Title: Using Your Data to Foster Improvement
1Using Your Data to Foster Improvement
- AKA Building Capacity to Improve Transition
Education and Outcomes - Paula D. Kohler, Ph.D.
- Western Michigan University
2Session Overview
- Data about using data
- Conceptualizing strategies for program
improvement - A New Mexico example
- Table brainstorming
3From Abt Associates Inc. (2005, March). Final 2nd
Interim Report (2002-2003 School Year), The Study
of State and Local Implementation and Impact of
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Study reports and data tables are available at
4From Abt Associates Inc. (2005, March). Final 2nd
Interim Report (2002-2003 School Year), The Study
of State and Local Implementation and Impact of
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Study reports and data tables are available at
5Our Challenge
- How do we link what weve learned from transition
research with practices in our schools and
communities ?
6Our Challenge
- To determine our needs based on our performance.
7Our Challenge
- To address our needs in efficient and meaningful
8NSTTACs Model for ExtendingTransition Research
Effective Transition Practices
Increase Capacity to Implement Effective
Transition Practices
Facilitate Implementation of Effective Transition
Technical Assistance
Data Collection
Professional Development
Policy Analysis and Change
9NSTTACs Model for ExtendingTransition Research
10Self-Determination Model
Reflect on How and What We are Doing
Determine Our Strengths and Needs
Set Goals
Develop Plans and Implement
Identify and Seek Support
Assess Our Progress
Modify Our Goals
11NSTTACs Self-Determination ModelLevels of Focus
12Conceptualizing State Agency Roles and Policy
Policy Tools Mandates Inducements Capacity
Building System Change
Roles Leadership Professional Development Funding
and Other Resources Policy Compliance
Regional and Local Education Agencies
Students and Families
13Pre-requisites for Change
- Collaboration among program and monitoring
staff at all levels - Context for planning
- Context for implementation that facilitates
continuous improvement
14For example
15Reflection ActivityInstructions
- Use the Using Data for Program Improvement
worksheet in your binder - With your colleagues at your table
- Identify at least one way program and monitoring
staff in your state are collaborating to use data
for program improvement - Identify at least one way the data are used to
plan and address capacity building
16Contact Information
- Paula D. Kohler, Ph.D., paula.kohler_at_wmich.edu
- Dept. of Special Education and Literacy Studies
- Career Connections Research Center
- 3506 Sangren Hall
- Western Michigan University
- Kalamazoo, MI 49008
- Phone 269.387.5955
- Fax 269.387.2826
- www.wmich.edu/ccrc
- http//homepages.wmich.edu/kohlerp