Title: ASTD Orange County Chapter New Member Orientation
1ASTD Orange County Chapter New Member Orientation
- Welcome to our group!
- Use your mouse to click on the screen or use Page
Up and Page Down to move to the next or previous
Last updated Nov 2004
2Welcome to the Orange County Chapter of ASTD
Member Orientation
- Message from the President
- Web Site Tutorial
- National ASTD
- Our Parent Organization
- Our Vision and Mission
- Member Needs Survey Results
- Awards and Recognition
- How to Contact us
3Message From the President
- Welcome to the Orange County chapter of ASTD,
American Society for Training and Development! - We are a chapter that has been in existence
since 1978 and have a current membership of about
400 training professionals. - Our chapter is constantly improving. Recently we
have made changes in the following areas - Reaching out to Orange County businesses
- Collaborating with other HR related
organizations, such as ISPI and NHRA - Increased satisfaction in monthly learning events
- Expanding SIGs (Special Interest Groups)
- A new and improved website
- O/S (Orangespiel) newsletter with monthly and
quarterly editions - Increased membership with our current chapter at
400 members - Sound financial standing that allows the chapter
to sponsor well-known speakers - I encourage you to come up to any board member at
a meeting and introduce yourself. Spread the word
about Orange County ASTD! - Get connected and stay connected!
Rich Wong
4Web Site Tutorial
- ASTDOC web site offers many services to its
members - This simple tutorial will highlight the major
services - Log into the site
- Find register for events
- Find job listings
- Find a specific skill within the membership
- Find volunteer opportunities
- Find a Special Interest Group (SIG)
- This tutorial should take only 10 minutes
5Logging into the Site
- Go to www.astdoc.org
- Below is the top portion of the home page
Login Here
6Logging into the site (continued)
- At the login screen enter your user name and
password - Unless you selected a different user name, your
user name will be - User Name first initial last name, e.g.
tsmithPassword first name last initial, e.g.
terrys - Change the password immediately
7Logging into the site (continued)
- Once logged in, the Home and Logoff icons will be
available at the top of the screen - If the login failed you will be sent to this
Just re-Log in as before
8- To change the password click on My Profile on
your desktop
9Finding and Registering for an Event
- To find an event, select the Events Calendar icon
at the top of the screen - To view the details, click on the desired event
- To register, scroll to the bottom of the details
screen and click on Register for this Event link - If you are logged, the fields will populate with
your contact information. If you are not logged
in, complete all the fields
10Find Job Listing
- Job listings are a member-only benefit
- You must be logged in to view job listings
- Once logged in, select job listings from the
Member Services pull down
11Find a Specific Skill or Person
- Select Find a Trainer from the main menu
- Enter a keyword or name
- Examples elearning or Karen
- Click on Search
- All members who have the specified keyword(s) in
their profile will be displayed
12Find Volunteer Opportunities
- All the work that happens within the chapter
happen with the help of volunteers! - You will get the most from the chapter if you
volunteer - Click on Member Services and select Get Involved
- If you would like us to suggest a role with the
organization, click the link for the Volunteer
Form and submit - Or if you are interested in a specific position,
click the link for the related VP to notify
him/her of your interest
13Find Special Interest Group (SIG)
- As a member benefit, ASTD-OC offers several
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) - Each SIG meets separately
- See Event Calendar for schedule or talk to the
SIG leader - ASTD-OC members can attend any or all of the SIG
meetings for free - SIGs are found under Professional Resources
14National ASTD Organization
- Who is the National ASTD parent organization?
- National ASTD (American Society for Training and
Development) started in 1944 is a leading
association of workplace learning and performance
professionals, forming a world-class community of
professionals. National ASTD has 70,000 members
and associates who come from multi-national
corporations, medium-sized and small businesses,
government, academia, consulting firms, and
product / service suppliers - National ASTD web site is www.astd.org
- National ASTD is best known as a provider of
online and printed resource materials of
strategic planning tools for learning and
performance professionals - There are no local meetings for National ASTD
- Many ASTD-OC members also belong to National ASTD
- National ASTD membership does not provide local
ASTD chapter membership
15National ASTD Org. (Continued)
- When you purchase anything from the National site
(www.astd.org) such as a book or a conference
ticket and use our CHIP number (CH8091) the
chapter receives a donation - These donations help defray costs and keep
membership prices low - Please use our chapter number (CH8091)
16Our Chapter Mission Vision
- To provide a broad base of personal and
professional learning experiences modeling a
collaborative approach to new competencies,
performance and fulfillment utilizing the new
technologies and the changing environment we live
in today. - CHAPTER VISION
- To become recognized in our community as a leader
and a resource to bring workplace learning and
performance to all organizations, business,
government, non-profit or for profit.
17Chapter Awards
- Each year the chapter gives several awards to its
members. They are - Walt Tait Award for Community Goodwill
- Award of Merit
- ASTD-OC Rookie of the Year
- Chapter Torch Award
- Distinguished Service Award
- Belisle Chapter Leadership Award
- These awards are presented during a ceremony in
the December meeting. - Nominations for awards are accepted in November.
- More detailed information about these awards is
found on our web site www.astdoc.org
18How to Contact Board Members
- The ASTD board is here to support you and your
career in this field - The board is available by phone or email
- Email addresses are found on the website
19How to Contact Us
- The ASTDOC office is always available to answer
questions - Office Administrator is Denise Ross
- (714) 527-4785
- Please send suggestions or feedback on this
orientation to - VPMembership_at_astdoc.org
20Thank You
- Thank you for taking the time to learn about
ASTDOC - This concludes the online orientation