Title: Public Information Systems
1Public Information Systems Unit 8.1 Lesson 2 of 6
2Lesson Objectives
- At the end of this lesson you will
- Know how weather information is obtained.
- Understand the difference between primary data
and secondary information. - Be able to investigate different weather data
logging instruments using the Internet to find
out the types of data they can collect.
3What weather do these people need?
Farmer Sailor Skier Cricketer Music
Festival Organiser
4Secondary Data
Weather forecasts are called Secondary
information. This means that you are not
getting the raw information yourself. Someone
else has collected it for you and you
they interpret what it means.
This is why we get very
clear weather
forecasts on
the TV!
5Primary Data
- Weather information such as the temperature (ºC),
the amount of rain that falls (mm), or the wind
speed (mph) are all examples of primary data
which you can collect by using the correct
instrument. - Temperature Thermometer
- Rain Rainfall counter
- Wind Anemometer
6Lesson activity
Visit the following sites and investigate
different types of weather collecting
instruments. www.rainwise.com www.maximum-inc.com
www.smarthome.com/weather.html www.txwx.com How
does the instrument work? What data does it
collect and any other relevant information.
Write up in Microsoft Word titled Weather Data
7Lesson Objectives
- You should now
- Know how weather information is obtained i.e.
weather instruments. - Understand the difference between primary data
and secondary information. - Be able to investigate different weather
instruments using the Internet to find out the
types of data you can collect.