Title: PNC Bank Card Services
1How to Buy _at_ Princeton A Strategic Pcard
- PNC Bank Card Services
- 2004 User Group Meeting
- Union League Philadelphia, PA
- May 27, 2004
2- Presented by
Brian E. Rounsavill, CPM, APP Associate Director
of Purchasing brouns_at_princeton.edu Johnnie
Jones Director of Operations Support jjjones_at_princ
eton.edu For more information www.princeton.edu/
3- What is Purchasing _at_ Princeton?
- Purchasing is responsible for managing the
procurement process on a University-wide level,
including orders, contracts and legal agreements
associated with the acquisition of goods and
services that support Princetons educational,
research and community support initiatives.
4- Purchasings Responsibilities
- Things we continually strive for
- To obtain acceptable quality goods/service -
at the right time - for the least total
cost. - To maintain an ethical competitive bidding
process. - To make the procurement process user-friendly.
- To protect the University.
- To ensure compliance with Federal, State and
University procurement policies. - To develop strategic vendor partnerships.
5- Strategic Solutions
- Purchasing has developed over 350 strategic
supplier relationships that leverage the
Universitys buying power and maximize key
supplier competencies to obtain goods and
services at the best value. - Purchasing has utilized technology to streamline
the purchasing/procurement process and maximize
the value-added service provided to the campus
6- Purchasing Matrix
Overview of Purchasing Relationships
7- Purchasing Matrix
Purchasing collaborates with departments to
identify needs, train exchange information
Liaison Training / Information Exchange
8- Purchasing Matrix
Purchasing develops strategic supplier contracts
/ relationships to meet departmental needs
Contracts / Strategic Supplier Relationships
Liaison Training / Information Exchange
9- Purchasing Matrix
Purchasing facilitates the procurement process
via the application of p-tools
- P-Tools
- PeopleSoft
- Credit Cards
- E-Commerce
Contracts / Strategic Supplier Relationships
Liaison Training / Information Exchange
10- Purchasing Matrix
Purchasing achieves cost savings process
efficiencies, while maintaining control
ensuring compliance
- P-Tools
- PeopleSoft
- Credit Cards
- E-Commerce
Contracts / Strategic Supplier Relationships
Liaison Training / Information Exchange
Cost Savings / Efficiencies / Controls /
11- Princeton Facts
- Each year Purchasing manages
- Over 40,000 purchase orders over 80 million.
- Over 40,000 e-transactions over 5 million.
- Over 40,000 p-card transactions over 7
million. - Over 325 contracts over 2 million in cost
savings. - Over 8,000 capital assets tagged/tracked on
campus. - Over 18,000 items handled through the surplus.
12- Environment _at_ Princeton
- Decentralized Purchasing environment at
Princeton. - Campus community originates purchasing requests
(requisitions), which are routed through the
various systems via specific approval workflows
that have the ability to distribute charges over
multiple project grants. - Integrated Purchasing tools
- Purchase orders PeopleSoft Financials.
- Credit Cards PNC Bank Visa Cards (w/ Works).
- E-commerce Vendor-specific B2B Applications.
13- Purchasing _at_ Princeton
- The four authorized methods for purchasing
- Purchase Orders - The primary purchasing tool,
the PeopleSoft Financials system, for doing
business with vendors. Purchase Orders must be
used for high-dollar, high-volume purchases. - E-Commerce Business-to-Business (B2B)
relationships have been established with selected
vendors in an effort to facilitate/streamline the
ordering, invoicing and payment processes.
14- Purchasing _at_ Princeton
- Credit Cards Departmental credit cards are
primarily used to purchase goods/services with a
value under 1,000 and when the transaction is a
one-time/exceptional purchase, the vendor does
not accept purchase orders, or credit cards are
the industry standard payment option. - Reimbursements - Miscellaneous invoices are
typically used in cases where it is necessary to
reimburse an individual for approved departmental
expenses when a purchase order, e-commerce vendor
or departmental credit card cannot be used.
15- Credit Card Industry Trends
- With the advent of the Web and other integrated
e-commerce technologies, the use of credit cards
as a means for payment has been increasing
steadily over the past decade. - Purchasing card expenditures have grown from
880 million in 1993 to over 80 billion per year
in 2003 (an increase of over 9,900), with
projections nearing 163 billion by 2007. 1 - 1 2003 Corporate Purchasing Card Benchmark
Survey, RPMG Research Corporation.
16- Credit Cards _at_ Princeton
- Recognizing this trend, the University's
departmental credit card program was established
in 1997, with ONR approval. 1 - These cards were issued sparingly to departments
and initially had 400 single transaction limits
and very restricted allowable commodity codes. - 1 The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is the
Universitys cognizant oversight agency
responsible for Federal Contractor Purchasing
System Reviews (CPSR), which is an onsite review
of an institution's purchasing system. The
objective of a CPSR is to evaluate the efficiency
and effectiveness with which the institution
spends Government funds and complies with
Government policies.
17- More Benchmarking
- In the summer 2002, a thorough benchmarking
study was conducted against other University
purchasing card policies in conjunction with the
conversion to the new PNC Bank credit card
software system. 1 - 1 The list included many of the Ivy League
schools, plus Arizona State University,
University of Arkansas, Vanderbilt University and
the University of Maryland.
18- Princeton PNC Bank
- In August 2002, the Purchasing Department
launched a new departmental credit card program
that uses the Works Payment Manager software in
conjunction with the new PNC Bank Visa cards to
better manage and monitor departmental credit
card transactions.
19- Works Benefits
- The Works Payment Manager system enables
- transactions to be charged to multiple accounts
- review of transactions before posting to GL as
often as the individual requires - the ability to pass Level 3 transaction data
from the merchants through the system to the GL - the capability for the cardholder and/or
approver to supplement the transaction detail for
reporting / tracking purposes when Level 3 Data
is not provided by the merchant
20- Strategic Broadening of Card Use
- In April 2003, the departmental credit card
program was expanded to include many more types
of transactions, primarily addressing - the increasing emphasis of buying on the Web
- subscriptions / professional memberships
- local hotels and restaurants
- training / travel
- University employees without PeopleSoft access
- These transactions were historically personal
reimbursements and specific check requests.
21- Acceptable Uses of Credit Cards
Under no circumstance is the card used to buy
hazardous materials, capital equipment, or
non-expendable tangible items valued under 2,500.
22- Type of Cards _at_ Princeton
- There are two types of cards now in use _at_
Princeton - Base funds (30-day/single transaction limits)
standard 30-day limit 5,000 - standard STL 1,000
- 2. Incremental funds / no base funds/cash advance
these cards have been issued to all athletics
coaches for use with team travel/each trip is put
through as a fund request.
23- Credit Cards _at_ Princeton
- The departmental credit card program has been
strategically designed to be a supplemental
purchasing tool in instances where - the transaction is for a lower dollar value (lt
1,000) - for a one-time/exceptional purchase
- the vendor does not accept purchase orders
- credit cards are the industry standard payment
option for goods or services being acquired
(i.e., Web/e-commerce)
24- Flexibility Control are Essential
- These categories have been authorized to provide
departments with the opportunity to be flexible,
and to exercise judgment on appropriate use. - The expectation is that these transactions will
primarily be for the purchase of low dollar items
made locally. - Where applicable, it is incumbent upon the
department to review individual register receipts
to validate transactions.
25- Specific Department/Vendor Relationships
- Departments have initiated credit card payments
with vendors to address specific business needs - Garage (auto parts)
- Lock Shop (supplies)
- Facilities (gas, diesel, heating oil)
- Development/Fund Raising (sponsored events)
- Athletics (team travel)
- Admissions (recruitment travel)
26- Credit Card Efficiencies
- The strategy for using departmental credit cards
has been primarily to reduce the time/paperwork
(i.e., cost), normally associated with the types
of purchases where the Purchasing Department
cannot add value. - The overall goal of the credit card program is
to provide operational efficiency without
sacrificing cost or fiduciary control. - As a result, departments recognize savings in
both the administrative time and effort required
to process such transactions.
27- Card Strategy
- The strategic integration of purchasing cards
into the Universitys overall procurement program
is a key component of the business model for the
future. - The success of the credit card program is
however predicated on the establishment of the
requisite controls that allow for the purchase of
appropriate goods and services without the
necessity for all of the transaction work that is
part of the traditional requisitioning and
purchase order system.
28- Princeton Transaction Data
The average departmental credit card transaction
_at_ Princeton was 146.93 for the period FY2000
FY2003. 1 1 In April 2004, the average
transaction has moved up to 197 due to some of
the strategic purchasing initiatives that have
been implemented as previously discussed (i.e.,
fuel oil and travel).
29- Industry Transaction Data
Industry studies estimate that the processing
cost for traditional payment transactions (i.e.,
check requests, POs, etc.) is roughly 91 per
transaction, 1 while the cost of processing a
purchase order ranges anywhere from 33.00 2 to
140.00 3 to 175.00 4 per order. 1 2003
Corporate Purchasing Card Benchmark Survey, RPMG
Research Corporation. 2 Strategic
Relationships The Key to ROI in E-Procurement
published by Summit Strategies, Inc., 2002. 3
Rensselaer Realizing Campus-wide Savings with
Higher Markets e-Procurement Solution published
by Higher Markets, Inc., 2001. 4 What are the
Benefits of Using e-Procurement published by
Higher Markets, Inc., 2001.
30- Industry Benchmark
Princeton participated in the CAPS (Center for
Advanced Purchasing Studies) 1999 Purchasing
Performance Benchmarks for Higher Education Study
that reported the average cost of a purchase
order to be 97 for existing suppliers and 147
for new suppliers at that time. 6 6 e-Buy
Center Its about Time published by NxTrend
Technology, Inc., 2002. Note that 147 in 1999 is
162 in 2003 based on standard CPI calculations.
31- Alignment
32- Alignment of the Numbers
- Princetons average credit card transaction is
approximately equal to the cost of doing business
with a new supplier (i.e., new/one-time suppliers
are one of the main targets for credit card
transactions). - The alignment of these averages supports
Princetons strategy to use credit cards for
small dollar value transactions with one-time
and/or new vendors.
33 Princeton Spend History ( of Cards)
The of cards on campus has increased by 52
34 Princeton Spend History ( of transactions)
The of credit card transactions has increased
by 172
35 Princeton Spend History (Total Dollars)
The total dollars spent via credit card has
increased by 282
36- Satisfaction Survey
37- Satisfaction Survey Credit Card Results
38- Satisfaction Survey Overall Results
39- On-Line Purchasing Tools www.princeton.edu/purc
- Purchasing Wizard
- An interactive tutorial on the procurement
process at Princeton. - Purchasing Basics
- A summary of important factors and policies to
consider when making a purchase on behalf of the
University. - How to Buy _at_ Princeton
- An interactive Web-based matrix of the vendors
contracts, commodities and procurement methods. - Purchasing Policies
- An online resource for current information
regarding University procurement policies and
40- Purchasing Wizard
- An interactive tutorial of the Purchasing
process at Princeton.
Click on the answers and you will be guided
through the purchasing process...
41- Purchasing Wizard
Click on the answers and you will be guided
through the purchasing process...
42- Purchasing Wizard
43- How to Buy Training
44- How to Buy Online Matrix
- An interactive How to Buy matrix of
commodities, vendors and buying methods is
available online.
Click on Active Contracts...
45- How to Buy Online Matrix
- Search the contracts by description or vendor.
Choose the search method
46- How to Buy Online Matrix
- Or click on the commodity code to see all
Click on desired commodity...
47- How to Buy Online Matrix
- The list of all active contracts for the
commodity is returned with a link to the
preferred method for buying.
View contract details with web links...
48- How to Buy Online Matrix
- Each contract is associated with one of the four
authorized methods for procuring and paying for
goods and services at Princeton based on the most
efficient means for placing orders with the
designated vendor.
49- Purchasing Training Brochures
- Purchasing publishes the following two brochures
for the campus community - Purchasing Services An Overview
- How to Buy _at_ Princeton A Guide for Departments
- - Contact us for copies.
50- Purchasing Outreach Material
- How to Do Business with Princeton Brochure.
- Vendor Bidding System Users Manual on CD.
51- End User Training
- University Department End User Training.
- Accounts Payable Reconciliation.
- Works system features and reporting capabilities.
52- Questions Comments
- Thank you for your time.
- Opportunity for Questions Answers.