Title: Polarization and Social Cohesion in Latin America
1Polarization and Social Cohesion in Latin America
- Luis F. Lopez-Calva
- Chief Economist, RBLAC
2Main Idea
- Beyond inequality and poverty, the concept of
social cohesion addresses the issue of whether a
social group is able to define a common objective
and whether the institutional context is
conducive to the collective pursuit of such
objective - Polarization is proposed as a measure that
recovers such feature in society
3Conceptual Foundations
- Social cohesion has been discussed in several
academic disciplines, from economics and
political science to anthropology and sociology. - However, a specific definition of social cohesion
is often lacking
- Social capital versus social cohesion
- Bonding vs. Bridging social capital
- In a recent study, ECLAC defines social cohesion
as the dialectical relationship between
mechanisms of social inclusion/exclusion and
people's responses, perceptions and attitudes to
the ways these operate in producing a sense of
belonging to society. - Proposal of more than thirty indicators to
measure the distinct dimensions of social
6A Simple Definition of Social Cohesion
- Social cohesion could be simply defined by
- a group of individuals that potentially make up a
single body, a politically constituted community - and the force which drives them together, which
unifies a group towards a common goal - (taking the definition of cohesion and adding the
social part to it)
7Normative vs Functional Notions
8The polarization concept
Unimodal dist
9The polarization concept
Middle class
10Polarization measures
- Esteban, Gradín and Ray (2006) introduced an
extension - of the Esteban and Ray 1994 (ER) measure of
polarization - that can be applied to density Functions. This
derivation has - the virtue of casting both measures in the
context of a unified fremework. - The ER formulation relies on what they called
the identity- - alienation framework. This means that individuals
are identified with others who are close to
them, while they are alienated from other who
are far away. -
11Polarization measures
- The ER measure assume that the data arrives
pre-grouped into appropiate population clusters,
within which there are bonds of identification
and across which are the tensions of alienation.
But, the statistical classes into which the
distributional data may be grouped may have
nothing to do with the former conceptual
grouping. - ER suggest an extension of the measure to deal
with them as follows -
12Polarization measures, example
- Suppose that a fixed number of income cutoffs
are given to the researcher (income groups). - These define the number of groupings but not
their locations - They propose to pin down group locations by
minimizing the dispersions within the clusters
created by any number of income cutoffs. - Then, they apply the ER measure to the discrete
groupings with a correction for intra-group
13Polarization measures
- This yields an extended measure of polarization
which can be applied to all sorts of income
distributions, especially when they are in the
form of densities. - As byproduct they derive the W measure as a
particular special case of this formulation to
cast both the ER and W measures in the context of
a (statically) unified framework.
14The identity-alianation framework Conceptual
Suppose that an individual with income x feels
group identification I(x, F) under the
distribution F, and alienation r(x, y) with
respect to some individual with income y. As in
ER, they take the effective antagonism that
individual x feels towards y as some function
T(I, r) strictly increasing in r. Effective
antagonism increases with alienation, but this
alienation is taken to be fueled by some sense of
identification as well. Polarization is the
sum of all effective antagonisms
15The identity-alienation framework Conceptual
- The approach taken in ER is to combine this
relatively broad starting point with a set of
intuitive axioms that might compare polarization
across distributions. - The ER characterization is restricted, however,
to distributions that are pre-arranged in groups
so that for an individual with income x belonging
to some group i, I(x, F) simply equals pi, the
proportion of individuals in that group (under
the distribution F). - But there is no reason to believe that the
grouping of income distribution data will
conveniently conform to the psychological demands
of group identification.
16The identity-alianation framework Conceptual
- Take alienation to be simply the linear distance
between x and y, with the identification zone
netted out - r(x,y) max x - y - D, 0. (i)
- Then, a natural generalization of the ER measure
where a is some positive constant capturing the
importance of group Identification in the
determination of interpersonal effective
17The identity-alianation framework Conceptual
- Observe that if group identification is
unimportant, then we can take D 0 and a 0 as
well, in which case the measure in (i) reduces to
a measure of inequality, the Gini coefficient.
Thus it is the presence of identification that
makes a measure of polarization fundamentally
different from one of inequality (for more on
this, see ER). - There are some features of (ii). First, if the
distribution is clustered entirely within a
support of D, then polarization is zero. Second,
and more problematic, is the fact that the
measure is still not operational.
18A statistical approach
- The extension of the ER measure of polarization
can be summarized as follows - The ER polarization measure for discrete groups
should be used only after the population has been
regrouped in a way that captures the group
identification structure of society. - This regrouping or clustering will lose some of
the initial information that concerns the
dispersion of the population around the clusters
that we are treating as single groups.
19Polarization in Latin America
- Main Findings from Gasparini, et al. studies
- RBLAC commissioned two papers on polarization in
- Latin America one on the dynamics and
characteristics of - polarization, the other on polarization,
inequality and - social conflict.
- 2) As a region, Latin America is highly polarized
44 - more so than Europe.
20Polarization in Latin America
21Polarization in Latin America
- 3) Most of the indicators find for income
polarization - A slight increase in polarization between circa
1990 and circa 2004 - A convergence across countries high
polarization countries saw reductions in
polarization (Chile, Brazil) Low polarization
countries saw increases
22Polarization in Latin America
- (CR, Uruguay, Venezuela) with no exceptions
Bolivia and Colombia, which started high and saw
increases. - 4) For polarization by characteristics, the
findings are Groups delineated by educational
attainment show the highest income polarization,
followed by groups denominated by - Labor status (formal/informal)
- Region (urban, rural) or race in Paraguay,
Bolivia and Brazil
23Polarization in Latin America
- 5) Changes in the size of the middle-income
groups (in terms of population and income) have
been similar to those reported for polarization
and inequality - The middle-class seems to have been shrinking
in most of South America, with the exceptions of
Brazil and Chile. - Changes in Central America and Mexico have been
milder, without clear signs of a significant
reduction in the middle class.
24Polarization in Latin America
- 6) On the relationship between income
distribution, institutions and conflict, the
findings are - Negative correlation between indicators of
income distribution and indicators of the
quality of broad- based institutions - The most polarized countries are on average the
ones that have higher levels of conflict - (See Fajnzylber, et al. )
- Is polarization a good sufficient statistic for
social cohesion? - It does have interesting properties
- When is polarization different from Poverty and
Inequality - This is what the work in progress is moving