Title: The Groceries Order
1The Groceries Order
- Monday, April 2nd 2007
- John Evans
- The Competition Authority
What was the Groceries Order?
History of the Groceries Order(s)
The Groceries Order Debate
Competition Authority Arguments
Life after the Groceries Order
Concluding Comment
3What was the Groceries Order?
4GO as an RPM Mechanism
- The Grocery Order prohibited the resale of
certain grocery goods, along all stages of the
supply chain, below the invoice price for those
goods - In effect the Grocery Order was a Resale Price
Maintenance (RPM) Mechanism - The practice of RPM, in any market, is typically
regarded as anticompetitive - Enforced by the Office of the Director of
Consumer Affairs. - Example consider a jar of baby food
- Invoiced at 2.00 by a wholesaler to a retailer
- Retailer receives end of year off-invoice loyalty
discount worth 0.20 per jar - The retailer has to charge a minimum resale price
equal to the net invoice price of 2.00 - But, the real cost to the retailer of 1.80
protected margin is 0.20. - Restricts Competition - how?
- Wholesaler from the example, can effectively set
the retail price for different retailers that it
trades with thereby restricting competition
among retailers - But, negotiate different discounts with different
5History of the Groceries Order
6The Early Orders - 1956
- The 1956 Order (came into effect in 1958)
following a recommendation from the Fair Trade
Commission (FTC). - The Order applied to a variety of grocery goods
and contained provisions that - Prohibited RPM
- Prohibited collective price fixing by suppliers
and wholesaler (at the time many retail prices
were set by the State) - Prohibited refusal to supply based on supplier
dissatisfaction with resale price - But allowed refusal to supply where retailers
resold below the wholesale price - Also contained fairness provisions but
allowed suppliers to distinguish classes of
customers. - Competition
- Some pro competitive elements to the 1956 Order
- But, competition among retailers restricted by
the state to significant extent through price
controls - Motivation was some notion of fairness relating
to producers, not consumers.
7The Early Orders - 1973
- 1966 FTC review of grocery trade no change
despite call for ban on sales below cost. - In 1970, following a large number of complaints
from the industry, the FTC undertook another
review of the grocery trade - The FTC reported in 1972 and a new Order was
enacted - 1973 Order banned advertising of sales below cost
for food groceries - But not sales below cost
- 1973 Order did not revoke the 1956 Order, but
amended it so that suppliers could not refuse to
supply food groceries. - Context
- At this point supermarkets had arrived and
multiples were developing - Pressure from many quarters but especially from
small retailers for protection - For example, RGDATA wanted a ban on sales below
cost plus 5. - FTC rejected, for the third time, calls for a ban
on sales below cost anticipating that - Defining below cost would be difficult
- It would restrict competition.
8Early Orders 1978/1981
- The Restrictive Practice Commission (which had
replaced the FTC) conducted reviews in 1975 and
1978, leading to the enactment of two Orders in
1978. - First 1978 Order - Fresh and frozen foods removed
from the scope of the Orders. - Second 1978 Order
- Reinstated provisions allowing suppliers to
refuse to supply where resale was below cost - Introduced a definition of below cost selling as
selling below the net invoice price (did not
account for off-invoice discounts and rebates). - 1980, RPC again considered and rejected banning
sales below cost, but 1981 Order strengthened
provisions relating to the advertisement of sales
below cost.
9The 1987 Groceries Order
- Another review by the RPC in 1986
- Considered that the ban on advertising of sales
below cost had become ineffective - Recommended ban on sales below cost.
- Context
- Price war put H. Williams out of business
- RPC criteria appears to have been based on
notions of fairness (for producers). - The RPC did
- Recognise that the definition of cost as the
net-invoice price was inadequate - Accept that there was a trade off between
protecting producer interests and restricting
Although we have examined the effects of a
prohibition in considerable detail, they are
difficult to predict with certainty.We cannot
overlook however, the views of manufacturers and
independent retailers that it would make a
significant difference to them
10The Groceries Order Debate
11Leading up to the Removal
- 1991 Review by RPC
- Recommended removing the ban
- Minority report by Myles OReilly.
- 1991 Competition Law introduced
- Contained provisions relating to the abuse of a
dominant position (Section 5) - In particular, relating to predatory pricing.
- 1993 and 1995 Internal Review by Department of
Enterprise, Trade and employment recommended
removing the Order - 1996 Competition and Mergers Review Group were
divided majority were in favour of removal. - 2005 Public Consultation on the Groceries Order
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
12Arguments for the Retention of the Order
- The Food Deserts argument
- The removal of the Order will result in
elimination of small shops from the retail
landscape undermining vibrant town centres and
creating urban and rural food deserts. - The Employment argument
- The removal of the Order will result in a loss of
jobs in the grocery trade. - The Consumer Protection Argument
- The removal of the Order will allow large
multiples to engage in predatory conduct, drive
smaller shops from the market and ultimately
raise prices.
13Consumer Strategy Group Report 2005
- Since 1987, the Groceries Order (GO) has
prohibited selling many items at below the
invoiced price. This measure was introduced in
order to protect smaller independent stores who
could not compete efficiently with large
multiples directly on cost. The number of
independent grocery retail outlets declined
considerably between 1977 and 2002. - Many arguments have been put forward for both
the retention and the abolition of the Groceries
Order, but the current situation operates against
the interests of consumers.
14National Consumer Agency
- Consumer demand for convenience shopping
indicates that there is no reason to believe that
independent shops and chains will not continue to
service both rural and urban communities. - There have been several reviews of the Groceries
Order since 1987, and most have concluded that
the Order is a bad deal for Irish consumers. The
Groceries Order is now well past its sell by
date. It should be abolished so that the consumer
can benefit.
15National Competitiveness Council
- Irelands ascent through the consumer pricing
ranks is partly due to fluctuations in the value
of the euro, which is out of the control of Irish
policy makers. But it also stems from high
domestically-generated prices, particularly in
the non-traded services sector. Decisions by
government, its agencies and regulators have also
contributed adversely to inflation. This has
damaging implications for the enterprise sector
and the ability of Irish firms to compete in
foreign markets.
16Chambers of Commerce of Ireland
- this is a highly complex issue, the key points
of which have been obscured in the debate to
date. CCI agrees with retailers that below-cost
selling is wrong. However, our analysis suggests
that the Groceries Order does not address this
issue at all. Rather it is a ban on below
invoice cost selling an anti-competitive
practice that prohibits businesses from passing
on to the customer, discounts that they receive
from suppliers in the form of an end of year
17Competition Authority Arguments
18Three Separate Headings
- Object - the primary objective of the Groceries
Order is to restrict competition - Reduces competition at the retail level by
restricting retailers scope to compete on price - Weak competition at the retail level tends to
feed back up the chain of distribution to
wholesalers, manufacturers, producers etc. - Effect - the effect of the Groceries Order is to
reduce competition and increase prices (tends to
impact lower income groups disproportionately)
and, - Proportionality - the Groceries Order does not
meet and is not necessary to achieve the claimed
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- Foods deserts arguments and Employment arguments.
- Predatory pricing arguments
- The plausibility of the alleged predation - ex
ante and an ex post analysis does the alleged
predation makes economic sense - market facts -
Did the alleged victim go out of business? Did
prices drop dramatically only to be raised
subsequently? - A business justification if there is a
plausible case, could there be other plausible
explanations? - Feasibility of recoupment can short term losses
can be recovered through charging higher prices
in the medium to longer term? Depends on entry
conditions and ultimately dominance. - Pricing below cost what measure of cost?
- A simple ban on sales below some ad hoc measure
of cost will on balance be anticompetitive.
The American economist Harold Demsetz wrote "The
attempt to reduce or to eliminate predatory
pricing is also likely to reduce or eliminate
competitive pricing beneficial to consumers."
22Colm McCarthy
- The basic scary story goes like this. If big bad
retailers are free to cut prices, without the
restraint of the Groceries Order, they would do
so with ferocity, drive out the smaller
competitors (ultimately all competitors), just
one would survive and this rapacious monopolist
would then screw the consumer for ever more. - The story has been around since about the
Eighties, and the beginnings of pro-competition
and antitrust legislation in the US and Europe. - While not quite as venerable as the Grimms' Fairy
Tales, the predatory-pricing bogeyman is out of
the same tradition, and has about as much
evidence to support it. - Can you think of a single monopoly currently
screwing Irish consumers which won its position
through a successful predatory pricing campaign
23The Removal of the Order
- In 2005 confluence of consumer interests
- National Consumer Agency
- Competition Authority
- Consumer Strategy Group
- National Competitiveness Council
- Eddie Hobbs!
- Interesting from an Irish political economy point
of view Consumer v. Producer Interests. - The Order was finally removed on March 20th 2006.
24Life after the Groceries Order
25The Grocery Monitor
- Ministerial Request and the 2006 Social
Partnership - Unusual Request
- To monitor on an ongoing basis
- Unusual for an ex ante regulator
- But perhaps not surprising given the history
multitude of reports and review groups. - The Grocery Monitor three aspects
- Market structure at Retail and Wholesale levels
- Business Practices Pricing behaviour and
Vertical Integration (franchise arrangements)
and, - Barriers to Entry and Expansion.
- At a minimum aim is to raise the level and
nature of public debate by putting the
appropriate information in the public domain.
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28Concluding Comment
29Concluding Comment
- Between 1956 to 1987, Government policy in
relation to the grocery reversed largely due to
consistent lobbying by producer interests - Only one of the multitude of reports and reviews
recommended a ban on below cost selling - It took a further 19 years to reverse it again.
- The nature of the debate changed over time
- From one concerning notions of fairness among
producers - To a more consumer focused debate.
- The Groceries Order was a public restriction on
competition what if were private - Possibly criminal under Competition Law
- See Ford Dealers case 30,000 fine plus twelve
months suspended sentence.
30Useful References
- Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment
(2005), The Restrictive Practices (Groceries)
Order 1987 A Review and Report of Public
Consultation Process. - Forfas (2004), National Competitiveness Council -
Annual Competitiveness Report. - Consumer Strategy Group (2005), Consumer Strategy
Group Report Making Consumers Count. - Collins A, and Oustapassidis K. (1997), Below
Cost Legislation and Retail Performance,
Agribusiness Discussion Paper No 15. - Walsh P.P, Whelan C. (1999), A Rationale for
Repealing the 1987 Groceries Order in Ireland,
The Economic and Social Review, Vol.30, No.1,
pp.71-90. - Walsh P.P, Whelan C. (1999), Loss-Leading and
Price Intervention in Multi-Product Retailing
Welfare Outcomes in a Second Best World, The
International Review of Law and Economics,
Vol.19, No.3.