Title: The Horse Show Edition
1 2The Show Bow
3The Ponytail
- Acceptable in the jumper ring but not in the
hunter or equitation rings
4Hunter Hair
- How your hair should be worn
5The Unapproved Helmet
- You may not wear a helmet that is not approved
It is worth noting however that both riders are
sporting hunter hair
6Approved Helmets
Rider is now sporting an approved helmet. Once
again notice the hunter hair.
7Coloured breeches
- Acceptable for schooling but NOT showing
8 Show Shirts
Bright colours should be avoided
- Are different from collared shirts (unless you
are Kevin or Mark)
9Stock Pins
- Should only be worn with stock ties, which should
be worn with shadbellies, which are not worn in
the equitation ring
- Tall boots must be worn in all divisions except
beginner (half chaps are also allowed)
If half chaps must be worn (because you do not
have tall boots and no one elses fit you) they
should not be black or brown not coloured
Paddock boots are allowed only in the beginner
division if you do not have tall boots
11So What SHOULD You Wear?
Light coloured show shirt (white is nice for
Approved helmet with hunter hair
Conservatively coloured hunt coat (dark colours
are nice for equitation)
Beige breeches (or puke green)
Tall field boots
Black gloves (yellow gloves are a pet peeve of