Title: Creative Lessons Using MovieMaker
1Creative Lessons UsingMovieMaker
- Mary Kohmuench
- Rita Mazza
- Debbie Melone
2- Click on
- Start
- All Programs
- Accessories
- Windows MovieMaker
3MovieMaker Program
Import either Video movie clip Image still
4Import Video or Pictures
Sample view after Images and video are Imported.
5Show Timeline or Storyboard
Timeline View - allows length of clips to be
Storyboard View - used when adding transitions
and effects
6Making an AutoMovie
- This feature automatically places the clips onto
the timeline
First choose Make an AutoMovie
7AutoMovie Editing Style
- Select an AutoMovie editing style then click
Titles and audio can also be added at this point
and press done
8Sample timeline when completed notice title and
conclusion page were automatically added. Delete
any clips that will not be needed.
9This tool allows the user to split a video clip
or take a still image of a video clip
Use Zoom Tools to see Video or images
10Adding Still Images
Drag these still pictures down to the timeline
or storyboard
11Edit the Movie - Video Effects
Double click on effect to view the effect
Or chose effect and press play
Drag an effect and drop it on a video clip on
the timeline
12Edit the Movie Transitions
Double click on transition to view transition
or Chose transition and press play
13Adding Transitions to Movie
Drag a transition and drop it between two
clips In Storyboard view
14Adding Titles to Movies
STEP 2 Chose location of title in movie
STEP 3 Add and customize text and press done
15Saving Your Movie
- Click on
- File
- Save project as
- 3 Finish Movie
- using the following
- options
16Saving Movie (continued)
Choose a file name and location for movie
17Review or change settings and press next
18Video Sources
- www.unitedstreaming.com
- www.youtube.com
- www.videogoogle.com
- www.teachertube.com