Title: Education Requirements
1Explanation of General
2Short Course in MUs General Education
- A genius is a talented person who does his
homework. - Thomas Edison
- Disclaimer This Web-based tutorial should not be
viewed as a complete description of all the
precise requirements for Gen Ed. It does not
replace the Catalog, Curriculum Guide, or DARS,
but is intended to aid in understanding those
3Your Major is Built on a Foundation of General
Education Courses
- Art
- Communications
- English
- Foreign Languages
- Humanities
- Music
- Philosophy
- Theater?
Pick 4 courses total, including 2 courses from 1
department (but no more than 2 courses from 1
dept. can count in this block!)
5Science MathematicsG2 Block
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Earth Sciences
- Mathematics
- Nursing
- Physics
Pick 4 courses total, including 2 courses from 1
department (but no more than 2 AND with the
restrictions that follow!)
6Physical/Life Science Requirement G2 Block
- Must take at least 2 courses from among these
departments (including at least 1 lab) - Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth science
- Physics?
7Mathematics RequirementG2 Block
- All students must take at least one approved math
course - Math 100 or higher (not including Math 101)
- Some majors (e.g., El Ed, OSEH, Biology, etc.)
require one or more specific math courses. - Math 101 (College Algebra) does not count in this
block! - Computer Science courses dont count
- as math or a physical/life science ?
8Social SciencesG3 Block
- African-Amer Studies
- Anthropology
- Business
- Economics
- Geography
- Gerontology
- History
- International Studies
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Social Work
- Womens Studies?
Pick 4 courses total, including 2 courses from 1
department (but no more than 2 courses from 1
dept. can count in this block!)
9Additional Gen Ed Requirements (G4)
- Fundamentals
- Composition (ENGL 110)
- Speech (COMM 100)
- A Perspectives (P) course
- A 2nd Perspectives course or other Gen Ed
Elective - 4 Writing Intensive (W) courses
- An Upper Level Writing (AW) course
- Wellness (WELL 175)?
10Now that weve enumerated the requirements, lets
review some general principles that guide the
program and tools to help you along the way.
11At MU Writing is Central to the Academic Process
- Gen Ed Writing Requirements
- English Comp ENGL 110
- 4 Writing Intensive (W)
Courses - 1 Advanced Writing (AW) Course
ENGL 311, 312, 313, or 316?
12General Education Rules of Thumb
- Courses must be approved for Gen Ed
- 2 courses in same dept. in each block
- 3 courses at 200 level or above
- 4 W courses Anywhere
- AW is NOT W
- Some courses can count twice (e.g., major
required related and Gen Ed 200-level G1 and W )?
13Other Sources of Help
- Adviser
- MU Web Sites
Degree Audit Reporting System
Degree Audit Reporting System
14(No Transcript)
15Go Back to Our Home Page Click Here For Your
Transcript DARS
Looking for a Major? Need Study Help? Go to
16What or Who Is DARS and How Can It Help Me?
17 A Long Time Ago, in a Universe(ity) Far,
Far Away... A Long, Long Time Ago, in
a Universe(ity) Far, Far Away...
An Administrator determined that neither faculty
nor students were capable of understanding
curriculum requirements. Only the Great
DARS with the help of his disciple MAX, was able
to decipher the general education curriculum and
ultimately determine if and when you will ever
18Work With Your Adviser To Select the Right Courses
- Your Adviser Wants to Help You
- Check Out His/Her Office Hours
- Set an Introductory Appointment
- See Adviser Before Registering
- Develop a 4 Year Plan?
19Begin a 4 Year Plan With Your Adviser
- Fall (Fresh yr.)
- ENGL 110
- ESCI 104/105
- PSYC 100
- HIST 106
- MUSI 100
- Fall (Soph. yr.)
- Consider W Courses
- Pre-Requisites
- Major/Minor Exploration
- Completion of G Blocks
- Spring (Fresh yr.)
- MATH 100
- WELL 175
- ENGL 230
- COMM 100
- BIOL 100
- Spring (Soph. yr.)
- Consider W Courses
- Pre-Requisites
- Major/Minor Exploration
- Completion of G Blocks
The example given above might represent the
first two years of study for someone entering MU
as an undecided major. Other sample plans are
available for majors at Departmental Websites.
20Dont Be Timid
- Your Advisers Job is to Advise!
- Course Advice
- Selection
- Exceptions
- Career Decisions
- Academic Policies
- Graduate School ?
21But the ultimate responsibility lies with you
- Keep track of your progress with DARS and gold
(GenEd), blue (major), and gray (minor) sheets
http//muweb.millersville.edu/forms/student/ - Keep your records current file forms promptly
with Registrar for change of major, minor,
transfer courses, etc. http//muweb.millersville.e
du/advisemt/ - Keep in touch with your advisor
- Use all the support available to get the job done
22If You Still Have Questions
- See Your Adviser
- Visit or Call the Office of Academic Advisement
Springtime on Campus
It is better to know some of the questions than
all of the answers. James Thurber