Title: The Continuum of Stroke Care
1The Continuum of Stroke Care
- Justin A. Sattin, M.D.
- Assistant Professor
- UW Department of Neurology
- Medical Director
- UW Health Comprehensive Stroke Program
2The Chain of Survival
- Healthful Choices
- Public Recognition
- EMS Access
- ED Recognition
- Radiology / Lab
- Neurologist
- Pharmacy
- ICU Nursing Care
- General RN Care
- More Radiology / Lab
- Inter-D Care
- Rehabilitation
- Re-Integration
3Stroke Symptoms
4Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
Facial Droop Instruction Ask patient to smile o
Normal Both sides of face move equally o
Abnormal One side of face does not move as well
Arm Drift Instruction Ask patient to close eyes
and extend both arms straight out for 10
seconds o Normal Both arms move the same or not
at all o Abnormal One arm does not move or
drifts down
Speech Instruction Ask patient to say You cant
teach an old dog new tricks. o Normal Patient
says correct words without slurring o
Abnormal Patient slurs words, says wrong words,
or is unable to speak
Kothari RU, et al. Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke
Scale reproducibility and validity. Ann Emerg
Med. 199933373-8.
5Ischemic or Hemorrhagic?
6Ischemic or Hemorrhagic?
7NINDS tPA Trial
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke rt-PA Stroke Study Group. Tissue
plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke.
N Eng J Med. 199533315881593.
839 26 13 13 ---- 50 relative benefit 26
39 26 13 absolute difference 100 -----
8 needed to treat 13
9Time is of the Essence
Hacke W, et al. Association of outcome with early
stroke treatment pooled analysis of ATLANTIS,
ECASS, and NINDS rt-PA stroke trials. Lancet
10Furlan A, Higashida R, Wechsler L, et al.
Intra-arterial prourokinase for acute ischemic
stroke. The PROACT II Study A randomized
controlled trial. JAMA. 19992822003-2011.
11Mechanical Embolectomy
Leary MC, et al. Beyond tissue plasminogen
activator mechanical intervention in acute
stroke. Ann Emerg Med. 200341838-46.
12Courtesy of Concentric Medical, Inc.
13Mechanical Embolectomy
14Annual Stroke Mortality 2001-2004
Avg of deaths per county per year (total for
all counties in group)
lt10 (64)
50-100 (1,067)
10-50 (1,033)
gt100 (1,186)
Yuan, H. and Brue, C. Wisconsin Heart Disease and
Stroke Surveillance Summary Update 2007 PPH
43040 (01/07). Wisconsin Department of Health and
Family Services, Division of Public Health.
The Joint Commission. Available at
ms/Disease-SpecificCare/DSCOrgs/ Accessed
15General Management Principles
- Hypoxic pts. should receive O2
- SpO2 gt 92
- Cardiac monitoring for at least 24 hrs.
- Treat HTN conservatively for 24 hrs.
- Ischemic SBP lt 220 mmHg
- Hemorrhagic SBP lt 160 mmHg
16General Management Principles
- Minimize urinary catheterization
- Fevers should be evaluated and treated
- Hyperglycemia should be treated
- Optimal threshold is not established
- lt 140 mg/dL? lt 185 mg/dL?
17General Management Principles
- Dysphagia screening
- Early mobilization
- DVT prophylaxis
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
Adams HP Jr, Bendixen BH, Kappelle LJ, Biller J,
Love BB, Gordon DL, Marsh EE 3rd. Classification
of subtype of acute ischemic stroke. Definitions
for use in a multicenter clinical trial. TOAST.
Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.
Stroke. 199324(1)35-41.
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
21Cardioembolic Stroke
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
Cardioembolic Large artery athero. Small vessel
dz. Other Unknown
26Risk Factor Modification
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Dyslipidemia
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Tobacco Dependence
27Antithrombotic Therapies
- Aspirin
- Aspirin/Dipyridamole (Aggrenox)
- Clopidogrel (Plavix)
- Warfarin (Coumadin)
28Important Collaborators
- PT
- OT
- Speech
- Swallow
- Rehab
- Neuro ?
- Health ?
- Case Managers!
- Social Work
- Pastoral Care
- Palliative Care
- ACE Team
29Discharge Dispositions
- Home
- often with outpt. or home health therapies)
- Acute Rehab
- Subacute Rehab
- Skilled Nursing Facility
- Hospice
- (Celestial Discharge)
30Vascular CognitiveImpairment
31How to Reach Us
- Emergent Referrals
- UW Access Center
- Phone 800-472-0111
- Office Referrals
- UW Stroke Clinic
- Phone 608-265-8899
- Fax 608-265-1753