The National Labor Relations Act - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The National Labor Relations Act


For example, a closed shop agreement or hot cargo clause. 10. Union Security Clauses ... Closed Shop: Individuals must belong to the union before hire (illegal) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The National Labor Relations Act

The National Labor Relations Act
The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
  • Purpose Provide workers with legal protection in
    their rights to organize and bargain collectively
    through representatives of their own choice
  • Coverage Firms engaged in interstate commerce -
    set in terms of the Dollar volume of business the
    firm does annually. (pp. 62-63 Twomey).
  • Enforcement The National Labor Relations Board
    (NLRB) (Offices Basic Procedures pp. 58-59
  • http//
  • Exempt Employers Federal Govt. State or
    political subdivisions Railroads, Airlines, or
    Companies subject to Railway Labor Act (RLA)
    Foreign crews on foreign flag vessels temporarily
    in US ports Certain Religious Organizations
  • Exempt Employees Agricultural Laborers
    Domestics within a persons home individuals
    employed by a parent or spouse Independent
    contractors Supervisors.

Administration of the NLRB
  • Five member board appointed by the president
  • General Council responsible for investigation
    prosecution of the act
  • Regional Directors
  • Board has delegated its authority over
    representation elections to the regional
  • General Council has delegated authority to issue
    complaints in unfair labor practice (ULP) cases
    to the regional directors
  • Administrative Law Judges (ALJ) conduct formal
    hearings on ULP complaints issued under authority
    of the General Council. ALJ decisions may be
    appealed to the Board.

Key Points
  • An employee does not have to be a member of a
    union. A certified union does not have to be
    involved, and there does not have to be an
    organizing drive in existence for an employee to
    have protection under the NLRA. Section 7 of the
    Act guarantees all employees the right to engage
    in concerted activities for the purpose of
    collective bargaining or for other mutual aid or
  • Section 8(a)(1) prevents employers from
    interfering with employees attempting to exercise
    Section 7 Rights Its an Unfair Labor Practice to
    interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in
    the exercise of their rights guaranteed in
    Section 7.

  • The NLRB handles two kinds of legal questions 1.
    Unfair Labor Practice Charges 2. Representation
  • The NLRB does not initiate proceedings
  • The NLRB does not restrict who can file ULP
  • Election Petitions may be filed by either
    employees or the employer
  • Section 7 of the act guarantees all employees the
    right to engage in concerted activities for the
    purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual
    aid or protection

Selecting the Appropriate Bargaining Unit
  • In most nonunion companies, current employees
    initiate the union organizing process.
  • The initial phases of the process are carried out
    in secret.
  • When management does find out, the typical
    reactions are shock, frustration, anger.
  • One of managements biggest mistakes at the
    beginning of the process is to underestimate the
    union organizer.
  • Employees must present a 30 showing of interest
    to initiate formal proceedings.

Election Process
  • The NLRB supervises two basic types of election
    processes 1. Certification 2. Decertification.
  • Certification elections determine if the
    employees will or will not be represented by a
    union. The union wins if 50 plus 1 of those who
    vote in the election,vote for the union.
  • Decertificaiton elections must be initiated by
    the employees and are an attempt to remove a
    union as the exclusive representative of the
  • The role of the 1st line supervisor is critical
    in both types of elections.

Election Conduct Free Speech
  • Pre-election rules
  • Peerless Plywood 24 hour rule prohibits both
    unions and employer from delivering speeches to
    captive audiences within 24 hours of an election.
  • Excelsior Underwear employers required to
    provide a list of names and addresses of all
    employees eligible to vote in a representation
    election (Excelsior List). Must be provided
    within 7 days after an election has been directed
    or agreed upon.
  • Violation of these rules may be grounds for
    setting aside an election.
  • Employer Free Speech
  • No threats of reprisal or force or promise of
    benefit Gissel Packing Co. case employer may
    state likely economic consequences of
    unionization that are outside the employers
  • No-solicitation rules
  • General rule employer may prohibit union
    solicitation by employees during work periods
  • E-mail employer must consistently enforce policy
  • Necessity of Non-discriminatory enforcement of
    Rules St. Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers v.
    NLRB case.

Union Organizing Initiatives
  • Change to Win Coalition http//www.changetowin.o
  • UNITE http//
  • SEIU http//
  • Union Salting - http//
  • Card Check and neutrality agreements -

Unfair Labor Practice Charges
  • Charge process begins at NLRB regional office
  • Regional office investigates promotes
    settlement or withdrawal of complaint
  • Regional director can issue a formal complaint or
    dismiss the charge
  • If a complaint is issued, a hearing is held
    before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)
  • ALJ issues findings of fact and recommendation
  • NLRB reviews and makes final order
  • Board seeks enforcement or parties seek review in
    U.S. Court of Appeals

Collective Bargaining
  • Bargaining in good faith Both parties must meet
    a reasonable times to discuss wages, hours, and
    terms and conditions of employment
  • Any agreement reached must be put in writing if
    either party so request
  • Must bargain with the representatives of the
  • Mandatory subjects subjects that vitally effect
    the terms and conditions of employment - broadly
    interpreted by the NLRB economic impact -
  • Prohibited Subjects - Proposals that violate the
    NLRA or other laws. For example, a closed shop
    agreement or hot cargo clause.

Union Security Clauses
  • Agency Shop All members of the bargaining unit
    must either be members or pay a representational
    fee to the union
  • Union Shop All employees must join the union
    within a certain period after hiring
  • Closed Shop Individuals must belong to the union
    before hire (illegal)
  • Outlawed in right to work states

Other procedural requirements
  • Duty to furnish information when an employer
    pleads inability to pay in response to a union
    demand, the employer must provide financial
    information to support the claim
  • Notification requirements 60 days prior to
    expiration of an agreement - strikes or lockouts
    prohibited during 60 day cooling off period
  • Disputes must be referred to the Federal
    Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)

Dispute Settlement
  • Grievance Procedures and Arbitration
  • Grievance procedure a procedure for settling
    disputes set forth in the collective bargaining
  • Arbitration the settlement of disputes by a
    neutral adjudicator chosen by the parties to the
    dispute Two types Interest arbitration
    Rights Arbitration

  • 1. Interest Arbitration - used to create a new
    agreement (usually found in the public sector)
  • 2. Rights Arbitration - disputes involving the
    interpreting of an existing collective bargaining
    agreement. Generally the final step in the
    grievance procedure.
  • Grievance Procedure A complaint that either
    party to the agreement is not living up to the
    obligations of the agreement collective
    bargaining during the life of the agreement.

  • Strike the organized withholding of labor by
  • General Types
  • Economic related to a dispute with employer over
    wages, hours, and or working conditions.Often
    associated with negotiation of a new contract.
    Strikers may be permanently replaced by strike
    replacements. (NLRB v. Mackay Radio, 1938)
  • Unfair Labor Practice individuals who go out to
    protest an unfair labor practice of an employer
    ie. Firing a union leader because of union
    activity. When strikers protesting make an
    unconditional request to return to work, employer
    may not employ replacement workers in preference
    to the strikers.

Regulating Internal Union Conduct
  • Union Duty of Fair Representation union
    officials have a duty to provide fair and
    nondiscriminatory representation for all person
    in a bargaining unit.
  • Union Members Rights is an ULP to restrain or
    coerce employees in the exercise of the rights
    guaranteed in Section 7
  • Unions can fine members for crossing a picket
  • Unions can fine members who exceed a union
    piecework rule
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