Title: Reconstructing Muon Neutrino Induced Cascades
1Reconstructing Muon Neutrino Induced Cascades
Introduction to a New Algorithm for
Reconstructing Composite Events
Rodín A. Porrata
2Overview of Standard Analysis
- Muon Neutrino Channel
- Smooth upgoing events
- Good Directional Reconstruction
- Poor Neutrino Energy Reconstruction
- Electron Neutrino Cascade Channel
- Bright, not smooth events
- Good Cascade Energy Reconstruction
- Not highly directional
3Reconstruction Channels
4A Couple of Interesting Channels for Physics and
- Super-symmetric Tau pairs
- Disappear from analysis because they give bad
linefit results. - Upgoing Stau pairs are a clear signature of
- Muon Neutrino Induced Cascades
- and
- Disappear from analysis because they are too
clumpy or are down going - But good directional reconstruction
- Only neutrino interaction channel for which
energy can be accurately and unambiguously
calculated. - See the galactic center at a few TeV
5Overview of Standard Analysis
First Guess and Maximum Likelihood Methods
- Maximum Likelihood
- Utilize maximum information available i.e., ice
properties, details of event phenomenology and
photon propagation, -gt photon arrival time
distribution. - Requires independent method to search parameter
space. - Powells Method
- Simplex
- Simulated Annealing
- Very time consuming.
- Produces best possible parameter set given an
archetypical event.
- First Guess
- Utilize partial information, i.e., extract main
features of event topology - Analytic or semi-analytic solutions
- Involves single sweep through data.
- Fast
- Used to select High Quality events.
- Two archetypes Muons and cascades, standard
analysis stops here.
6Reconstruction Methods for Muons
First Guess and Maximum Likelihood Methods
- Maximum Likelihood Method
- Read Muon photon tables directly
- Bulk tables
- Layered
- N.N. fit of tables
- Muon parameterized Pandel isotropic point source
solution with extra parameters to fit a moving
point source. - New description of light from a muon
- Moving isotropic point source.
- Uses complete ice properties
- Gives muon energy and direction.
- Presently used only in searches for
- Monopoles (H. Wissing).
- Quark Nuggets (D. Hartke).
- Not utilized in standard analysis.
- First Guess Reconstruction Methods
- Direct Walk
- Jams
- Linefit
- Event Quality
- Smoothness.
7Reconstruction Methods for Cascades
First Guess and Maximum Likelihood Methods
- Maximum Likelihood Method
- Read Cascade photon tables directly
- Bulk tables
- Layered
- N.N. fit of tables
- Pandel isotropic point source solution. This is
what it was designed for! - Likelihood derived in diffusive approximation.
- Energy Reconstruction
- Requires results of position reconstruction.
- New
- Direct photon distribution
- Uses complete ice properties
- First Guess Reconstruction Methods
- COG -gt position
- Event Quality
- Smoothness (not smooth).
- New First Guess
- Planewave fit -gt Direction.
8Expectation - Maximization
A method to decompose complex events into
characteristic components
- Master function to be minimized
- The ath basis function is a F.G. method for
either a muon or a cascade. - Weights are numbers calculated from full
phenomenology, i.e., photon arrival time
distributions, given the kth estimate of the
parameter set, . - Taking the usual derivatives w.r.t. the
parameters gives us a set of equations which are
solved analytically to obtain new estimates of
the parameters. - Each iteration takes same amount of time as a
F.G. method. - Iterate a maximum of 10 times to obtain most
likely decomposition.
9EM - Application to Cascades
A complete model for an archetypical cascade
- Master Function for a cascade
- Taking derivatives w.r.t. directional, vertex and
energy parameters decomposes master function into
characteristic equations. - No separate minimization algorithm required
- Perform C.O.G. fit.
- Solve planewave -gt
- Solve spherical wave characteristic equations -gt
- Solve Phit-Nohit charactistic equations -gt E
- Update weights (Pdirect)
- Goto (2)
10Summary Conclusion
A new reconstruction paradigm exists
- Some References
- 1 Arthur Dempster, Nan Laird, and Donald Rubin.
"Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the
EM algorithm". Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, Series B, 39(1)138, 1977 - 2 Hartley, H. (1958). Maximum likelihood
estimation from incomplete data. Biometrics,
14174194. - 3 McLachlan, G. and Krishnan, T. (1997). The EM
algorithm and extensions. Wiley series in
probability and statistics. John Wiley Sons. - 4 Minka, T. (1998). Expectation-Maximization as
lower bound maximization. Tutorial published on
the web at http//www-white.media.mit.edu/
tpminka/papers/em.html. - 5 Neal, R. and Hinton, G. (1998). A view of the
EM algorithm that justifies incremental, sparse,
and other variants. In Jordan, M., editor,
Learning in Graphical Models. Kluwer Academic
Press - 6 Tanner, M. (1996). Tools for Statistical
Inference. Springer Verlag, New York. Third
- New Muon likelihood function
- Direct hit proabilities
- Application of EM algorithm to Event
Reconstruction - Method searching for a working framework
- Code written in perl and OO-perl
- Could easily(?) be migrated to recoos, sieglinde
or icetray. - Testing needed
- Testing needed