Title: Entire operational system should be focused on multi
1 Entire operational system should be focused
on multi- Model EPS Obs, Model development,
Data Assimilation, Products, Interpretations
2Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction Systems,
Ken Mylne and David Richardson
3(No Transcript)
4Background application of ECMWF EPS
- Met Office makes good use of ECMWF ensemble for
medium-range - Medium-range forecasts based on most-probable
outcome - Early warnings of severe weather based on EPS
probabilities - Increasing emphasis on risk management tools
- Need for short-range probabilities
- Previous research shows benefit of multi-model
5Global EPS
- Global Ensemble provides
- Perturbed LBCs for LAMEPS
- Global coverage for targeting and forecasts
- Contribution to TIGGE
- Now planned to run to 15 days with 20 members
- Operational collaboration with NCEP and MSC
6Met Office Short-Range EPS Plans
- Nested Global and Regional ensembles for
short-range - Grid-lengths
- 90km Global
- 20km Regional
- Around 16 members
- Run to T72
- ETKF initial condition perturbations
- Stochastic physics
- Integrated with observation targeting
- Running for demonstration testing from August
7Medium-range Ensemble Prediction at ECMWF
- Roberto Buizza1, Martin Leutbecher1, Tim Palmer1
and Glenn Shutts1,2 - Contributions from Jean Bidlot, Graham Holt,
Martin Miller, Mark Rodwell, Adrian Simmons and
Nils Wedi to the development of VAREPS are
acknowledged. - 1 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (www.ecmwf.int) - 2 Met Office (www.met-office.gov.uk)
8The four key messages of this talk
- The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) has
been continuously improving. Results indicate a
2 day/decade gain in predictability for
probabilistic products. - Changes implemented on 28 September 2004 will
further improve the reliability of tropical
cyclones track prediction. - Future changes in the singular vectors are
expected to improve the accuracy of EPS
forecasts, especially in the earlier forecast
range. - The future implementation of the VAriable
Resolution EPS is expected to improve the EPS
accuracy in the early/medium-range, and will
extend the EPS forecast length to 14 days. VAREPS
will be the first step of the implementation of a
seamless EPS.
9The EPS performance has been continuously
- These changes helped to continuously improve the
EPS accuracy. - The continuous improvement is shown, e.g., by the
time evolution of three accuracy measures,
ROCAfgtc, BSSfgtc and RPPS.
10Over NH, Z500 EPS predictability has increased by
- Results indicate that considering Z500 d5 and
d7 forecasts over NH - The EPS control has improved by 1 day/decade
- The EPS ens-mean has improved by 1.5
day/decade - The EPS probabilistic products have improved by
2-3 day/decade
11ECMWF, MSC and NCEP performance for 3 month
- Recent studies 2,9 have shown that, accordingly
to many accuracy measures, the ECMWF EPS can be
considered the most accurate single-model
ensemble system. - This is shown, e.g., by the comparison of the EV
of 10-member ensembles based on the ECMWF, MSC
(Meteorological Service of Canada) and NCEP
(National Centers for Environmental Predictions)
EPSs 9 (Z500 over NH). - EV, the potential economic value, is the
reduction of the mean expenses with respect to
the reduction that can be achieved by using a
perfect forecast 4,16.
12ECMWF, MSC and NCEP performance for 3 month
- The ECMWF leading performance 9, estimated to
be equivalent to a gain of 1 day of
predictability, has been linked to - A better analysis
- A better model
- A better estimation of the PDF of forecast
states. - This latest point can be seen, e.g., by comparing
the ensemble spread and the ensemble-mean
forecast error of 10-member ensembles based on
the NCEP, MSC and ECMWF EPSs (Z500 over NH).
13The Sep 04 change in the definition of TR-SVs
target areas
- On 28 Sep, one major change was introduced in the
EPS. In the new system - Target areas are computed considering TCs
predictions - Areas are allowed to extend north of 30ºN
- Up to 6 areas can now be targeted
- Tropical depression (WMO cl?1) detected between
40S-40N are targeted - SVs are computed using a new ortho-normalization
14Impact of the Sep 04 change in the TR-SVs
target areas
Results based on 44 cases (from 3 Aug to 15 Sep
2004) indicate that the implemented changes in
the computation of the tropical areas has a
positive impact on the reliability diagram of
strike probability.
15VAREPS definition, and planned implementation
- VAREPS configuration
- D0-7 TL399L40, dt1800s
- D7-14 TL255L40, dt2700s
- Rationale predictability of small scales is
lost relatively earlier in the forecast range.
Therefore, while forecasts benefit from a
resolution increase in the early forecast range,
they do not suffer so much from a resolution
reduction in the long range. - Implementation Q3-Q4 2004
16NRL Ensemble Research Carolyn Reynolds
New (NCAR-NRL) ensemble perturbation system based
on NAVDAS analysis error variance estimates.
Larger amplitudes in the tropics and sub-tropics
than the current operational (bred-mode) scheme.
17NRL Ensemble Research
New method has comparable or better mean skill
than current (above). Rank histograms (right)
shows new method still under dispersive, though
better than current system. (Results for 850-mb
U April 01-10)
Preliminary results Comparable (better)
performance in the mid-latitudes (tropics).
Current and future work will consider model error
and ensemble transform (Bishop and Toth, 1999)
for both global and mesoscale.