Title: Chapter%205.%20Silica-Fume%20Concrete%20Projects
1Chapter 5. Silica-Fume Concrete Projects
- Bridge Decks
- Parking Structure
- High-Rise Columns
- HPC Bridge
- Shotcrete Rehabilitation
- HPC Constructability
2Bridge Decks -- New Construction and
Overlays(Fly Ash and Silica Fume Combination)
Chapter Outline
- Bridge Deck Construction
- New York State DOT
- High-Performance Concrete
Resist chloride ion penetration Minimize
4Concrete Mixture
- Portland cement 500 lb/yd3
- Fly ash 135 lb/yd3
- Silica fume 40 lb/yd3
- w/cm 0.40
- Slump 3-4 inches
- Air 6.5
- Wet cure 7 days
5Concrete Performance
Rapid chloride permeability lt 1,600
coulombs Compressive strength, 28 days
gt 5,400 psi
Results indicated that Class HP decks performed
better than previously specified concrete in
resisting both longitudinal and transverse
Bridge Deck Construction New York State DOT
High-Performance Concrete
Resist chloride ion penetration Minimize
7Concrete Mixture
Portland cement 300 kg/m3 Fly ash 80
kg/m3 Silica fume 25 kg/m3 w/cm 0.40
Slump 75-100 mm Air 6.5 Wet
cure 7 days
8Concrete Performance
Rapid chloride permeability lt 1,600
coulombs Compressive strength, 28 days
gt 37 MPa
Results indicated that Class HP decks performed
better than previously specified concrete in
resisting both longitudinal and transverse
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14Bridge Deck Overlay(High Silica Fume Content)
Chapter Outline
- Bridge Deck Overlay, Ohio DOT
- Beverly, Ohio
Resist chloride ion penetration 4,500 psi at 28
days RCP lt 1,000 coulombs
16Concrete Mixture
- Portland cement, Type I 700 lb/yd3
- Silica fume 70 lb/yd3
- w/cm 0.36
- Slump 4-8 in.
- Air 6-10
- HRWRA 20 fl oz/cwt
- WRA, Type D 3 fl oz/cwt
17Concrete Performance
- Rapid chloride
- permeability 600 coulombs
- Compressive strength,
- 28 days 7,000 psi
Bridge Deck Overlay, Ohio DOT Beverly, Ohio
Resist chloride ion penetration 31 MPa at 28
days RCP lt 1,000 coulombs
19Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 415 kg/m3 Silica fume
41.5 kg/m3 w/cm 0.36 Slump
100-200 mm Air 6-10 HRWRA 1.3L/100
kg WRA, Type D 165 ml/100 kg
20Concrete Performance
Rapid chloride permeability 600
coulombs Compressive strength, 28 days
48 MPa
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27Parking Structure
Chapter Outline
Parking Structure General Mitchell Airport
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Resist chloride ion penetration 2,000 psi at 36
hours 5,700 psi at 56 days
29Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 565 lb/yd3 Fly ash, Class
C 100 lb/yd3 Silica fume 39
lb/yd3 w/cm 0.35 WRA 12 fl oz/yd3 Slump,
maximum 9 in. Additional WRA and HRWRA in SF
30Concrete Performance
Compressive strength, 36 hours gt 2,000
psi Cores taken at 2 - 10 months averaged lt
1,000 coulombs Slump used 6 - 7.5 in.
Parking Structure General Mitchell Airport
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Resist chloride ion penetration 14 MPa at 36
hours 40 MPa at 56 days
32Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 335 kg/m3 Fly ash, Class
C 60 kg/m3 Silica fume 17
kg/m3 w/cm 0.35 WRA 440 mL/m3 Slump,
maximum 230 mm Additional WRA and HRWRA in SF
33Concrete Performance
Compressive strength, 36 hours gt 14 MPa
Cores taken at 2 - 10 months averaged lt 1,000
coulombs Slump used 150- 90 mm
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40High-Rise Columns
Chapter Outline
Key Bank Tower Cleveland, Ohio
High ultimate strength, gt 12,000 psi High
modulus, gt 6,800,000 psi Pumpable, 57 stories
42Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 685
lb/yd3 GGBFS 285 lb/yd3 Silica fume
80 lb/yd3 w/cm
0.24 Slump, minimum 10 in.
HRWRA 30-50 fl oz/cwt WRA, Type A
4 fl oz/cwt
43Concrete Performance
Modulus gt 7,000,000 psi Compressive
strength, 28 days gt 14,000 psi
56 days gt 15,000 psi
Key Bank Tower Cleveland, Ohio
High ultimate strength, gt 83 MPa High modulus,
gt 47 GPa Pumpable, 57 stories
45Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 406
kg/m3 GGBFS 169 kg/m3 Silica fume
47 kg/m3 w/cm
0.24 Slump, minimum 250 mm
HRWRA 2.0-3.3 L/100 kg WRA, Type A
260 mL/100 kg
46Concrete Performance
Modulus gt 48 GPa Compressive strength,
28 days gt 97 MPa 56 days gt
103 MPa
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53HPC Bridge
Chapter Outline
I-25 and Yale Bridge, Colorado DOT Denver,
Reduced number of spans with shallow
superstructure depth Compressive strength
10,000 psi
55Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 730 lb/yd3 Silica fume
35 lb/yd3 w/cm 0.29 HRWRA 44-131
fl oz/yd3 WRA 15-58 fl oz/yd3
I-25 and Yale Bridge, Colorado DOT Denver,
Reduced number of spans with shallow substructure
depth Compressive strength 69 MPa
57Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 433 kg/m3 Silica fume
21 kg/m3 w/cm 0.29 HRWRA 1.7-5.1
L/m3 WRA 0.6-2.2 L/m3
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60Shotcrete Rehabilitation
Chapter Outline
Seismic Retrofit Littlerock Dam, California
Provide adequate seismic stability for maximum
credible earthquake Compressive strength of 6,000
psi at 28 days in a 4-in. thick overlay
62Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 682 lb/yd3 Silica
fume 70 lb/yd3 Steel fibers 100
lb/yd3 w/cm 0.45 Slump 2-4 in.
63Concrete Performance
Compressive strength, cores, gt 21 days,
average 7,300 psi Pulloff testing of cores
satisfied project requirements of 150
psi Average shotcrete thickness 4.7 in.
Seismic Retrofit Littlerock Dam, California
Provide adequate seismic stability for maximum
credible earthquake Compressive strength of 41
MPa at 28 days in a 100-mm thick overlay
65Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 405 kg/m3 Silica fume
41 kg/m3 Steel fibers 60
kg/m3 w/cm 0.45 Slump 50 - 100 mm
66Concrete Performance
Compressive strength, cores, gt 28 days,
average gt 50 MPa Pulloff testing of
cores satisfied project requirements of 1.0
MPa Average shotcrete thickness 119 mm
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73HPC Constructability
Chapter Outline
Canister Storage Building Hanford Nuclear
Site, WA
Ease of placement Temperature control of mass
concrete High early strength for stripping High
75Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 391 lb/yd3 Fly ash,
Class F 150 lb/yd3 Silica
fume 60 lb/yd3 w/cm 0.37 Slump 8
in. HRWRA 150 fl oz/yd3 Mid-range WRA
60 fl oz/yd3
76Concrete Performance
Concrete temperature, as delivered lt 70
deg F in place lt
100 deg F Compressive strength, 28
days gt 6,300 psi 90 days gt
7,500 psi
77Concrete Mixture
Portland cement, Type I 232 kg/m3 Fly ash, Class
F 89 kg/m3 Silica fume
36 kg/m3 w/cm 0.37 Slump 200
mm HRWRA 5.8 L/m3 Mid-range WRA
2.3 L/m3
78Concrete Performance
Concrete temperature, as delivered lt 21
deg C in place lt 38
deg C Compressive strength, 28 days gt 43
MPa 90 days gt 52 MPa
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84End of Chapter 5
Main Outline