Title: U.S. Congress
1U.S. Congress
2Objectives To Understand
- The Constitutional Design of Congress
- Historical Development of Congress
- Styles of Representation
- Congressional Elections and the Incumbency Factor
- How Congress Works
- Structure of Congress - Committees
- Political Leadership in Congress and how leaders
manage C.A. problems - House and Senate Differences
- How Bills Become Law
3Constitutional Design
- Article I of the U.S. Constitution
- Bicameralism
- Qualifications of representatives
- terms of office
- total membership
- general and specific powers
- Article I, Section 8 enumerated powers
4Historical Development of Congress
- Premodern (1789-1880) Congress
- Modern (1880-current) Congress
- Turnover of members
- Finality of elections
- workload
- orderliness of the floor
- committee membership and committee chairs
- party leadership
5Historical Development, continued...
- Increase in size
- institutionalization and professionalism
- sharing power with the president
6Styles of Representation
- Delegate
- Trustee
- Politico
- Edmund Burke
- Hanna Pitkin
- Formalistic View
- Descriptive View
- Symbolic View
- Interest Responsiveness View
7Congressional Elections and Incumbency
- Reelection rates for Incumbents
- Franking privilege
- Richard Fenno and Homestyle
- Casework
- Pork Barrel Legislation
- examples?
- Logrolling
8How Congress WorksCongressional Committees
- Types of Committees
- Standing Committees
- Select Committees
- Joint Committees
- Conference Committees
- ad hoc task forces
9Political Leadership in the 108th Congress
Managing Collective Action and C.A. Problems
- Leadership in the House
- Speaker of the House
- House Majority/Minority Leaders
- House Majority/Minority Whips
- Leadership in the Senate
- Senate Majority/Minority Leaders
- Senate Majority/Minority Whips
- President Pro Tempore
10Speaker of the House
11House Majority/Minority Leaders
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) House Minority Leader
Tom Delay (R-TX) House Majority (Floor) Leader
12House Majority/Minority Whips
Roy Blunt (R-MO) House Majority Whip
Steny Hoyer (D-MD) House Minority Whip
13Other Leaders in the House
Deborah Pryce (R-OH) Republican Conference Chair
Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Democratic Caucus Chair
14Senate Leadership
- Vice President Dick Cheney
- President of the U.S. Senate
15Senate Majority/Minority Leaders
Bill Frist (R-TN) Majority Leader
Tom Daschle (D-SD) Minority (Democratic) Leader
16Senate Majority/Minority Whips
Harry Reid (D-NV) Assistant Minority Leader
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Assistant Majority Leader
17Other Leaders in the Senate
- Ted Stevens (R-AK)
- President Pro Tempore of the Senate
18Senate Party Conference Leaders
Richard Santorum (R-PA) Republican Party
Conference Chair
Tom Daschle (D-SD) Democratic Party Conference
19House and Senate Differences
- House
- Rule-bound, hierarchical
- more specialized
- amendments must be germane
- limited time for debate
- restricted floor debate
- Senate
- Informal
- less specialized
- amendments need not be germane
- unlimited time for debate (filibuster, cloture)
20House Senate Differences, continued...
- House
- Adversary (responsiveness)
- Senate
- Unitary (responsibility)
21(No Transcript)
22How Bills become Laws
- Introducing a Bill
- Hopper
- Committee Action
- Discharge Petition
- Floor Action
- Conference Committee
- Presidential Action
- Types of Legislation
- Bill
- Joint Resolution
- Concurrent Resolution
- Resolution
23(No Transcript)
24The Nature of Congress
- Fragmentation v. Integration
- Fragmented chaotic, incoherent
- Integrated what would seem to be best
- F lt---------------------------------------------gtI
- -Fragmented policy is not always inferior to
Integrated Policy.....Why?
25Fragmentation v. Integration, continued...
- Members of Congress elected from local
geographical constituency - Bicameralism
- What Congress does - increased agenda
- Divide and Defer
- Bureaucrats
- Interest Groups
26Fragmentation, continued...
- Weak Political Parties
- Personal Ambitions of Members of Congress