PANNYAVARO 30TH May to 4th June 2005 The mind
is the forerunner of all things. The Venue
Eunos, Singapore 419495. Opposite the Eunos MRT.
At the junction of Jalan Eunos and Sims Avenue.
Bus services 2,7,13,15,21,24,25,26,28,30,50,51,53
CT18. Time Check in on the 30th May 2005 at 7pm
- 8.30pm. Please have your dinner before
reporting. The retreat concludes on the 4th June
2005 at 2pm. Participants are required to stay
for the duration of the retreat. Course
fees Voluntary. Donations to cover basic cost
are most welcome. Registration Pls E-mail
arthurteowaipheng_at_yahoo.co.uk or call David Teo
at 63533669/96183882. Closing date
27.5.05. Volunteers/helpers are required for the
whole or any part of the retreat.
Venerable Pannyavaro, President B.D.E.A.
Ven. Pannyavaro is an Australian Theravada
Buddhist monk who has devoted his life to the
meditational aspects of the Buddhas teachings.
During his monastic training, he practiced under
several meditation masters, including the Ven.
Sayadaw Ujanaka of Chanmyay Yeiktha, Burma, who
is the foremost disciple of the renowned Burmese
meditation master, the late Ven. Mahasi
Sayadaw. During more than 25 years of training,
he has studied and practiced meditation in all
the major Theravada Buddhist countries, including
long periods of intensive practice of the
Satipatthana-Vipassana meditation at the Mahasi
Sayadaw centre in Burma. He is also the founder
of BuddhaNet which is the premiere Buddhist
website established in the year 1992. Current
user statistics for the website are 830,000
files(6.1 gigabytes) served per day which equates
to approximately six million individuals viewing
the website per year.
Vipassana or insight meditation, is above all, an
experiential practice, based on the systematic
and balanced development of a precise and focused
awareness. By developing this awareness we gain
greater insight into the nature of life and its
experiences and thus resulting in achieving
greater wisdom. We invite you to join us in this
meditation retreat with the skillful guidance of
Venerable Pannyavaro and further progress in your
practice. Sadu Sadu Sadu