Besting Dollar Cost Averaging Using A Genetic Algorithm

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Besting Dollar Cost Averaging Using A Genetic Algorithm


... to form advice based on past stock prices but that in itself does nothing for the investor ... hidden structure to stock price fluctuations such that ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Besting Dollar Cost Averaging Using A Genetic Algorithm

Besting Dollar Cost Averaging Using A Genetic
  • Masters Degree Thesis
  • James Maxlow
  • Christopher Newport University
  • November 2003

  • Wealth creating through investment is an
    important goal for fiscally responsible citizens
  • Many investors, though, fear or dont understand
    the workings of investment markets, and are
    distrustful of advice given by professionals
  • Because of this, they may choose to rely on a
    purely mechanical investing approach known as
    dollar-cost-averaging that absolves then from
    falling prey to bad investment advice
  • However, what if there were a mechanical strategy
    that could outperform DCA?

  • The purpose of this project was to devise
    mechanical investment strategies that outperform
  • If this could be accomplished, then such
    strategies could be made available to investors
    as alternatives to DCA
  • These strategies were based solely on the price
    histories of investments and associated fees,
    ignoring any attempts to time the market no
    prediction of future prices or price changes was
  • The devising of strategies was left to the
    workings of a genetic algorithm

  • Some questions that this project will sought to
    answer are as follows
  • Does applying the derived strategies to test data
    sets lead to greater portfolio values than
    dollar-cost averaging over the same data?
  • If so, can this result be accepted as a highly
    probable outcome over any general stock data set?
  • Given that the program will generate multiple
    genomes for each input data set, what can be said
    about the probability of any single strategy
    producing positive results when used on the test
    data set?

  • Can the results be reliably reproduced, or will
    wild variations in return on investment values
    negate any practical use for the program?
  • Will transaction fees and interest on cash
    positions provide an advantage to the derived
    strategy performance?

Research - DCA
  • The use of DCA allows for the acquisition of
    shares at a lower average cost than the average
    share price
  • Because DCA is an automatic-buy strategy, there
    are no decisions to be made by the investor, save
    for the investment itself it is a hands-off
  • This makes it appealing to those that feel they
    have no ability to know when to buy or sell
  • It is often used by those on fixed incomes and in
    retirement plans (401k, et. al.)
  • But does it actually provide good ROI?

Research - DCA
  • Some research 4 suggests that the use of DCA
    yields no significantly better ROI than random
    buy/sell decisions for a given investment
  • If this is true, then the psychological security
    that DCA provides hesitant investors may simply
    hide its relative ineffectiveness
  • A strategy that bests DCAs ROI for a given
    investment, then, would serve as a more
    productive alternative to random, time the
    market buy/sell decisions

Background Genetic Algorithms
  • The majority of todays GA research expands on
    the pioneering work done by John Holland in the
  • GAs work by evolving solutions to problems
  • More specifically, possible solutions are split,
    recombined and mutated to breed new solutions
    that are more fit or stronger than their
  • As the generations of solutions pass by, the
    meta-search for the best or ideal solution is
    focused on promising lineages most weaker
    branches are eventually abandoned

Background Genetic Algorithms
  • Because of this, the initial time of the GA is
    spent weeding out totally unfit solutions, and
    the latter time is spent optimizing very fit
  • This process can, in many cases, yield greater
    efficiency in finding an ideal solution than
    brute-force search techniques
  • Moreover, a GA only needs to know what a solution
    will look like it does not need to have a
    collection of all possible solutions like a
    brute-force technique because it can create
    solutions on its own

Background Genetic Algorithms
  • All of these factors make GAs highly appealing
    for ill-defined problems that feature odd or
    unknown solution spaces
  • Three tasks must be completed to run a GA
  • First, the structure of the possible solution
    (chromosome) must be designed
  • Second, the fitness algorithm for evaluating the
    strength of possible solutions must be designed
  • Third, solution population, mating, and mutation
    variables must be set

Genetic Algorithm Design
  • The chromosome for this project consisted of an
    array of 20 integer values between 0 and 2
  • The value corresponded to a buy, sell, or hold
  • The position of the value in the array
    corresponded to an interval representing a given
    percentage increase or decrease in stock price

-20, -15)
-5, 0)
0, 5)
5, 10)
10, 15)
15, 20)
25, 30)
-15, -10)
-10, -5)

Genetic Algorithm Design
  • Any possible solution offered direct advice as to
    what action to take when a given stock changes in
  • But how could the fitness of this advice be
  • The GA applied the advice of every possible
    solution it generated to the established
    sequential price history of a stock the higher
    the final ROI for that advice, the stronger the

-20, -15)
-5, 0)
0, 5)
5, 10)
10, 15)
15, 20)
25, 30)
-15, -10)
-10, -5)

Genetic Algorithm Design
  • At this point it can be seen that the GA tried to
    form advice based on past stock prices but that
    in itself does nothing for the investor
  • It was hoped that there is a hidden structure to
    stock price fluctuations such that what worked
    well in the past will likely work well again in
    the future
  • That is to say that if buying when a stocks
    price rose 12 in the past produced positive
    results, so should repeating that action in the
    future, in most cases

Genetic Algorithm Design
  • The next phase, then, was to apply the strongest
    solutions to a new data set the current stock
    price values over 3 years and see how the
    solutions ROI compared with DCA over the same
    time period
  • If the solutions ROI was higher, then it will
    have been established that GA generated advice
    based solely on price histories can be a better
    alternative to DCA
  • If, however, applying the solutions to new data
    sets failed to produce significantly better
    results than DCA, then it will have been
    established that price histories alone are
    insufficient on which to base decisions

  • Stocks were chosen and price histories acquired
  • The Dow 30 was cut down to 15 sample stocks based
    on available data, adjusted prices, and
    correlation values
  • Chromosome was implemented in code
  • Fitness algorithm was implemented in code
  • Program structure was finalized to allow for
    robust input and output
  • Testing was done with various GA parameters to
    find a good performance compromise

  • For each sample stock and fee/interest variable,
    the GA was set to work devising 20 strategies
    from the stocks price history
  • Each of these strategies was then be applied to
    its relevant test data set to determine ROI
  • 15 stocks, 2 fees, 2 interest rates 60 program
    runs resulting in 1200 strategies
  • DCAs ROI for each stock was calculated on the
    test data sets (accounting for fees and interest

  • The results of the devised strategies were
    statistically analyzed to determine if they
    indeed offer any benefit over DCA, and if the GA
    can devise consistently better strategies
  • This analysis covered mean ROI, minimum ROI,
    standard deviations, mean/DCA ROI differential,
    standard deviation distance to DCA ROI, and fee
    and interest rate effects

Program Operation
x 20
A Note on GA Parameters
  • Tweaking of GA parameters was performed to
    increase the mean ROI of the genomes and increase
    the speed of run completion
  • Pop 50 Mut 0.002 Cross 0.6 Gen 5000
  • Crossover type single point (no apparent benefit
    otherwise the others slowed the program)
  • Populations Deme wherein populations are
    evolved in parallel, joined at certain points,
    then segregated again good for diversity

A Note on GA Parameters
  • Selection method rank selection was chosen
    wherein the top n genomes are allowed to mate
  • Every other selection method I tested failed to
    produce higher mean ROI values
  • Speed an evolution-terminating condition was set
    to reduce the time spent on the GA
  • This conditioned checked to see if the ratio of
    the current 200th highest genome fitness score
    to the current highest genome fitness score was
    0.999 or higher

A Note on Fees and Interest
  • Fixed-rate transaction fees were set at 1.5 and
  • These represented discount and full-service
    brokerage fees, respectively
  • Interest rates on cash positions were set at 0
    and 2
  • The 2 value is somewhat arbitrary since there is
    no universal savings account or money market
    interest rate
  • Each stock was run through the program 4 times to
    account for the permutations of these values

Results Mean and Minimum ROI
  • 55 of 60 program runs produced genomes whose mean
    ROI over the test data set was higher than the
    DCA ROI over the same data set
  • Of the 5 failed runs, 1 mean was lower by approx.
    1 4 means were significantly lower (all from PG
  • 46 of 60 runs produced no genome whose ROI was
    lower than DCA ROI
  • 1028 out of 1200 total genomes (86) had ROI
    higher than DCA
  • PG contributed 80 of the 172 failing genomes
    excluding PG would yield a 92 success rate

Results Standard Deviations
  • The mean ROI/DCA ROI differential standard
    deviation multiple can give insight into the
    probability that any random genome generated
    could best DCA

2.25 std dev multiple yields better than a 95
confidence interval
1 std dev
1 std dev
Mean ROI
Results Standard Deviations
  • 3 stocks had 3 multiples (99 confidence int.)
  • 5 stocks had 2-3 multiples (95 confidence int.)
  • 1 stock had 1.53-2 multiples (80 confidence
  • 3 stocks had an average multiple of 0.86-1.27
  • CAT established a good multiple on 1 of 4 runs
  • Overall 15 of 60 runs were at 99, 32 of 60
    were at 95, 41 of 60 were at 68
  • EK, UTX, CAT and C had acceptable but not great
  • PG failed completely

Results Fees and Interest Rates
  • 1.5 fee runs produced a mean ROI that was 0.55
    higher than the 3 fee runs
  • 13 of the 30 paired runs were higher by 1 or
    more, yet 11 of the 30 paired runs actually
    yielded a lower ROI with the 1.5 fee
  • This can be explained by noting that many of
    these 11 cases had a relatively high number of
    hold actions advised in the 3 runs, which incur
    no fee

Results Fees and Interest Rates
  • 2 interest runs produced a mean ROI that was
    1.25 higher than the 0 interest runs
  • 8 of the 30 paired runs were higher by 2 or more
  • Only 4 of the 30 paired runs actually yielded a
    lower ROI with the 2 fee
  • This can be explained by noting that most of
    these 4 cases had a relatively high number of buy
    actions advised in the 2 runs, which would
    reduce the benefit associated with interest on a
    large cash position perhaps enough to push the
    results into the insignificant benefit category

Results The Loser (PG)
  • The question remains Why does the GA perform so
    poorly when applied to PGs data?
  • The mean ROI values of the PG runs were 10-15
    below the DCA ROI values
  • The maximum genome ROI values were 3-9 below the
    DCA ROI values
  • The minimum genome ROI values were 15-19 below
    the DCA ROI values
  • In short, every genome of every run of PG was a
    complete failure

Results The Loser (PG)
  • Note that for any descending price trend,
    repeated buying will lead to negative ROI any
    combination of buy, sell, and hold would perform
    better (though not necessarily yielding a
    positive ROI)
  • Yet for any ascending price trend, repeated
    buying will maximize ROI any combination of buy,
    sell, and hold cannot keep pace
  • To see how this might apply to PG, we examine the
    PG test data set price graph

Results The Loser (PG)
  • Here we see a short descent, and then a long
    sustained upward trend (after one spike)
  • The GAs repeated buy, sell, and hold techniques
    cannot beat DCA in this specific case!
  • Testing shows that the genomes can beat DCA on
    the downward slope (-8 vs. -25) but they lost
    on the much longer upward slope (-6 vs. 11)

Results The Loser (PG)
  • It is this downward slope followed by a long
    upward slope that causes the genomes to fail
    any stock that exhibits this behavior shows the
    programs weakness
  • In contrast, the two best performers (GM and DIS)
    showed high variability in prices, despite slight
    overall downward trends

  • The genomes of investment advice generated by the
    program have no difficulty in besting DCA ROI
    results in the vast majority of cases
  • The singular failure of the genome advice is
    revealed when it is applied to any sustained, low
    variability upward price trend for nothing can
    top repeated buying on such a trend
  • This effect is compounded when preceded by a
    sustained low variability downward trend

  • Failure on such trends can be mitigated, however
  • If the investor monitors the performance of the
    stock to which he or she is applying the genome
    advice, the beginnings of any sustained upward
    trend can be noted at which point the investor
    can abandon the genome advice, switching to
    repeated buying, until the trend appears to
    falter (vary significantly)
  • The genome advice, which thrives on variability,
    can then be enacted again

  • The ability to notice situations in which the
    genomes would produce weak ROI, combined with
    their great performance on all other tested
    situations, leads me to conclude that this
    project was a success
  • These genomes can best DCA in the majority of
    cases, and further refinement of the algorithm
    may lead to even greater success

  • 1 Edleson, M. E. Value Averaging The Safe and
    Easy Investment Strategy. Chicago International
    Publishing Corporation, 1991.
  • 2 GAlib documentation http//
  • 3 Liscio, J. Portfolio Discipline The Rewards
    of Dollar Cost Averaging. Barrons, Aug. 8,
    1988, pp. 57-58.
  • 4 Marshall, Paul S. A Statistical Comparison of
    Value Averaging vs. Dollar Cost Averaging and
    Random Investing Techniques. Journal of
    Financial and Strategic Decisions Vol. 13 No.
    1, Spring 2000.
  • 5 Mitchell, Melanie. An Introduction to Genetic
    Algorithms. Cambridge The MIT Press, 2002.
  • 6 The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies.
    The Dollar Cost Averaging Advantage. Valley
    Forge Brochure 0888-5, BDCA, 1988.
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