Title: DFW SIM Members Hold this date: May 17th
1DFW SIM MembersHold this date May 17th
- 9th Annual Golf Tournament
- Bridlewood Golf Club
2 SIM Golf Tournament Details
3Sponsors Needed!!
- The tournament is our only fundraising event of
the year.
- We need at least 26 sponsors 18 holes, putting
contest, shirts, lunch, dinner, longest drive
(m/w), and closest to the hole (m/w).
- A sponsor fee is 2,500 (shirts may be more).
- NOW is the time to start signing up sponsors.
Heres how
- Solicit your own company re sponsoring a hole.
- Contact your best vendors. It's not always the
largest companies that have come through for us.
- Look at the attached list from past tournaments
and contact any you do business with. Contact
other good vendors and send us their names.
Lets leverage our buying power by letting them
know how many of their valued customers belong to
SIM ! - Checks should be made payable to SIM DFW Chapter
and mailed to
- Dot Autrey, 4617 Post Oak Drive, Frisco, TX
75034. (Tax ID is 75-2637845.)
- Questions? Contact either Dot Autrey,
972.712.2016, or Gregg Birdsall, 817.348.1703.
4Past Sponsors 2003 - 2006
5 9th Annual Golf Tournament
Registration Form
SIM Member Participant
Name ________________________________________
________________ Company Name__________________
Address ________________________________________
_______________ Phone Number __________________
E-MailAddress _______________________________
Notice Please return all member registration fo
rms to Gregg Birdsall gbirdsall_at_hallmarkgrp.com
or FAX 817.348.1815 no later than Thursday, May 1
0, 2007! Registration is first-come, first-serv
ed. For any questions, please contact Gregg B
irdsall 817.348.1703 or Dot Autrey 972.712.2016.