryl) given to stop
histamines from their normal action/response - conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eye
- rhinitis - inflammation of nasal mucous membranes
- angioedema - localized edema in tissues
- urticaria - itchy skin rash
- contact dermatitis - inflammation of skin
97- Vasopressors (Epinephrine) given in the presence
of airway swelling, difficulty breathing, or
clinical signs of shock - Reverses bronchoconstriction to improve the
respiratory status - Supports a falling blood pressure
- In shock, IM a more predictable absorption than
SQ route
98Pediatric Allergic ReactionStable
- Patient alert, skin warm dry
- Irritating signs and symptoms
- hives, itching, rash
- GI distress
- Benadryl
- 1 mg/kg slow (over 2 minutes) IVP or IM
- maximum 25 mg (equivalent to adult dose)
99Practice Math
- Your pediatric patient presents with an allergic
reaction with hives, no airway involvement. - They weigh 75 pounds (34 kg)
- How much Benadryl do they get?
- Formula 1mg/kg patient weighs 34 kg
- Calculation 34kg x 1mg 34 mg (of Benadryl)
- Note Do not give a pediatric patient a higher
dosage than what the adult would receive - Administration 25 mg Benadryl slow IV or IM
100Pediatric Allergic Reaction Stable with Airway
- Patient alert skin warm dry
- Has external signs symptoms now with itchy or
scratchy throat, hoarseness, wheezing - Epinephrine 11000 SQ
- 0.01 mg/kg (maximum 0.3 ml/dose)
- May repeat every 15 minutes
- Benadryl
- 1 mg/kg IVP slow(over 2 minutes) IVP (max 50 mg)
- Albuterol 2.5 mg nebulizer (may repeat)
101Pediatric Allergic Reaction Anaphylactic Shock
- Patient with altered mental status
- Epinephrine 11000 IM 0.01 mg/kg (max 0.3
ml/dose) may repeat every 15 minutes - Benadryl 1 mg/kg IVP slowly over 2 minutes (max
50 mg) - IV fluid challenge 20 ml/kg (max 60 ml/kg)
- Albuterol 2.5 mg nebulizer
102Self-Administered Epi-pens
- Packaging
- Epi-pen (adult) - 0.3mg/0.3ml
- Epi-pen Jr (pediatrics) 0.15 mg/0.3ml
- Expiration dates need to be evaluated
- EMT-Basic
- Epi-pens are taught as a patient assist device
- The epi-pen must belong to the patient
- The EMT-B may assist the patient in administering
their own epi-pen - Paramedic
- If medication is required, the paramedic will use
their own supply of medications - If the patient has injected their own epi-pen,
you might need to contact Medical Control to
determine if your Epinephrine should be held
104- To use an Epi-pen
- Form fist around unit
- Remove black tip - keep fingers away from opening
- Pull off gray safety release
- Jab black tip firmly into outer thigh 900 angle
(perpendicular) - Hold firmly for 10 seconds then remove
- Massage site for 10 seconds
- Dispose of unit
- Patients may have been instructed to replace unit
into carrier and return to prescribing MD for new
105Can go through clothing
106Broselow Tape
- Patient length used as a valid marker of size
specific equipment and medication dosing - Measure the childs length from the top of head
to the heel (not the toe)
Measure top of head
to the heel
107Broselow Tape
- Colored sections display a range of weights
- Medications, defibrillation and cardioversion
joules listed on one side - Medications, fluid challenge amounts, and
equipment sizing listed on the reverse side - Medications are printed in mg and need to be
calculated into ml to determine quantity of
medication to deliver - Region X SOPs match the Broselow tape
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112Calculating Medication Dosage
- 2 page reference printed in the SOPs
- one page for medical medications
- one page for cardiac medications
- Document dosage in mg (obtain from Broselow or
SOP reference) - Need ml to know what quantity of medication to
put into the syringe
113Patient Deterioration
- Always be assessing for changes in patient status
- Key information that points to a patient change
- watch for rapid decrease in appearance especially
interactiveness - watch heart rate especially if the rate begins to
drop - watch for irregularity of the respiratory pattern
- American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatric
- Education for Prehospital Professioinals.
- Jones Bartlett. 2000.
- Bledsoe, B., Porter, R., Cherry, R. Paramedic
Care Principles Practices 2nd Edition. Brady.
2006. - Region X SOPs, March 1, 2007.
- Sanders, M. Paramedic Textbook, Second
- Edition. Mosby. 2007