Galaxy Formation and Evolution in Clusters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Galaxy Formation and Evolution in Clusters


0. Introductory remarks about galaxy formation & evolution and why clusters ... for overdensities in galaxies (Miley, Rottgering, de Breuck, Kurk, Overzier) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Galaxy Formation and Evolution in Clusters

Galaxy Formation and Evolution (in Clusters) 3
  • Alice Shapley (Princeton)
  • June 14, 15, 16th, 2006

Overview and Motivation
  • 0. Introductory remarks about galaxy
    formation evolution and why clusters are useful
    for this
  • Galaxy evolution in clusters from z0-1
    (emphasis on early-type)
  • Galaxy evolution in general from z0-1
  • Direct observations of cluster galaxy
    progenitors forming at high redshift (z 2)
  • Protoclusters at high redshift (z 2)

III. The Progenitors of Cluster Galaxies Forming
at z2
Progenitors of Massive Galaxies
  • Common theme in earlier lectures the stars in
    E/S0 galaxies formed at high redshift (zgt2)
  • Until the mid-1990s the only zgt2 objects known
    were QSOs, radio galaxies, and QS0 absorbers
  • How can we go about isolating more normal
    galaxies during the epoch of star/galaxy
  • The study of high-redshift (lets say zgt1.5)
    galaxies has exploded in the last 10 years, with
    multiple techniques for isolating high redshift
    galaxies, making use of multi-wavelength data
    spanning from the radio to the X-ray
  • As opposed to traditional magnitude-limited
    surveys, down to specific flux limit, new results
    utilize several complementary selection
    techniques for finding high-z galaxies, selecting
    overlapping yet complementary populations --gt
    must determine how they overlap/complement each
    other to describe entire galaxy population at a
    given epoch.

Progenitors of Massive Galaxies
  • Review of techniques (focus on UV and submm
  • Some key questions and results

Photometric Pre-selection UV
  • 50 objects/square arcmin down to R25. How do
    you pick out the high-redshift galaxies?
  • Lyman discontinuity at rest-frame 912 A gives
    z3 galaxies very distinctive observed UGR colors

(Steidel et al. 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2003)
zgt1.5 Rest-UV Color Selection
  • z3 UGR Lyman Break criteria, adjusted for z2
    (Adelberger et al. 2004)
  • Spectroscopic follow-up with optimized
    UV-sensitive setup (Keck I/LRIS-B)
  • 1000 galaxies at z3, gt750 galaxies with
    spectroscopic redshifts at z1.4-2.5, in what was
    previously called the Redshift Desert

Measuring Redshifts z3
  • High redshift
  • Lya em/abs, IS abs at zgt2.5
  • At z 1.4-2.5, these features are in the near
    UV, while strong rest-frame optical emission
    lines have shifted into the near-IR formerly

Redshift Desert
  • Low redshift
  • Emission-line z
  • OII, OIII, Hb, Ha
  • At z gt 1.4, OII moves past 9000 AA,
    while Lya below 4000 AA at zlt2.3 no strong
    features in the optical

SDSS galaxy at z0.09
Redshift Desert
  • Low redshift
  • Abs-line z
  • 4000 AA break, Ca HK, Mg
  • At z gt 1.4, 4000AA break moves past 9000 AA

SDSS galaxy at z0.38
Keck/LRIS-B Efficiency
  • LRIS-B 400/3400 grism --gt 40 efficiency from
    3800-5000 AA
  • Low night-sky background in near-UV (3 mag
    fainter than at 9000 AA)
  • (Steidel et al. 2004)

Measuring Redshifts z2
  • Low- and high-ionization outflow lines, Ly?
  • He II emission, CIII emission
  • Fewer galaxies have Lya emission (57 have no
    Lya) than in z3 sample (cf. SMG!)
  • (Steidel et al. 2004)

Measuring Redshifts z2
  • Low- and high-ionization outflow lines, Ly?
  • He II emission, CIII emission
  • Fewer galaxies have Lya emission (57 have no
    Lya) than in z3 sample (cf. SMG!)
  • (Steidel et al. 2004)

Outflow Kinematics z3 vs. z2
  • Kinematic evidence for large-scale outflows is a
    generic feature of UV-selected galaxies at zgt2
  • v0 from rest-frame optical nebular emission
    lines OIII at z3 and Ha at z2
  • Signature of feedback, perhaps fundamental to
    understanding galaxy formation
  • (Steidel et al. 2004)

zgt1.5 Rest-UV Color Selection
  • z3 UGR criteria (Lyman Break), adjusted for
    z2 (Adelberger et al. 2004)
  • Spectroscopic follow-up with optimized
    UV-sensitive setup (Keck I/LRIS-B)
  • 1000 galaxies at z3, gt750 galaxies with
    spectroscopic redshifts at z1.4-2.5, in what was
    previously called the Redshift Desert

Clustering DM Halo Masses
  • 28,500 galaxies
  • 21 fields, 0.8 degree2
  • 1600 spectroscopic redshifts
  • RAB23.5-25.5
  • Correlation lengths
    ?z?2.9 (LBG), r04.0?0.6 h-1 Mpc
  • ?z?2.2 (BX), r04.2?0.5 h-1 Mpc ?z?1.7
    (BM), r04.5?0.6 h-1 Mpc
  • Implied halo masses 1011.5 M?
  • 1012M? (BX/BM)
  • (from comparison with GIF-LCDM numerical
    simulation, DM Halos with same clustering)

(Adelberger et al. 2004, based on w(q))
Evolution of Clustering to z1, 0
  • Follow evolution of DM halo clustering in
  • Matches early-type absorption line DEEP2
    galaxies at z1 (Coil et al. 2003)
  • Matches SDSS ellipticals at z0.2 (Budavari et
    al. 2003)
  • Typical UV-selected galaxy at z2-3 will
    evolve into an elliptical by z0

(Adelberger et al. 2004)
zgt1.5 Rest-UV Color Selection
  • Large set of results about UV-selected galaxies
    at z1.5-3 abundance and clustering, luminosity
    function, sfr (typical sfr50-100M?/yr), dust
    extinction, metallicities (emission-line,
    absorption-line), detailed spectral properties,
    stellar masses/populations (typical stellar mass
    few x 1010M?, large range), impact on the IGM
    (SNe feedback, ionizing radiation)
  • What does UV-selection mean in terms of physical
    properties? Star-formation thats only moderately
    (factor of few-100) extinguished by dust, but a
    large range of stellar masses (smaller range of
    baryonic masses), clustering implies that these
    will correspond to early-type galaxies at z0.

zgt1.5 Near-IR selection (40 zs)
  • Extension of K20 survey group (i.e., get zs for
    everything with Klt20), use B-z, z-K color
    criteria to select both star-forming galaxies and
    passive galaxies at zgt1.4
  • Incomplete for fainter objects with small Balmer
    Breaks, weighted more towards fairly massive
  • Significant overlap of BzK/SF with UV-selected

(Daddi et al. 2004)
zgt1.5 FIRES/J-K selection (20 zs)
(Franx et al. 2003)
(Reddy et al. 2005)
  • J-Kgt2.3 criteria meant to select massive evolved
    galaxies with significant Balmer/4000 Å breaks at
    zgt2 turns out selection also yields massive
    dusty starbursts
  • 25 appear to contain AGN (much higher than
    fraction of UV-selected population)
  • Only limited number of spectroscopic redshifts

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
(courtesy I. Smail)
(Smail 2005)
  • Submm galaxies, dusty, most of luminosity comes
    out in submm waveband
  • First detected by SCUBA/JCMT in 1997 at 850 ?m
  • Counts 1000/sq. degree at 5 mJy (limit of
    bright SCUBA survey) a few hundred submm
    galaxies IDd
  • In principle, SCUBA is sensitive to dusty
    galaxies out to z6 (negative K-correction)

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
(courtesy I. Smail)
(Chapman et al. 2005)
  • Breakthrough using radio (1.4 GHz) positions
    for optical spectroscopy (ameliorates ambiguity
    from 15 SCUBA beam), 70 of sources
  • Redshifts enable study of physical properties
  • Typical LIR8x1012L? and dust temperature Td38K
    (confirmed by 350 ?m observations)
  • Less than 10 of submm galaxies are at zgtgt3

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
(courtesy I. Smail)
(Chapman et al. 2005)
  • IR luminosities correspond to sfr gt1000 M?/yr
    (Salpeter) if bulk of FIR is powered by star
    formation. If SF lasts for 108 yr, significant
    stellar mass formed
  • Much rarer than other samples, but higher
    inferred SFR, could contribute significantly to
    sfr density at high z

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
(Chapman et al. 2003)
  • Rest-frame UV spectra obtained with Keck/LRIS-B
    (like UV-selected samples)
  • Spectra show features of star-formation and AGN
    (Ly?, NV, CIV, SIV), rest-frame optical spectra
    sometimes NII/H?????or broad H?
  • Raises question of AGN contribution to
    bolometric luminosity, Deep (Chandra 2 Msec
    image) X-ray emission indicates presence of Fe
    K??line, and absorbed non-thermal continuum slope
  • BUT AGN appears not to be energetically
    important -gt submm emission dominated by star

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
Note galaxies w/ smaller star formation rates
not detected yet in CO
(Tacconi et al. 2006)
  • Masses stellar masses estimated from
    SED-fitting (how does AGN affect stellar mass
    estimates?) dynamical masses estimated from H?,
    CO-linewidths cold molecular gas masses
    estimated from CO line luminosities
  • Dynamical masses w/in 10kpc, 2x1011 M?(Swinbank
    et al. 2004, 2006), molecular gas masses 5x1010
    M? (Tacconi et al. 2006)

zgt1.5 Submm Selection (75 zs)
  • Submm galaxies appear to be massive systems with
    prodigious star-formation rates, may also be
    strongly clustered (but uncertain because of
    small number of redshifts)
  • Could be progenitors of QSOs, massive galaxies
    at lower redshift
  • More robust mass estimates (disks, mergers?),
    and estimate of AGN contamination to bolometric
  • Interesting note several years ago, a lot was
    made of the fact that there was so little overlap
    between submm galaxies and z3 LBGs. But now we
    know that most submm galaxies are at zlt3, and
    have similar redshift distribution to z2
    UV-selected galaxies. 65 of submm galaxies have
    colors of UV-selected galaxies (but bigger
    star-formation rates)

zgt1.5 Summary
  • In addition to UV-selected, BzK, J-K, submm,
    there are other techniques, such as the
    K-band/photo-z technique of the Gemini Deep Deep
    Survey (GDDS), and new Spitzer capabilities IRAC
    (mass-selected), MIPS/24 micron (sfr-selected,
    analogous to SCUBA)
  • Now that there are several groups using
    different selection techniques to find galaxies
    at z2, we need to understand how the samples
    relate to each other (each sample has certain
    benefits but is incomplete e.g., UV-selected
    sample has largest set of redshifts and spectra)
  • Reddy et al. (2005) considered the overlap among
    different samples, and contribution of each to
    the sfr density at z2-2.5

Key Questions
  • What is the evolution in global sfr and stellar
    mass density vs. z?
  • What is the evolution in number density of
    galaxies as a function of (stellar) mass and
    star-formation rate?
  • What are the star-formation histories of
    galaxies (burst/episodic, continuous), and how do
    they accumulate their stellar mass?
  • What are the origins of different morphological
  • What is the chemical enrichment in galaxies vs.
    z, and by how much do they enrich their
    surroundings (vs. mass)?
  • What is the effect of supernovae/AGN feedback on
    gas in galaxies and the surrounding IGM?
  • How do we make a continuous timeline of galaxies
    from high redshift to z0 (map one sample to

Key Techniques/Goals
  • New multi-wavelength technologies are helping us
    address these questions, beyond ground-based
    optical imaging and spectroscopy
  • Wide-field near-IR imaging (stellar masses) and
    near-IR spectroscopy (dynamical masses, sfr,
    chemical abundances)
  • Chandra X-ray observations (sfr and AGN)
  • Spitzer/IRAC (stellar masses) and MIPS (dust
    luminosity, sfr)
  • HST ACS/NICMOS (morphologies)
  • Full understanding of energetics and stellar and
    metal content is a multi-wavelength endeavor
  • Detailed comparison with numerical simulations
    and semi-analytic models

Morphological Classification?
  • 240 UV-selected galaxies with spectroscopic zgt1.4
  • Do not exhibit regular morphologies!!

BX/BM/LBG with Rlt25.5
50 GOODS-N Galaxies, z1.5-2.0
Morphological Classification? Sizes
  • Half-light radii of GOODS/ACS (HST) galaxies
    measured as a function of radius
  • Compared with models of dark matter halos of
    fixed mass (green) or fixed virial velocity (red)

(Ferguson et al. 2004)
IV. Protoclusters at High Redshift (z2)
Finding High-z Protoclusters
  • Highest redshift X-ray-detected cluster at
    z1.45 (Stanford et al. 2006)
  • But there are large-scale overdensities of
    galaxies that have been detected at z2, which
    may evolve into gt1014M?clusters by z0
  • Significant galaxy overdensities serendipitously
    discovered during UV-selected survey (z3.09,
    2.30, 2.85)
  • Overdensities of Ly? emitters discovered around
    targeted radio galaxies at 2ltzlt5

Q170064 Field
  • QSO field (V16, zem2.72), very sensitive obs.
    of IGM
  • Optical, near-IR imaging and spectra
  • Spitzer/IRAC photometry 3.6-8.0 mm (Barmby et
    al. 2004)
  • 72 gals at z1.4-2.9 (most are at zlt2.5) with
    optical-IRAC SEDs and redshift IDs--gt stellar
    populations, masses (Shapley et al. 2005)
  • BC2003 exp(-t/t) and CSF models, Calzetti
  • Serendipity Large redshift spike at
    z2.299/-0.015 (20 galaxies) --gt study
    properties vs. environment

Stellar Populations Masses
  • Near/Mid-IR Imaging
  • Deep J, K imaging with WIRC, Palomar 5-m, to
    Ks22.5, J23.8
  • Spitzer IRAC data at 3.6, 4.5, 5.4, 8 ?m
  • Use for modeling stellar populations, masses

Ks (2.15 mm)
(Barmby et al. 2004, Steidel et al. 2005)
Stellar Populations Masses
  • Near/Mid-IR Imaging
  • Deep J, K imaging with WIRC, Palomar 5-m, to
    Ks22.5, J23.8
  • Spitzer IRAC data at 3.6, 4.5, 5.4, 8 ?m
  • Use for modeling stellar populations, masses

IRAC (4.5 mm)
(Barmby et al. 2004, Steidel et al. 2005)
Q170064 The z2.3 Spike
  • Only identified 25 of galaxies in the field -gt
    gt80 galaxies in the spike
  • Galaxy redshift overdensity, dgal7,
    real-space matter overdensity ?m1.8, will
    virialize by z0 with M1015M?
  • ltMstargt in spike is x2 larger than outside
  • ltAgegt in spike is 1.4 Gyr, whereas it is 0.7 Gyr
  • zform earlier in spike?
  • Now with HST were looking at morphology vs.
    environment (hard!!)

(Steidel et al. 2005)
Finding High-z Protoclusters UV
  • At least 2 other examples of galaxy spikes
    discovered in UV surveys by Steidel et al.
  • 1) z3.09 (first evidence that LBGs were strongly

2) z2.85 at the same redshift as bright QSO
Finding High-z Protoclusters HiZRG
  • Environments of high-redshift radio galaxies
    make useful protocluster targets
  • -gtHiZRG may have extreme stellar masses
    (1012M?), based on K-band magnitudes
  • -gt extended clumpy morphology consistent w/
    simulations of formation of brightest cluster
  • -gtstrong clustering at z1
  • -gtextreme radio rotation measures, indicative
    of dense hot gas environments large Ly? halos,
    regions consistent w/ originating from a cooling

From Pentericci et al. (1998), clumps spread over
100 kpc in z2.16 HiZRG
Finding High-z Protoclusters HiZRG
  • VLT program to target 10 HiZRG at 2ltzlt5,
    searching for overdensities in galaxies (Miley,
    Rottgering, de Breuck, Kurk, Overzier)
  • Use Ly??NB imaging to measure the of Ly?
    emitters at redshift of radio galaxy and estimate
    overdensity (design special filter that is Ly? at
    the redshift of the AGN)
  • In some cases, have followed up with H?, and
    surveyed fields for LBGs

Finding High-z Protoclusters HiZRG
  • HiZRG 1138-262, z2.16, K16, stellar
  • ( Left) HST/WFPC2/F606W image of HiZRG
  • (Right) Lya emission spectra for 14 confirmed
    galaxies at redshift of AGN

Finding High-z Protoclusters HiZRG
  • HiZRG 1138-262, z2.16, K16, stellar
  • (Right) Histogram of 15 emitters, solid curve is
    response of NB filter, use histogram of Ly?
    velocities to get dynamical mass, gt 1014 M?, more
    difficult to quantify than for LBGs

Finding High-z Protoclusters HiZRG
  • Several more targets at zgt2
  • Implications protocluster masses1014-1015M?
  • Look at galaxy properties as a function of

Concluding Philosophical Comment
  • Rich set of observations of galaxies in the
    early universe, for statistical samples of
    galaxies selected with different techniques
    (though its still a challenge to get spectra)
  • Much much more that I could have presented
  • Field of zgt1.5 galaxy evolution is completely
    different since just 10 years ago, when
    UV-selection technique was first implemented
  • Whats happening in the next 10 years?
    (feedback, connecting to samples at other
    redshift, building mass/sfr-limited samples, disk
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