Achromatic light - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Achromatic light


I N T R O D U C T I O N T O C O M P U T E R G R ... i.e. ratio of maximum to ... I = kN. N = number of electrons in beam, proportional to grid voltage. k, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Achromatic light

Color in Computer Graphics
  • Introduction
  • Achromatic light
  • Chromatic color
  • Color models for raster graphics
  • Reproducing color
  • Using color in computer graphics

Color is an immensely complex subject
  • Physics
  • Physiology
  • Psychology
  • Art
  • Graphic design

Many theories, measurement techniques, and
standards for colors. No one theory of human
color perception universally accepted.
  • Color of object depends not only on object
  • Light source (color / direction)
  • Object material (reflective, transmits light)
  • Color of surrounding area
  • Human visual system (the eye/brain mechanism)

Achromatic Light
  • Seen on black and white TV or display monitors
  • No sensations that we associate with colors.
  • Quantity of light is the only attribute.
  • Quantity of light
  • Intensity / luminance Physics
  • Brightness Psychology

Useful to associate a scalar quantity with
different intensity levels Black
Grays White 0-------------------
Selecting Intensities
  • How do we divide our range from 0 to 1 to be able
  • represent 256 intensity levels ?
  • 128 in 0, 0.1 and 128 in 0.9, 10
  • Visible gap from 0.1 to 0.9
  • Want predictability
  • Even distribution ?
  • Ignores important characteristic of human eye.
  • Eye is sensitive to ratios of intensity levels
  • then absolute values of intensity.
  • Perceive difference between 0.10 and 0.11 to be
  • the same as difference between 0.50 and 0.55
  • Studies have shown that the eye responds in a
    logarithmic way.

Selecting Intensities
  • Logarithmic distribution Each intensity level is
    r times higher than previous intensity level

I0 I0 I1 rI0 I2 rI1 r2I0 ... I255
r255I0 1
  • Rearrange to find r

(In general for n levels r (1/I0)1/n-1)
r (1/I0)1/255
The quantity 1/I0 is called the Dynamic range of
a device i.e. ratio of maximum to minimum
  • Use r to find any intensity value j for 0, 255
  • Ij rjI0

Selecting Intensities
n 4 I0 1/8
  • Example

gt r (1/I0)1/n-1) 2
gt Intensity values are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1
  • Typical CRT I0 anywhere from 1/200 to 1/40 of
    maximum intensity gt I0 between .005 and .025
  • I0 not zero because of light reflection off CRT
  • Exact value for a specific CRT can be measured
    with a photometer.

Displaying Intensities
  • How many intensities are enough to achieve a
    continuous tone image from black to white ?
  • Experiments have shown r 1.01or less. Below
    this ratio the human eye cannot distinguish
    between Ij and Ij1.
  • Solve for n

n log1.01(1/I0)
The quantity 1/I0 is called the Dynamic range of
a device i.e. ratio of maximum to minimum
Display Media
  • Dynamic range (1/I0) and theoretical number of
  • intensities n log 1.01(1/I0) for several
    display media (ink
  • bleeding, random noise considerably decreases n
  • practice)

Displaying Intensities
  • CRT Monitors
  • 3 guns firing electrons at slightly different
    angles to illuminate phosphors coating the inside
    of the tube.
  • The guns follow the signals it receives from
    the graphics controller.
  • The phosphors light up when hit with electrons,
    mixing red, green, and blue to create the colors
    you see on the screen.
  • The point where one set of adjacent red, green,
    and blue phosphors meet constitutes a pixel
    (short for "picture element"),
  • Because the phosphors that make up a pixel light
    up only briefly, they need to be constantly
    refreshed, so the beam continually seeps the
    inside of the tube.

Displaying Intensities
  • Intensity of light output by a phosphor is given
  • I kN
  • N number of electrons in beam, proportional to
    grid voltage.
  • k, are constants
  • Different phosphors respond differently to equal
    amounts of electrons.
  • I0, k and depend on the CRT being used. So
  • CRTs will display differently.
  • In practice a lookup table can be used (based on
  • measurement of intensities) to generate the same
  • on different monitors. Called Gamma Correction

is typically in the range of 2.2 to 2.5
Displaying Intensities
  • Gamma (?) is a measure of the non-linearities of
    a CRT
  • Term often used incorrectly to refer to
    non-linearity of image data
  • Example PC monitors have a gamma of roughly 1.8,
    while Mac monitors have a gamma of 2.2, so Mac
    images appear dark on PCs
  • Problem in graphics
  • Need to maintain color consistency across
    different platforms and hardware devices
    (monitor, printer, etc)
  • Even the same type/brand of monitors change gamma
    value over time
  • Proper design and use of color software

Chromatic Color
  • Visual sensations much richer than achromatic
  • Typically involve 3 quantities
  • Hue distinguishes among colors such as red,
    green, purple, and yellow
  • Saturation refers to how pure the color is, how
    far from gray of equal intensity
  • Red Is highly saturated pink is relatively
  • Royal blue is highly saturated sky blue is
    relatively unsaturated
  • Pastels are unsaturated
  • Lightness embodies the achromatic notion of
    perceived intensity of a reflecting object
  • Brightness is used instead of lightness to refer
    to the perceived intensity of a self-luminous
    (I.e., emitting rather than reflecting light)
    object, such as a light bulb, the sun, or a CRT

Specifying (Naming) Color
  • Specifying and measuring colors is necessary if
    we are to use them precisely in computer
  • Visually comparing a sample of unknown color
    against a sample of standard colors (reflected
    light). Must be done under standard light source.
  • Munsell color-order system (published standard
  • Hue, Value (lightness), Chroma (saturation)
  • Named colors
  • Order shows equal (perceived) distance in color
    space as judged by numerous observers.
  • PANTONE Matching System in printing industry

The Munsell System
Munsell Value
Munsell Chroma (saturation)
Munsell Hue
Munsell Color Space
Specifying (Naming) Color
  • Artists specify color as tint, shade, tone of
    strongly saturated or pure pigments.
  • A tint results from adding a white pigment to a
    pure pigmentdecreasing saturation
  • A shade results from adding a black pigment to a
    pure pigmentdecreasing lightness
  • A tone results from adding both white and black
    pigments to a pure pigment
  • NOTE Same hue, varying saturation and lightness.
  • Ostwald color-order system is based on this model

  • Comparison of tint, shade, and tone are
    subjective, perceptually-oriented concepts
    depend on observers judgment, lighting, sample
    size, surrounding color, overall lightness of
  • Need a more quantitative way to specify colors
  • Colorimetry is quantitative, physics-oriented
    approach to describing and measuring color (using
    spectroradiometer, colorimeter, etc.)

Energy Density
Typical spectral energy distribution
Perceptual term
Colorimetry term Hue Dominant
wavelength Saturation Excitation
purity Lightness (reflecting objects)
Luminance Brightness (self-luminous objects)
Energy Distribution and Metamers
  • The spectral distribution can be described by the
    triple (dominant wavelength, excitation purity,
  • Many spectral distributions produce the same
  • Two spectral energy distributions that are
    perceived as the same color are called metamers

How the eye works
  • Retina light sensing structure of the eye.
  • Contains 2 types of cells
  • Rods
  • Cones
  • Rods handle vision in low light
  • Cones handle color vision and detail.
  • When light contacts these two types of cells, a
    series of complex chemical reactions occurs.
  • These reactions generate electrical impulses in
    the optic nerve which sends it to the brain.
  • The retina contains 100 million rods and 7
    million cones.

How the eye works
  • Eye contains three kinds of color-sensitive
  • Red-sensitive pigment
  • Green-sensitive pigment
  • Blue-sensitive pigment
  • Each cone cell has one of these pigments so that
    it is sensitive to that color. The human eye can
    sense almost any gradation of color when red,
    green and blue are mixed. (Called the
    Tristimulus Theory)

Spectral response functions of 3 types of cones
in human retina.
Color Matching
  • Tristimulus theory leads to notion of matching
    all visible colors with combinations of red,
    green, and blue mono-spectral primaries it
    almost works
  • Negative value gt cannot match, must subtract,
    Note that mixing positive amounts of R, G, B
    primaries provides large color gamut, e.g., CRT.
    But CRT cant show all colors!

CIE Chromaticity Diagram
  • Commission Internationale de lÉclairage (CIE)
  • Defined X, Y, and Z primaries to replace red,
    green and blue primaries
  • x? y?, and z?, color-matching functions (not
    spectral distributions) for these primaries

XYZ Space Showing an RGB
  • The color gamut for a typical color monitor with
    the XYZ color
  • space. The range of colors which can be
    displayed on the monitor
  • is clearly smaller than all colors visible in
    XYZ space.

All colors
Displayable colors
CIE Space
  • Several views of the X Y Z 1 plane of CIE
    space. Left the
  • plane embedded in CIE space. Top right a view
    perpendicular to
  • the plane. Bottom right the projection onto
    the (X, Y) plane (that
  • is, the Z 0 plane), which is the chromaticity

CIE Chromaticity Diagram
  • CIE chromaticity diagram is the projection onto
    the xy plane of the x y z 1 plane
  • Luminance is factored out
  • All perceivable colors with same chromacity but
    different luminances map into same point
  • 100 spectrally pure colors are on curved part

CIE Chromaticity Diagram
  • Uses of CIE Chromaticity diagram
  • Allows us to measure dominant wavelength and
    excitation purity of any color by matching the
    color with a mixture of the 3 CIE primaries
  • Define color mixing
  • Define and compare color gamuts
  • Gamut is set of colors visible via particular

CIE Chromaticity Diagram
  • When two colors added, new color lies on straight
    line connecting two colors A tC (1 t)B
  • Ratio AC/BC is excitation purity of A
  • Complementary colors can be mixed to produce
    white light (a decidedly non-spectral color!)
    white can thus be produced by an approximately
    constant spectral distribution as well as by only
    two complimentary spectral colors, e.g., D and E

Matched color at A
Color Gamuts
  • Any two colors, I and J, can be added to produce
    any color along their connecting line by varying
    relative amounts of two colors
  • Third color K can be used with various mixes of I
    and J to produce a gamut of all colors in
    triangle IJK, again by varying relative amounts
  • Shape of diagram shows why visible red, green and
    blue cannot be additively mixed to match all
    colors no triangle whose vertices are within the
    visible area can completely cover visible area
    (e.g., purple and magenta)
  • Matching of all visible colors requires negative
    amounts of primaries for some

Color Gamuts
  • Smallness of print gamut with respect to color
    monitor gamut faithful reproduction by
    printing must use reduced gamut of colors on

Color Models for Raster Graphics
  • Purpose specify colors in some gamut
  • Since gamut is a subset of all visible
    chromaticities, model does not contain all
    visible colors
  • 3D color coordinate system subset containing all
    colors within a gamut
  • Means to convert to other model(s)

Color Models for Raster Graphics
  • Hardware-oriented models not intuitive do not
    relate to concepts of hue, saturation, brightness
  • RGB, used with color CRT monitors\
  • YIQ, the broadcast TV color system
  • CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) for color printing
  • CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for color
  • User-oriented models
  • HSV (hue, saturation, value) also called HSB
    (hue, saturation, brightness)
  • HLS (hue, whiteness, blackness)
  • The Munsell system
  • HVC (Tektronix proprietary)

The RGB Color Model (1/3)
  • RGB primaries are additive
  • The RGB cube. (Grays are on the dotted main
  • Main diagonal gray levels black is (0, 0,
    0) white is (1, 1, 1)
  • RGB color gamut defined by CRT phosphor
  • Differs form one CRT to another

The RGB Color Model (2/3)
  • Conversion from one RGB gamut to another
  • Convert one to XYZ, then convert from XYZ to
  • Form of each transformation
  • Where xr, xg, and xb are the weights applied to
    the monitors RGB colors to find x, and so on
  • M is the 3 x 3 matrix of color-matching
  • Let M1 and M2 be matrices to convert from each of
    the two monitors gamuts to CIE
  • M2-1 M1 converts form RGB of monitor 1 to RGB of
    monitor 2

The RGB Color Model (3/3)
  • But what if
  • C1 is in the gamut of monitor 1 but is not in the
    gamut of monitor 2, I.e., is outside the unit
    cube and hence is not displayable?
  • Solution 1 clamp RGB at 0 and 1
  • Simple, but distorts color relations
  • Solution 2 compress gamut on monitor 1 by
    scaling all colors from monitor 1 toward center
    of gamut 1
  • Ensure that all displayed colors on monitor 1 map
    onto monitor 2

The CMY(K) Color Model (1/2)
  • Cyan, magenta, and yellow are complements of red,
    green , and blue
  • Subtractive primaries colors are specified by
    what is removed or subtracted from white light,
    rather than by what is added to blackness
  • Cartesian coordinate system
  • Subset is unit cube
  • White is at origin, black at (1, 1, 1)
  • Mixing Subtractive primaries (C,M,Y)

The CMY(K) Color Model (2/2)
  • Color printing presses, some color printers use
    CMYK (Kblack)
  • K used instead of equal amounts of CMY
  • Called undercolor removal
  • Richer black
  • Less ink deposited on paper dries more quickly

The YIQ Color Model
  • Recoding for RGB for transmission efficiency and
    downward compatibility with B/W broadcast TV
    used for NTSC (National Television Standards
    Committee (or never the same color))
  • Y is luminance same as CIE Y primary
  • I and Q encode chromaticity
  • First row relative importance of RGB in
    brightness (Note low B)
  • YIQ exploits properties of our visual system to
    maximize information transmitted
  • More sensitive to changes in luminance than
    changes to hue or saturation. gt More bits to
    represent Y then I or Q
  • 4 MHz for the Y channel
  • 1.5 MHz for I (small images need only 1 color
  • 0.6 MHz for the Q channel

The HSV Color Model (1/2)
  • Hue, saturation, value (Hue, saturation,
  • Hexcone subset of cylindrical (polar) coordinate
  • Single hexcone HSV color model. (The V 1
    plane contains the RGB models R 1, G 1, B
    1, in the regions shown)
  • Has intuitive appeal of the artists tint, shade,
    and tone model

The HSV Color Model (2/2)
  • Colors on V 1 plane are not equally bright
  • Complementary colors 180 opposite
  • Saturation measured relative to color gamut
    represented by model which is subset of
    chromaticity diagram
  • Therefore, 100 S 100 excitation purity
  • Top of HSV hexcone is projection seen by looking
    along principal diagonal of RGB color
  • RGB color cube viewed along the principal
  • Code for RGB HSV on Page 592, 593
  • Note linear path RGB lt gt linear path in HSV!

The HLS color Model
  • Hue, lightness, saturation
  • Double-hexcone subset
  • Maximally saturated hues are at S 1, L 0.5
  • Less attractive for sliders or dials
  • Neither V nor L correspond to Y in YIQ!

Problems with Standard Color
  • They are perceptually non-uniform
  • Move through color space from color C1 to a new
    color C1? through a distance ?C
    C1? C1 ?C
  • Move through the same distance ?C, starting from
    a different color C2
    C2? C2 ?C
  • The change in color in both cases is
    mathematically equal, but is not perceived as
  • Moving a slider almost always causes a perceptual
    change in the other two values, which is not
    reflected by changes in those sliders. Thus,
    changing hue frequently will affect saturation
    and value
  • Ideally want a perceptually uniform space
    two colors that are equally distant
    are perceived as equally distant, and changing
    one value does not perceptually alter the other
  • Historically, the first perceptually-uniform
    color space was the Munsell system

  • 1976 CIE LUV provides a compromise between a
    mathematically described space and a perceptually
    uniform color space
  • Much more perceptually uniform than the 1931 CIE
  • Still described mathematically
  • Given white (Xn, Yn, Zn)
  • These transformations cause regions of colors
    perceived as identical to be of the same size

Tektronix HVC
  • Hue, value, chroma
  • Modification of CIE LUV perceptually uniform
    color space
  • Color space details are proprietary, but CIE LUV
    is computationally simple

Color Model Pros and Cons (1/2)
  • RGB
  • Cartesian coordinate system
  • linear
  • hardware-based (easy to transform to video)
  • tristimulus-based
  • - hard to use to pick and name colors
  • - doesnt cover gamut of perceivable colors
  • - non-uniform equal geometric distance gt
  • perceptual distance
  • CIE
  • covers gamut of perceived colors
  • based on human perception (matching
  • linear
  • contains all other spaces
  • - non-uniform (but two new variations, CIE Lab
    and CIE
  • LUV, are closer to Munsell, which is
  • - xy-plot of chromaticity horseshoe diagram
    doesnt show
  • luminance

Color Model Pros and Cons (2/2)
  • HSV
  • easy to convert to RGB
  • easy to specify colors (artists Model)
  • - non-linear
  • - doesnt cover gamut of perceivable colors
  • - non-uniform

Interactive Specification of Color
  • English-language names
  • Ambiguous and subjective
  • Numeric coordinates in color space with slide
  • Two types of sliders for setting color
  • - Good if user understands how each dimension
    affects color

Interactive Specification of Color
  • Interact with visual representation of the color
  • A convenient way to specify colors in HSV space
  • Important for user to see actual display with new
  • Beware of surround effect!

The gray patches on the blue and yellow
backgrounds are physically identical. But they
dont look that way to begin with, there is a
difference in perceived brightness the patch on
the blue looks brighter than the one on the
yellow, a result of brightness contrast. There
is also a difference in perceived hue, for the
patch on the blue looks somewhat yellowish, while
that on the yellow looks bluish. This is color
contrast, a demonstration that hues tend to
induce their antagonists in neighboring areas.
Interpolating in Color Space (1/2)
  • Interpolation needed for
  • Gouraud shading
  • Antialiasing
  • Blending images together in a fade-in, fade-out
  • Results depend on the color model used
  • RGB, CMY, YIQ, CIE are related by affine
    transformations, hence straight line (I.e.,
    interpolation paths) are maintained during
  • Not so for HSV, HLS, HVC.

Interpolating in Color Space (2/2)
  • For Gouraud shading, use any of the models
    because interpolants generally so close together
    that interpolation paths are close together
  • For blending two images, as in fade-in fade-out
    sequence or for antialiasing, colors may be quite
  • Use additive model, such as RGB
  • If interpolating between two colors of fixed hue
    (or saturation), maintain fixed hue (saturation)
    for all interpolated colors by HSV or HLS
  • Note fixed-saturation interpolation in HSV or HLS
    is not seen as having exactly fixed saturation by

Using Color in Computer
  • Aesthetic uses
  • Establish a tone or mood
  • Promote realism
  • Highlight
  • Code numeric quantities
  • Temperature across the U.S.
  • People use color even in cases when there is no
    quantitative evidence that it improves
    understanding in what they are trying to
  • Based on likes and dislikes

Using Color in Computer
Graphics Functionality
  • Careless use of color perilous
  • Decorative use of color subservient to functional
  • Test with real users
  • Provide best judgment defaults
  • Allow user to override defaults
  • Design first for a monochrome display (color use
    is redundant in monochrome displays and for
    color-blind users)
  • Conservative is better !

Using Color in Computer
Graphics Approach
  • Color harmony
  • Select colors according to some method, typically
    by traversing a smooth path in a color model
  • Restrict colors to planes or hexcones in a color
  • Space colors at equal perceptual distances
  • Light-dark contrast more important than hue
  • Specifics
  • If a chart contains just a few colors, the
    complement of one of the colors should be used as
    the background
  • Use neutral (gray) background for an image with
    many colors
  • Separate non-harmonious colors by thin black
  • Coding
  • Use small number of colors
  • Show reference scale
  • Color can carry unintended meanings
  • Bright, saturated colors stand out (may give
    unintended emphasis)
  • Display elements of same color may incorrectly be
    associated by user

Using Color in Computer Graphics
Physiological Rules (1/2)
  • Eye is more sensitive to spatial variation
  • Fine detail should vary from the background not
    just in chromaticity, but in brightness
  • For color-blind users, avoid reds and greens with
    low saturation and luminance
  • Color of small objects less than 20-40 minutes of
    arc are not distinguishable

Using Color in Computer Graphics
Physiological Rules (2/2)
  • Difficult to perceive color when used with small
    objects dont use color coding for them
  • Perceived color of object is affected by color of
    surrounding area
  • Strongly saturated colors produce after images
  • Color affects perceived size
  • Red seen as larger than green
  • Colors refract differently through our lens
    appear at different depths
  • Red (closer) vs blue (farther) strongest effect
  • Apply color conservatively, not gratuitously --
    color-it-is as bad as font-it-is

Negative Afterimage
  • Stare at the center of the figure for about a
    minute or two, and then look at a blank white
    screen or a white piece of paper
  • Blink once or twice the negative afterimage will
    appear within a few seconds showing the rose in
    its correct colors (red petals and green
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