Title: Mrs. Antoninis Kindergarten Class
1Mrs. Antoninis Kindergarten Class
Fall Fun 2003
2The Fall Fun began the very first day of
Kindergarten !
3Mrs. Antonini introduces the class to the
Gingerbread Man!
Then we all went to find him on a tour of Willow
4We were good at AB patterns right from the start!
5Making Friends
And having fun!
6Smile! ?
7Miss Simpson reads a story to the girls.
8And now for the Teddy Bear Picnic!!
9(No Transcript)
10Thats one BIG bear! Thanks, Noah!
11Boys and girls and bears. OH MY!
12Everyone wanted a chance to sit with our special
13Too bad we had not met Mr. B with his Beautiful
14.He would have loved our Big Bear Buddies!!!
15Next we took our Munching Mouths outside to eat
our Many yummy Bear snacks Mmmmm
16Miss Simpson was so glad she was there for the
Big day!
17Special thanks to everyone who donated snacks
to make our picnic Beary successful!
18Say hello to
Mr. F
And his funny
19We had so much fun having funny feet!!!
20Our feet looked so fantastic,
We paraded down the hall!
21We hope our family thinks our feet were funny too!
22When Mr. F came to visit, we had fun learning
about fire safety, and even got to wear fire
23We are off to such a great start! In our mission
statement we promised to have fun, share, make
new friends, follow the I-care rules and learn
lots of new things. As you can see, weve kept
our word! Thank you so much for coming to Open
House and letting us share with you! Were
looking forward to a fabulous year! Mrs.
Antonini is so proud of us, and we hope you are
too! Thanks for everything!