Title: 2006 Kidney Cancer Survivors Day
12006 Kidney Cancer Survivors Day
- Patient Advocacy
- Steve Kazan
- May 6, 2006
- 39 years when first diagnosed
- 10 cm tumor removed July 2000, stage II
- 5.75 years with no evidence of disease
- Wonderful family
- Wife Ellen
- Kids Henry (7) Sophia (2)
- Support groupcoordinator
- Member of CA Foundation Board
3Patient Environment
- Be aggressive
- With treatment
- Improve your health
- Be educated
- Learn as much as you can
- Based in science
- Fight fear with knowledge
- Be supportive
- Share resources, patients know best
- Share advice
- Spread the word
- Patient Support Group
- Educate (Presentations, postings, mailings)
- Patients
- Doctors
- Lobby (Letters phone calls)
- Government
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Public opinion
- Fundraising
6NorCal Support Group
- Purpose To provide support for kidney cancer
patients - 4 Meetings a year _at_ CPMC
- 1-2 Speakers per meeting
- Posting presentations
- Patient to Patient Support
- Supported by KCA CA KC Foundation
- Thank you.
7Support Group Speakers
- Sample speakers
- Drs. Minor, Rini, Srinavas, Wood
- Pharmaceutical company representatives
- Sample Topics
- Clinical Trials Avastin, Heat protein, etc.
- Coping Nutrition, health insurance, exercise
- Issues updates science, public policy
- Support group interaction
- Research sources
8Presentations in Action
9Educational Resources
- Web pages
- http//www.cancer.org/docroot/
- http//www.curekidneycancer.org/
- http//www.cancerguide.org
- http//www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/kidney
- http//cancer.seer.cancer.gov/cgi-bin/
- Post presentations
- Support calls
10Upcoming Meetings
- Additional 2006 Meeting Dates
- June 3rd Members dialogue
- Sept. 16th
- Nov 18th
- Meetings are from 3 - 5 pm at CPMC, California
Street, on Saturday afternoons - Serve cookies, coffee fruit
- Is the Support Group a good deal are donations
well-spent? - YES!
- Leverage is the goal
- Meetings - 165 runs a meeting
- Stretching with volunteers
- Free meeting room
- Cheap postcards email invitations
12Does CK Funding Pay an ROI?
13National Cost of Kidney Cancer
Source Cancer Source UK of Population is
projected by American Cancer Soc. Estimated costs
include surgery, xrays, ct scans, drugs, office
visits Seer Medicare estimate was 1.9B in 2004,
2.7B in 2006 cited inBrown, M.L., Medical Care,
2002, August 40, IV-104-17 Does not include lost
work time, etc.
14What if We Could Change the Rate?
Yes, that is right, 300 million in savings Govt
funding is 30.5M 10 times greater!!!
15Cost Benefit Per Individual
What if we could take one patient from a Stage X
to a Stage X-1?
16Support Group Payback
This is the payback on getting a single support
group patient to move up one stage.
17Government Funding per New CaseProjected 2005
18Government Funding per MortalityProjected 2005
19Are the Donations Worth It?
- Yes, in the extreme!
- What you can do to helpDONATE!
- California Kidney Cancer Foundation
- Kidney Cancer Association
- Benefit
- More better research
- More education to catch kidney cancer earlier
20Thank You!
- Be aggressive
- With treatment
- Improve your health
- Be educated
- Learn as much as you can
- Based in science
- Fight fear with knowledge
- Be supportive
- Share resources
- Share advice
- Spread the word
21Backup Slides
22National Policy
- 15M funding request in FY06 Defense
Appropriation bill - Dear Colleague letter from Senators Charles
Schumer and Arlen Specter - Meeting requests to Senators Boxer and Feinstein
ignored - Offers of participation welcome
23Growing Incidence Rates
- Survival rates (source American Cancer Soc.)
- All stages 62.6
- Local 89.9
- Regional 60.0
- Distant 9.1
- The incidence of Renal Cell Carcinoma has
increased 38 from 1974 to1990. - Source Figlin RA Renal cell carcinoma
management of advanced disease J Urol
1999161381-387 - the number of cases of kidney cancer has risen
(in the U.K.) by 68 over the past 20 years. - Source National Kidney Research Fund (United
24American Cancer Society
- 2004 incidence 2005 incidence
Increase - All Cancer 1,368,030
1,372,910 .4 - Kidney Cancer 35,710
36,160 1.3 - 2004 mortality 2005 mortality Increase
- All Cancer 563,700
570,280 1.2 - Kidney Cancer 12,480
12,660 1.4
25Cancer Action Plan
26Kidney Cancer Facts
- Usually occurs in adults between ages of 50 and
70 but rising incidence among younger people - third of patients have metastases at time of
diagnosis - Five-year survival rate in patients with
metastasized Kidney Cancer is 9 - Kidney Cancer has been known to recur 5, 10, or
20 years after original diagnosis and treatment
(i.e. nephrectomy )
- Cancer deaths over last 5 years
- Prostate cancer decreased by 26
- Lung Cancer decreased by 8
- Kidney cancer increased by 2